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國立臺灣大學九十八學年度簡介. National Taiwan University 2009/2010. 臺大前身為日治時期之「臺北帝國大學」,創立於 1928 年(即民國 17 年)。 The predecessor of Taiwan University was the Taihoku Imperial University during the times of Japanese Occupation. The University was founded in 1928 (the 17th year of the Republic of China).
國立臺灣大學九十八學年度簡介 National Taiwan University 2009/2010
臺大前身為日治時期之「臺北帝國大學」,創立於1928 年(即民國17 年)。 The predecessor of Taiwan University was the Taihoku Imperial University during the times of Japanese Occupation. The University was founded in 1928 (the 17th year of the Republic of China).
當時首任校長為幣原坦總長,至民國34 年中華民國政府對日抗戰勝利,同年11 月15 日接收臺北帝國大學, The first President was Shindera Tan. In 1945 the Nationalist government won the war of resistance against Japan, so on November the 15th the University underwent a retrocession to Chinese sovereignty.
經由改組後更名為「國立臺灣大學」,由羅宗洛擔任首任校長,現任校長為李嗣涔。經由改組後更名為「國立臺灣大學」,由羅宗洛擔任首任校長,現任校長為李嗣涔。 The nationalist government assumed administration, reorganized the University, and renamed it “National Taiwan University.” Dr. Lo Tsung-Lo served as the first President. The current President is Dr.Shih-chen Lee.
臺大有11個學院,54個系,103個研究所,堪稱國內最完整之綜合型研究大學。臺大有11個學院,54個系,103個研究所,堪稱國內最完整之綜合型研究大學。 With 11 colleges, 54 departments, and 103 research institutes, National Taiwan University can be said to be the most comprehensive research university in Taiwan.
11 個學院提供完整的知識地圖、豐富的圖書資源、先進的科技設備、暢通的學術鏈結、 The 11 Colleges provide a comprehensive knowledge map, abundant library resources, advanced technological equipments,smooth running academic links,
優美的校園環境、藝文的校園氣氛,提供師生舒適便利的教學研究環境。優美的校園環境、藝文的校園氣氛,提供師生舒適便利的教學研究環境。 beautiful campus environments, an aesthetic atmosphere, and offer convenient and rich research environments for faculty and students.
除各系所專業課程外,並提供三十多個跨系所、跨學院的科際整合學程供全校學生修讀,包括培養具組織領導、以及團隊合作能力人才的「領導學程」,除各系所專業課程外,並提供三十多個跨系所、跨學院的科際整合學程供全校學生修讀,包括培養具組織領導、以及團隊合作能力人才的「領導學程」, In addition to the professional courses taught at every department or institute, National Taiwan University offers more than 30 interdisciplinary and intercollegiate courses.These include leadership courses which teach students how to organize and to lead,
臺大不僅提供豐富多元的學術資源與設施,更鼓勵學生廣納刺激、多方學習,在校內加強通識教育,臺大不僅提供豐富多元的學術資源與設施,更鼓勵學生廣納刺激、多方學習,在校內加強通識教育, In addition to providing wider-ranging academic resources and facilities, National Taiwan University encourages students to accept stimuli from all sides to broaden their learning orientation. On campus it continually strengthens the general education course offering.
在校際拓展姊妹校網絡,並加強雙語教學環境的建構。近年來校方努力改善教育評鑑制度,在校際拓展姊妹校網絡,並加強雙語教學環境的建構。近年來校方努力改善教育評鑑制度, Off campus the University expands its sister school network and strengthening the framework of bi-lingual teaching. In recent years the University devotes itself to the improvement of teacher evaluation system,
體現了臺大校方除了在研究方面之卓越成果,也注重教學與學習的成效,務使學生能在最佳的環境學習成長。體現了臺大校方除了在研究方面之卓越成果,也注重教學與學習的成效,務使學生能在最佳的環境學習成長。 so as to improve the efficacy of instruction and learning as well as the quality of research. All these efforts are geared toward ensuring that the students have the best learning environment
根據《泰晤士報高等教育增刊》於2009年發表之世界大學排名,臺大世界排名第95位,足見臺大競逐世界一流大學的努力已然受到一定程度的肯定。根據《泰晤士報高等教育增刊》於2009年發表之世界大學排名,臺大世界排名第95位,足見臺大競逐世界一流大學的努力已然受到一定程度的肯定。 According to the world university rankings published by the London Times’ Higher Education Supplements, National Taiwan University was ranked the 95th place in the world. This is sufficient to prove that NTU’s effort toward becoming one of the top universities in the world has received considerable recognition.
