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Governors Forests and Climate Initiative 2011 Palangkaraya Central Kalimantan

Safeguards and REDD+: Lessons and Opportunities for Jurisdictional Programs Presentations + Open Discussion with Stakeholders. Governors Forests and Climate Initiative 2011 Palangkaraya Central Kalimantan Republic of Indonesia. Content for Safeguards Session.

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Governors Forests and Climate Initiative 2011 Palangkaraya Central Kalimantan

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  1. Safeguards and REDD+: Lessons and Opportunities for Jurisdictional Programs Presentations + Open Discussion with Stakeholders Governors Forests and Climate Initiative 2011 Palangkaraya Central Kalimantan Republic of Indonesia

  2. Content for Safeguards Session • PresentasidanDiskusi • Apasajamandat yang adauntukmenyusunrambu-rambupengaman (safeguards)? • Bagaimanamelibatkanmasyarakat, apa yang diharapkan? • Apasaja yang bisadijadikansumberataureferensidalammenyusunsafeguards? • Apaitu FPIC? • Presentations and Discussion • What is the mandate to develop safeguards? • Stakeholder engagement: What is expected? • What sources help guide rule-writing for safeguards? • What is FPIC?

  3. Agenda (1) • Introduction to Safeguards Peter Riggs, Ford Foundation • Developing Safeguards in Central Kalimantan Bisnart Ferry Ibie, Faculty of Agriculture, Dept of Forestry • Stakeholder Engagement • -- Indonesia Perspective – Bernadinus Steni, HuMa • -- REDD+ SES standards – Phil Franks, CARE International • --FPIC and local engagement -- Edi "Oeban" Subahani • -- Acre’s experience -- Monica Julissa, Govt of Acre (Brazil) • Discussion

  4. Agenda (2) – Following a break…. Sub-national Rule-writing for REDD+ -- Acre’s experience -- Monica Julissa, Govt of Acre (Brazil) -- KalTeng’s experience – Roundtable Discussion -- Free Discussion Final comments -- panelists On Thursday morning we will report recommendations from this session to the Plenary; looking forward to your contributions.

  5. What are Safeguards? – Origins • Started with World Bank • Created as a response to civil society concern about controversial projects • Adopted by other international institutions • Requires borrowers to mitigate risk. • Examples of risk mitigation: • Environmental and social impact assessment • Required consultations with affected communities • Restoring the livelihoods of displaced people.

  6. Evolution of Safeguards for REDD+ • From ‘Do No Harm’ to ‘Secure Benefits’ • From ‘infrastructure project’ focus to program focus • Adoption of SESA framework Social and Environmental Strategic Assessment • Safeguards as ‘proxy’ for investor risk. • Strong private-sector interest in safeguards. • Will jurisdictions ‘compete’ on safeguards for REDD+?

  7. Role of Safeguards

  8. Overview of REDD+ Safeguard Sources UNFCCC Cancun Agreement + Annex I Safeguards in FCPF + FIP: World Bank Operational Policies and Procedures REDD+ SES Standards (www.redd-standards.org) Brazil and Indonesia CSO Initiatives

  9. Cancun Agreement – REDD and Safeguards “safeguards…should be promoted and supported.” Developing countries are requested to develop: “…a system for providing information on how the safeguards referred to in Annex I…are being addressed and respected throughout [REDD implementation activities], while respecting sovereignty.”

  10. Perjanjian Cancun mengenai REDD “pengaman... harus dipromosikan dan didukung” Negara-negara berkembang diminta untuk mengembangkan: “sebuah sistem untuk memberikaninformasi mengenai bagaimana perlindungan dalam Lampiran I ... sedang ditangani dan dihormati di seluruh [pelaksanaan kegiatan REDD], sambilmenghormati kedaulatan."

  11. Overview of Safeguards – Cancun Agreement Annex 1 Safeguards: Social Environmental Sustainable forest management Biodiversity considerations Indigenous rights from UNDRIP

  12. Perjanjian Cancun Lampiran 1 Rambu-rambu pengamanan berikutharus dipromosikan dan didukung: (a) Tindakan yang melengkapiataukonsisten dengan tujuan program hutan nasional dan konvensi danperjanjianinternasional yang relevan; (b) pengelolaanhutan yang transparan dan efektif, dengan memperhatikan undang-undang nasional…;

  13. Perjanjian Cancun Lampiran 1 Rambu-rambu pengamanan berikutharus dipromosikan dan didukung: (c) Menghormati pengetahuan dan hak-hak masyarakat adat dan anggota masyarakat setempat, dengan memperhatikan kewajiban internasional terkait…..dan mencatat bahwa Majelis Umum PBB telah mengadopsi Deklarasi PBB tentang Hak-hak Masyarakat Adat Masyarakat;

  14. Perjanjian Cancun Lampiran 1 Rambu-rambu pengamanan berikutharus dipromosikan dan didukung: (d) partisipasi penuh dan efektif stakeholder yang relevan, khususnya, masyarakat adat dan komunitas lokal,…;

  15. Perjanjian Cancun Lampiran 1 Rambu-rambu pengamanan berikutharus dipromosikan dan didukung: (e) Tindakan tersebutkonsisten dengan konservasi hutan alam dan keanekaragaman hayati… mendorong perlindungan dan konservasi hutan alam dan layanan ekosistem mereka, untuk meningkatkan manfaat sosial dan lingkungan lainnya; ....

  16. Cancun Agreement– Safeguards and Indigenous Rights UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) – …is included in the Cancun Agreement section on REDD …UNDRIP enshrines ‘Free, Prior, and Informed Consent’ (FPIC)

  17. Safeguards in World Bank FCPF + FIP World Bank Operational Policies and Procedures • Environmental Assessment • Natural Habitats • Forests • Physical and Cultural Resources • Indigenous Peoples • Involuntary Resettlement

  18. Other REDD+ safeguard sources…. REDD+ SES Standards (www.redd-standards.org) Brazil CSO Initiatives Indonesia CSO Initiatives (is this Tony Brunello?)

  19. Design considerations for jurisdictions • Takes into account Cancun Agreement Annex I? • Good stakeholder process in place? • Easy to implement? Easy to monitor? Enforce? • Conforms to current state legal framework? • Quality of indicators? Guidance for investors? • Concern/provision for indigenous rights?

  20. More design questions Voluntary guidance….. or mandatory requirements? Minimal standards…….or global best practice? Self-reporting on compliance with safeguards….. or require external (third-party) verification? Project level safeguards…..and/or jurisdictional-level? Design your own system.....or use existing standards?

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