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ITU Workshop on the “Internet of Things - Trend and Challenges in Standardization†(Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014). Focus Group on M2M Service Layer. Kaoru Kenyoshi (NEC) ( Kaoru.Kenyoshi@EMEA.NEC.COM ) On behalf of Heyuan Xu FG M2M Chairman, MIIT, China, xuheyuan@catr.cn.
ITU Workshop on the “Internet of Things - Trend and Challenges in Standardization” (Geneva, Switzerland, 18 February 2014) Focus Group on M2M Service Layer Kaoru Kenyoshi (NEC) (Kaoru.Kenyoshi@EMEA.NEC.COM ) On behalf of Heyuan Xu FG M2M Chairman, MIIT, China, xuheyuan@catr.cn
Focus Group on M2M Service Layer • Focus Groups can be created for the quick development of specifications (deliverables, not Recommendations) in their chosen areas which are not covered within an existing Study Group. • FG M2M initiated in April 2012 • FG M2M concluded officially in December 2013. • M2M (Machine to Machine communication) covers a wide area. FG M2M focuses initially on the services and applications for e-health.
Focus Group on M2M Service Layer • Study areas of M2M service layerand e-health • definitions, terminology, taxonomies • business model • use case • Network requirements • Network architecture • interface and protocols. • Collaborate with medical and clinical sector (e.g. WHO, mHealth Alliance)
Objectives • Collect documents from other SDOs • Draft technical reports focused on M2M service layer and e-health. • Facilitate and encourage the participation and contribution of vertical market stakeholders
Working Groups structure • FG Chairperson • Leadership: Heyuan Xu (CATR) • WG1 Use cases and service models • Leadership: M. Morrow (Cisco), R. Istepanian (Kingston University), M. Berrebi (eDevice) • WG2 Requirements and architectural framework of the M2M Service Layer • Leadership: M. Carugi (ZTE), H.J. Kim (ETRI) • WG3 API and protocols • Leadership: A. Amer(STC), H. Himeno (NEC)
M2M standardization activities and gap analysis: e-health Deliverables D0.1 Scope The scope of this document is to provide a list of e-health related standardization activities of relevant organizations and to produce a gap analysis of relevant study items resulting in a work that could be undertaken by the ITU-T. • WHO • CEN/TC 251 • ISO/TC 215 • Continua Health Alliance • GS1 Healthcare • DICOM • HL7 • esSOS • IHE • mHealth Alliance • GSMA • ETSI TC M2M • ITU-T SG11,13,16,17
M2M enabled ecosystems: e-health Deliverables D0.2 e-health system overview Scope This deliverable provides an overview of the e-health ecosystem enabled by M2M. The main objectives of this deliverable are to describe concepts of e-health and the conceptual model of the e-health ecosystem incorporating M2M capabilities. .
M2M use cases: e-health Deliverables D1.1 Scope The main objective of this deliverable is to describe use cases of e-health applications and services involving the usage of M2M technologies..
M2M use cases: e-health Deliverables D1.1
M2M service layer: requirements and architectural framework Deliverables D2.1 ITU-T M2M service layer Scope The objective of this Deliverable is to identify common requirements of M2M service layer for al M2M verticals including e-health specific requirements, and provide architectural framework of M2M service layer.
M2M service layer: API and protocol overview Deliverables D3.1 M2M reference system model Scope This Deliverable provides an overview of APIs and protocols for the M2M service layer and the related API and protocol requirements.At first, it describes the technical reference model for a M2M enabled system, including the reference points of the M2M service layer. Then, APIs and protocols for M2M are introduced, including existing APIs and protocols for M2M and M2M protocol structure and stacks. Finally, API and protocol requirements with respect to the M2M service layer are analysed.
Past meetings in 2012 • 2nd: June 26-28 • Beijing by CATR • 3rd: August 29-31 • Geneva • 4th: November 13-15 • San Jose by Cisco • 1st : April 17-18 • Geneva in 2013 • 5th: January 22-24 • Santander • by Univ. of Cantabria • 7th: April 27-30, • Riyadh by STC • 12th: December 3-6, • London by NEC • 9th: July 16-19, • Bordeaux by e-device • 11th: October 8-11, • Jeju by ETRI 6th, 8th and 10th meetings were e-meetings between F2F meetings.
Future plan • E-meeting will be held on 27 and 28 March 2014 and to review the 5 deliverables and the report to SG11 • Five deliverables will be transferred to the relevant SGs of ITU-T (SG11, SG13 and SG16 etc) after concluding of FG M2M and each SG studies them
Conclusion • Making unified consensus among countries is a big challenge because of difference of economic situation, culture, custom and regulation. • It is important to create specifications and guidance by ITU for developing countries as well as developed countries to introduce e-health systems using M2M technology in an easy way. • FG M2M service layer has concluded in December 2013 and relevant SGs in ITU will succeed that work. We are looking forward to close collaboration with Continua Health Alliance, WHO and other interested parties.
Thank you! http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/focusgroups/m2m/Pages/default.aspx