臺大目前每學期開課班數近八千餘班,提供學生修課最多元的選擇。因應國際趨勢,自97學年度起,成立牙醫專業學院與獸醫專業學院,臺大目前每學期開課班數近八千餘班,提供學生修課最多元的選擇。因應國際趨勢,自97學年度起,成立牙醫專業學院與獸醫專業學院, National Taiwan University offers more than 8,000 courses every semester, providing students with the most pluralistic choices. In response to international trends, from academic year 2008, NTU established the College of Dentistry and the College of Veterinary Science.
除各系所專業課程外,並提供三十多個跨系所跨學院的科際整合學程供全校學生修讀 In addition to the professional courses taught at every department or institute, we also offer more than 30 interdisciplinary or intercollegiate courses for students to matriculate,
包括培養具組織領導、以及團隊合作能力人才的「領導學程」, 引導學生實現創業夢想的「創意創業學程」,以及推展文化藝術美感教育的「亞洲藝術學程」。 which include the leadership courses teaching students how to organize and to lead, the creative entrepreneurship courses teaching students how to realize their dreams of starting their own businesses, and the Asian Art Forum which promotes art and culture and aesthetic appreciation.
其次,為了落實全人教育理念,臺大建構了全國最豐富、充實的通識教育課程,在最近一次教育部辦理的研究型大學通識教育評鑑中,其次,為了落實全人教育理念,臺大建構了全國最豐富、充實的通識教育課程,在最近一次教育部辦理的研究型大學通識教育評鑑中, Secondarily, in order the implement the concept of holistic education, NTU constructs the richest and most fulfilling general education courses in the country. In the most recent review of research type universities conducted by the Ministry of Education,
臺大是國內七所研究型大學評鑑成績最佳的學校。臺大是國內七所研究型大學評鑑成績最佳的學校。 NTU had the best general education courses among 7 universities which were under evaluation.
臺大雖為研究型大學,在「教學」也極為用心,擁有全臺規模最大教學發展中心,它除了教老師如何「教」,也教學生如何「學」,從旁扮演著學習輔導的重要角色。臺大雖為研究型大學,在「教學」也極為用心,擁有全臺規模最大教學發展中心,它除了教老師如何「教」,也教學生如何「學」,從旁扮演著學習輔導的重要角色。 Although it is defined as a research type university, NTU remains committed to “instruction”. Having the largest “Teaching Development Center” in Taiwan, the school administration not only has to teach the teachers how to “teach,” but also teach the students how to “learn.” In essence, the school administration plays the important role of a side referee.
此外,臺大不僅擁有館藏豐富、令人稱羨的圖書館,在五年五百億經費挹注下,也積極改善教學環境, 例如,打造有網路、空調、資訊講桌、攝影機、 Additionally, NTU not only has a library with a rich and enviable collection, blessed with funding from the “Five year, 50 billion dollar grant,” we also seek to improve our teaching environment by building e-classrooms equipped with internet, air conditioning, information lecterns, cameras,
即時回饋系統、及中控系統的e化教室,而興建中的全新教學大樓預定於99年9月完工,屆時將使本校教室的質與量再度提升。即時回饋系統、及中控系統的e化教室,而興建中的全新教學大樓預定於99年9月完工,屆時將使本校教室的質與量再度提升。 instant feedback systems and central control systems. The brand new teaching hall, currently under construction, will be completed in September 2010 to augment the quantity and quality of our classrooms .
臺大學務處是全校學生的心靈捕手、安全守護神及職涯諮詢的領航者,它的重要使命,就是秉持全人教育的理念,發揚「敦品勵學、愛國愛人」的校訓精神。臺大學務處是全校學生的心靈捕手、安全守護神及職涯諮詢的領航者,它的重要使命,就是秉持全人教育的理念,發揚「敦品勵學、愛國愛人」的校訓精神。 The Office of Student Affairs is the patron saint and the navigator of career placement for all students. Its important mission is to uphold the concepts of holistic education, to promote the University motto of “sharpen your knowledge and mold your character, love your country and your people.”
因此,臺大學務處的核心價值為-造就臺大TAIDA人,意即具有團隊合作(Teamwork)、因此,臺大學務處的核心價值為-造就臺大TAIDA人,意即具有團隊合作(Teamwork)、 Therefore, the core value of this Office is to create genuine TAIDA people, that is, to instill in our students the spirit of “Teamwork”,
負責任(Accountability)、誠信正直(Integrity)、勤勉(Diligence)、抱負與遠見(Ambition & Vision)、價值觀與態度的臺大人; “Accountability,” “Integrity,” “Diligence,” and “Ambition & Vision”.
