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Explore the epidemiology of tuberculosis in Hong Kong, including population demographics, healthcare infrastructure, treatment outcomes, and control strategies like DOTS and BCG vaccination. Learn about data flow between various healthcare entities.
Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in Hong Kong Dr Chan Chi-kuen, Alan Senior Medical Officer TB & Chest Service, Department of Health Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Location and population of Hong Kong • Situated in south of China • land area 1,098 square kilometers • population of 6,782,100 at mid-2000 • population density of ~6,500 /sq.Km • proportion aged 65 and over: 8% in 1989 and 10.9% in 2000
Location and population of Hong Kong • Highly mobile population • people from 170 countries visit Hong Kong visa free • passenger traffic: 115.5 million in 1998 and 129 million in 1999 • increase mainly due to heavy cross-boundary traffic on land after return of Hong Kong’s sovereignty to China in 1997
General Background (1)(Year 2000) Mid-year Male Female 80+ 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 • GDP per capita : US$24,403* • Annual population growth rate : 0.9% • Life expectancy at birth - Male : 77.0 years - Female : 82.2 years • Infant mortality rate : 2.9 (per 1 000 registered live births) • % population with access to safe water : 99.9%† • Literacy rate : 92.4% (percentage of population aged 15 and over who have attained primary education or above) Notes : * Figure is subject to revision later on. † Figure for year 1999 Population (in thousands)
Population pyramids 2001 (mid-year) 1971 (mid-year) Male Female Male Female 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 85+ 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 Population (in thousands) Population (in thousands)
General health services (1)Health infrastructure(As at end 2000) Notes : * The figure refers to Hospital Authority hospitals. † The figure covers the institutions licensed under the Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Maternity Homes Registration Ordinance (Cap. 165). ‡ The figure covers the clinics and maternity homes under the Department of Health and the clinics in the correctional institutions. § The figure covers the GOP clinics with A&E service and maternity homes of the Department of Health and the hospitals in the correctional institutions.
General Background (2) Note: hospitalization figures include data from private and public hospitals Source: Department of Health, Annual Report 1999/2000
Information system Data flow National Reference Lab (since 1998) PATIENT WITH TUBERCULOSIS Data for cross-matching Hospital Authority Accident and Emergency Departments Department of Health General out- patient clinics Department of Health Chest Clinic (Case notification) & (Follow up) PRIMARY LEVEL Private Practitioner Death certificates (since 1999) Hospital Authority Chest Hospitals Hospital Authority Specialist Out-patient Clinics Private Hospitals Hospital Authority General Hospital SECONDARY LEVEL
Sample of TB Notification Form (used since 1995)
The percentages of notified cases traced back by using TB lab. data and death cert. information
CONTROL OF TUBERCULOSISIN HONG KONGStrategies - Case finding: passive vs active - Effective chemotherapy: DOTS - Treatment of latent TB infection (preventive treatment or chemoprophylaxis) - BCG vaccination - (Health education)