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ELAB Fully Operational and Supporting Our Clients • Here at ELAB we have kept the doors open during the COVID crisis maintaining high levels of hygiene and safe social distancing within the workplace. • The construction industry is often seen as a weather gauge of the economy and is always keen to lead the way and increase productivity. A number of our clients have reopened sites after introducing new working practises including social distancing wherever practicable. In some cases, wearing masks and replacing gloves more often. Now even brickmakers are preparing to restart production on one of the vital raw materials of the Construction industry: • https://www.constructionnews.co.uk/health-and-safety/brickmakers-prepare-to-restart-production-21-04-2020/
Our clients have also been keen to ensure they can access our services; taking frequent calls to confirm our availability and book sample containers and collections during what would normally be a very busy part of the year for the Construction Industry. Our technical team are still available to you, processing samples and delivering on the quality data that you expect from ELAB. Contact our Customer Services to arrange a collection on 01424 718618 or email cs@elab-uk.co.uk. ELAB With You Through COVID-19 Through these difficult and unprecedented times ELAB remains open to accept your samples and deliver on quality results. Like all businesses during this time we are affected by staff self-isolation and courier shortages, however, you can be assured we are making every effort to provide the level of service you have come to expect. NEW ICP-MS DELIVERS ON LOWER LOD Significant investment in the instrument laboratory will improve metal LODs and ELAB's accreditation scope. The latest Agilent ICP-MS with ISIS discrete sampling is now in the final stages of validation for soil and water matrices, improving limits of detection by up to ten times for many analytes. Increased precision will also allow more elements to meet strict MCERTS criteria. ELAB has also taken the opportunity to align more closely with UKAS matrix definitions, allowing further additions to our accreditation schedules.
What ELAB Offers: • Expert advice on sample preservation and delivery. • Free quotation for a tailored compliance report. • Free containers for sample collection to meet sampling criteria. • Fast turnaround and a reliable service • ISO/IEC 17025 quality standards Our laboratories are UKAS approved to ISO/IEC 17025 for a range of soil and water tests including all of the standard requirements for trade effluent discharge consent.
Source: https://elab-uk.co.uk/news-and-updates.html • Call us at +44 (0)845 900 7004/ +44 (0)1424 718618 • Mail us at info@elab-uk.co.uk • Website: https://elab-uk.co.uk/