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Ken Wyatt, the first Aboriginal man elected to the House of Representatives, has been named as the Indigenous Affairs Minister in Australia's Cabinet. With his symbolic kangaroo-skin coat and dedication to constitutional reform, Wyatt is a champion for Indigenous rights.
オーストラリア研究(英語) Chris Burgess (1号館1308研究室、内線164) cburgess@tsuda.ac.jp・http://edu.tsuda.ac.jp/~cburgess
Morrison names 1st indigenous Australian in Cabinet • Morrison named Ken Wyatt as the indigenous affairs minister on Sunday, a week after his conservative coalition won a surprise victory. • He also announced Marise Payne will be the women’s minister as well as the foreign minister- she is one of a record seven women in the Cabinet. May 26, 2019
In 2010 Mr Wyatt became the first Aboriginal man to be elected to the House of Representatives • In his maiden speech, he wore a kangaroo skin coat, adorned with feathers of a red-tailed black cockatoo, known as a booka - a symbol of Aboriginal leadership, presented by elders. • His mother, Mona Abdullah, was one of the "Stolen Generations" - Aboriginal children who were forcibly removed from their parents under infamous government policies aimed at assimilation. • Some believe he can also be a champion in the struggle for constitutional reform: Australia is the only Commonwealth country never to make a treaty with its indigenous peoples…
Ken Wyatt wore a traditional booka for his first speech to parliament in 2010
“Sports-obsessed cultural wasteland devoid of cerebral stimulation...” Germaine Greer, Jan. ‘04 Some have noted that Australians tend to have an ‘anti-intellectual’ attitude towards thinkers, scientists, artists, writers etc…
カルチュラル・クリンジ ‘Cultural Cringe’ • “an internalized inferiority complex which causes people in a country to dismiss their own culture as inferior to the cultures of other countries.” wikipedia • 「外国の文化、特に英国文化に対する卑屈な追従。A.A.Phillips(1900-1985)が文芸誌「ミアンジン」の文芸批評に使った句。オーストラリアの精神風士をあらわすのによく用いられてきた言葉。Colonial cringeともいう」
Actually… • At least 88% of all Australians attend a cultural event or performance every year • Film (70%) most popular, followed by pop concerts (26%) , art gallery/museum (25%), opera/musical (19%), theatre (18%), dance (11%), classical music concert (9%)
5. Australian writers, painters, and architects are… a) World-class b) Non-existent c) Terrible
DIDJERIDOO (ディジュリドゥ) おもにオーストラリア北部 のアボリジニが使用する 木製の管楽器
日本へ1970年代未 1945 キンバリ 1958 バルゴ・ヒルズ 1980年代未
Aboriginal Art: 5 phases • Stone-age, ‘primitive’ e.g. clay/rock art, body painting
Aboriginal Art: 5 phases • Beginnings of interest • bark (木の皮)paintings collected by anthropologists and missionaries (1920/30’s)
Aboriginal Art: 5 phases 3) Art institution purchases (1960’s+) • Funding made available to buy art
Aboriginal Art: 5 phases • Tourist art (1980’s+) • Painted on walls, boards, souvenirs
Aboriginal Art: 5 phases 5) Contemporary Urban art • Western fusion, pop art, photography for social comment and political expression RICHARD BELL
Earth’s Creation by Emily Kame Kngwarreye May ’07: Sold for over A$1 million: highest price ever paid for an indigenous work of art
Clifford Possum (‘32~’02): ‘Warlugulong’ July ‘07: Bought for A$2.4 million by National Gallery of Australia
NON-ABORIGINAL CULTURE • Literature • Painting • Architecture • Film • Language
Peter Carey (ピーター・ケアリー) 1988 オスカーとルシンダ. 2001 ケリー・ギャングの真実の歴史 ブッカー賞(2回) (939.937/C17k)
OTHERBOOKER PRIZE WINNERS • Thomas Keneally • best known for writing Schindler's Ark, the Booker Prize-winning novel of 1982 which was adapted to Steven Spielberg's Schindler's List • Richard Flanagan • The Narrow Road to the Deep North won the Booker Prize in 2014. The novel commemorates his father's experience in a Japanese POW camp (シンドラーのリスト) 828.9934003/F583n (日本軍の捕虜)
Sidney Nolan’s “First Class Marksman” sells for A$5.4m ネッド・ケリー(1855-1880)は、オーストラリアの盗賊、無法者である First Class Marksman depicts the square black shape of the outlaw Ned Kelly with the distinct eye slit of his helmet standing with rifle at the ready on a dusty road in the bush. It is believed to be the only one of Nolan's 27 paintings of Ned Kelly not in the National Gallery of Australia (NGA) in Canberra. March 2010 Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
GLEN MURCUTT (マーカット) “The tin shed man”
Small-scale, ordinary materials Influenced by land & climate – motto: ‘touch the earth lightly’
2002 Won the Pritzker Prize (the ‘Nobel Prize’ for Architecture) 2009 Won American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) Gold Medal – but never built outside Australia!
N_____ K____ M__ G_____ H___ J______ H_____ W________ G__ P_____ C___ B______
Nicole Kidman Mel Gibson Hugh Jackman Hugo Weaving Guy Pearce Cate Blanchett
Guy Pearce Films 2000 2010 2008 2012 2013 2010