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Learn how to find content by publisher using the drop-down menu feature, explore journals from BMJ Publishing Group, access reference sources from various publishers, and utilize resources like Oxford Textbook of Medicine and Cochrane Library.
To Find contents bypublisher, click on the drop down menu. This is different than the Partner publishers services where users enter the publisher’s portals.
We have displayed the Find contents bypublisher drop down menu. This You have full access to: list is an example from a Group A country with no exclusions.
We now will open the BMJ Publishing Group list of journals as an institution that does not have full access to the publishers resources.
We now have opened the BMJ Publishing Group list - as an institution where the publisher has not granted access (either in Group B or Group A with exclusions). The default is the Accessible Content page. If you click on the All Items option, you can view the journal titles that your institution does not have access to.
We have opened the BMJ Publishing Group list - as a Group A/No exclusions institution. Again, the default is the Accessible Content page.
Now opened is the O list from the Find books by title drop down menu. Again, the format is divided into Accessible Content (the default)and All Items options. This example is for a Group A institution with no exclusions.
We now have opened is the O list from the Find books by title drop down menu - for a Group B or Group A institution with exclusions. Note that there are only 2 items in the Accessible Content list. In the All Items display option, most of the titles will have the white box with the exclamation point.
The Oxford Textbook of Medicine, 5th edition is one of the foremost international textbooks of internal medicine. It provides practical guidance on the clinical management and prevention of disease, with in-depth coverage of the traditional specialty areas. The initial page contains an ‘expandable’ table of contents that details the contents of each topic. Also available is the Oxford Handbook of Tropical Medicine, 3rd edition.
Also included in the Reference Sources listing are numerous psychiatry/psychology related full-text resources. We have opened the American Psychiatric Association Practice Guidelines tool that is searchable by keyword and broad subject categories.
Partner publisher services 1 We can also access full text resources from Partner publishers’ websites by selecting from the drop down menu. Note that the menu lists which Publishers ‘You have full access to.’ Using Partner publishers’ websites will be taught in next module.
Partner publisher services continued Once we have selected a publishers’ resource, a new window will open – in this case Wiley-Blackwell InterScience.
Partner publisher services 3 We have selected Elsevier Science Direct, another Partner publishers’ website.
We briefly will introduce some of the other resources available from the HINARI program. Via one of the three drop down menus, there are a number of Databases and (Bibliographic) Indexes that can be accessed. Note: Many of these resources are underutilized by HINARI users as most individuals concentrate on obtaining full-text journal articles.
We have opened the initial page of Scopus (Elsevier), alarge abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature and quality web sources with smart tools to track and analyze research. Being from a HINARI registered institution, and having logged into HINARI, you will be able to use these resources from various commercial publishers.
CINAHL (EBSCO) is another resource from the Databases and (Bibliographic) Indexes menu. It provides indexing for 2,960 journals and can be searched for information on nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/ complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. Via HINARI, many of these journals can be accessed.
A third resource from the Databases and (Bibliographic) Indexes menu is Scirus. It is a searchable database to over 370 million scientific items including journal content, scientists' homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents and institutional repository and website information. It also contains numerous SciTopics pages on medicine and biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology.
Via the second drop down menu, we will highlight a number of Reference Sources that can be accessed from HINARI.
Cochrane Library contains high quality , independent evidence for health care decision making. It includes numerous access options including via keyword, MeSH terms and category listings. Cochrane Library is one of 5 sources of information on evidence-based practice in HINARI.
Another useful Reference Sources resource is BMJ Learning. This site contains over 500 peer reviewed evidence based learning modules. You are able to browse the modules via a subject based drop down menu. Note: you have to register and create a profile and include your topics of interest – to access the documents.
The final Reference Sources resource we will look at is the EndNoteWeb(Thomson Scientific). Itis a reference management software package used to manage bibliographies and references when writing essays and articles. This is invaluable for researchers and post-graduate students.
We now will sample several of the resources from the Other Free Collections drop down menu.
HighWire Press 3 This is the HighWire Pressinitial page. From this site, we can locate full-text articles and/or journal titles directly without accessing HINARI as this resource is based on IP (computer) addresses of eligible countries. The Free Access to Developing Economies link is located on the initial page. Also of interest is the Free full-text content link.
This is the initial page of the Free Access to Developing Economies list of HighWire Press. As noted, the access is based on the computer's IP Address and you can go directly to the site using the url.
The Other Free Collection menu includes FreeBooks4Doctors, a website that has links to 365 full-text books on the Internet. This gateway is searchable by keyword, topic or language. Updated 2011 11