同時,經過學務精實的過程,學務處綜理出六大價值流-建立核心價值加強品德教育、形塑優質校園文化、同時,經過學務精實的過程,學務處綜理出六大價值流-建立核心價值加強品德教育、形塑優質校園文化、 In the meantime, through the process of streamlining , we have mapped out six value streams as the guidelines for our office, which are: establishing core values to enhance moral education, fostering quality campus culture,
關懷扶助弱勢學生、營造健康安全的校園環境、推動校園國際化、實踐行政革新等六大方向,做為本校學務工作的發展圭臬,朝向學務專業化、轉型為學習型組織,以保障學生受教權的目標邁進。關懷扶助弱勢學生、營造健康安全的校園環境、推動校園國際化、實踐行政革新等六大方向,做為本校學務工作的發展圭臬,朝向學務專業化、轉型為學習型組織,以保障學生受教權的目標邁進。 care and support for the disadvantaged students, creating a safe and healthy campus environment, promoting the globalization of campus, and implementation of administrative reforms. In the future, we intend to become a learning type organization, professionalize student affairs, and guarantee the students right to be educated.
為了達成進入全球百大之使命,臺大研發處全力推動、提升臺大研發能量,以「拔尖」與「打底」並重,營造優質的校園研究環境。為了達成進入全球百大之使命,臺大研發處全力推動、提升臺大研發能量,以「拔尖」與「打底」並重,營造優質的校園研究環境。 To assist NTU in joining the top 100 universities in the world, the Office of Research and Development pools all its resources to increase the research synergy at NTU. Stressing both “foundation laying” and “peak climbing”, we strive to build a top quality research environment for NTU.
在「邁向頂尖大學計畫」經費的挹注下,臺大有明顯的躍升與蛻變:世界大學評比方面, 上海交大世界大學排名,臺大由2005年183 名躍升至2009年的150 名; Spurred with “Aim for Top University Plan” funding, NTU achieved a rapid acceleration and transformation: in world university rankings, NTU’s jumped in Shanghai Jiaotong University’s ranking of 183rd place in the world in 2005 to 150th place in 2009.
英國泰晤士報高等教育(THES)世界大學排名,2009年臺大95名進入世界百大。英國泰晤士報高等教育(THES)世界大學排名,2009年臺大95名進入世界百大。 In 2009, the Higher Education Supplement published by the London Times, ranked NTU as 95th in the world, well into the top 100.
在各項具體研究成果方面,臺大系統晶片中心的積體電路設計、數位通訊、 EDA 及嵌入式軟體、奈米生醫等四大領域研究成果獨步全球。 As to solid research achievements, NTU’s System on Chips Center has made globally unrivalled results in integrated circuit design, digital communication, EDA and embedded softwares, as well as nano bio-medicine.
臺大醫學卓越研究中心整合醫學校區及校總區的生醫研究,建立基因體醫學之核心實驗室技術平台,以癌症及感染症為研究主軸,已在一流國際學術期刊發表超過200篇之論文。臺大醫學卓越研究中心整合醫學校區及校總區的生醫研究,建立基因體醫學之核心實驗室技術平台,以癌症及感染症為研究主軸,已在一流國際學術期刊發表超過200篇之論文。 The Research Center for Medical Excellence integrates the bio-medical research resources at the main campus with those at the College of Medicine, establishes a technological core platform based on genomic medicine, and focused on cancer and infectious diseases as its twin axes of research. So far, Center staff members have published more than 200 papers in top international academic journals.
臺大電機系將語音訊號處理技術結合文學院國際華語研習所華語教學之經驗,開發「臺大華語」(NTU Chinese)網路學習軟體,以即時語音診斷技術領先全球。 The Department of Electrical Engineering has combined phonetic symbol processing technology with the teaching experience of the Linguistics Institute To develop the “NTU Chinese” web-based learning software, which leads the world in real-time voice diagnostic techniques.
臺大高能物理團隊參與日本高能加速器研究機構(KEK)之Belle實驗室,這是B介子工廠實驗結果十餘年來首次刊登於Nature。臺大高能物理團隊參與日本高能加速器研究機構(KEK)之Belle實驗室,這是B介子工廠實驗結果十餘年來首次刊登於Nature。 The high-energy physics team of NTU participated in an experiment conducted by the Belle Laboratory of Japan’s KEK, and the results were published in Nature. This marked the first time in over 10 years that the results of a B meson factory experiment were published in Nature.
物理系研究團隊在美國費城舉行的「2008國際高能物理大會」發表「新粒子」徵兆,顯示我國的高能物理研究已邁向頂尖國際水準。物理系研究團隊在美國費城舉行的「2008國際高能物理大會」發表「新粒子」徵兆,顯示我國的高能物理研究已邁向頂尖國際水準。 The high energy physics team unveiled the signs of a “new particle” at the “2008 High Energy International Conference” held in Philadelphia, showing that the high energy physics research of our country has joined the top international level..
地質系研究團隊與美國、加拿大和德國的頂尖科學家共同發現地殼下不需氧微生物的存在,研究成果刊登 Science 雜誌,受到全球矚目。 The Geo-science research team, working with top scientists from USA, Canada and Germany, discovered the existence of micro-organisms under the crust of the earth which could live without oxygen. Their research results were published in Science and attracted global attention.
臺大以學術卓越、世界標準自省,積極參與國際學術交流,致力拓展與國際知名學府之合作關係,臺大以學術卓越、世界標準自省,積極參與國際學術交流,致力拓展與國際知名學府之合作關係, NTU prides itself on academic excellence and often reflects upon itself according to international standards. It actively participates in international exchanges, and seeks to expand its relations with the top academic institutions in the world.
並透過師生交換、合作研究、參與國際學術組織活動等方式,讓臺大師生走向世界,成為「國際人」。並透過師生交換、合作研究、參與國際學術組織活動等方式,讓臺大師生走向世界,成為「國際人」。 Through faculty/student exchange programs, cooperative research projects, participating in international activities, etc., NTU enables its faculty and students to march into the wider world, and become truly “cosmopolitan”.
此外,透過與國外大學合授雙學位及雙聯學位、提供各項獎助學金、完善之外國學生照顧及輔導等機制,規劃國際化之教育場域,此外,透過與國外大學合授雙學位及雙聯學位、提供各項獎助學金、完善之外國學生照顧及輔導等機制,規劃國際化之教育場域, Additionally, through the offering of dual degrees with foreign universities, the provision of scholarships and assistantships, and a thoughtful foreign student care-taking and counseling system, we work to “internationalize” our instructional environment.
又以增加英語授課課程及與中研院合辦國際研究生學程等方案,落實研究所教育之國際化,以吸引優秀之外籍學生來臺深造,成功達到外籍學位生人數超過500餘人。又以增加英語授課課程及與中研院合辦國際研究生學程等方案,落實研究所教育之國際化,以吸引優秀之外籍學生來臺深造,成功達到外籍學位生人數超過500餘人。 By increasing the number of courses taught in English and co-offering with Academic Sinica to offer curricula for international graduate students, we try to increase the internationalization of our graduate programs. So far we attracted over 500 foreign students to NTU to pursue their graduate studies.
而於深化學術交流及合作關係方面,至2009年10月底止,臺大已與310 餘所大學建立學術合作關係,其中校級合約逾250,院系級合約逾200,總合約數已逾450, As of October 31, 2009, NTU had established academic exchange programs with 310 universities.of which 250 were university level contracts, and 200 were college level contracts. The total number of agreements reached 450,
國家總數51,遍佈歐、亞、美、非及大洋洲,可謂成果豐碩。國家總數51,遍佈歐、亞、美、非及大洋洲,可謂成果豐碩。 and the universities represented Europe, America, Asia, Africa, and Oceania. The fruits of our efforts can only be described as plentiful.
參與國際組織方面,臺大積極參與如環太平洋地區大學協會(Association of Pacific Rim Universities, APRU)、東亞研究型大學協會(The Association of East-Asian Research Universities, AEARU)、 As to participation in international organizations, NTU actively participates in Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU), the Association of East Asian Research Universities (AEARU),
亞太大學交流會(University Mobility in Asia and Pacific,UMAP)等國際組織, University Mobility in Asia and Pacific (UMAP), etc.
並扮演關鍵角色,為本國高等教育搭建一座世界舞臺。並扮演關鍵角色,為本國高等教育搭建一座世界舞臺。 NTU thus plays a pivotal role in the region as well as the world, thus building a truly global stage for the higher education of Taiwan. University Mobility in Asia and Pacific (UMAP), etc.