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Bagnall School Renovation. Proposed by: Groveland Building Committee Committee Members; K.Cunniff, D.Gelina, K.Jackson, J.Osborne, S.Williamson Professional architectural services by JCJ Architecture, Hartford, CT . J.LaPosta & G. Smolley and their team. Building History of the School.
Bagnall School Renovation Proposed by:Groveland Building Committee Committee Members; K.Cunniff, D.Gelina, K.Jackson, J.Osborne, S.Williamson Professional architectural services by JCJ Architecture, Hartford, CT. J.LaPosta & G. Smolley and their team.
Building History of the School The Dr. Elmer S. Bagnall School was originally built in 1964 to house 400 students. It was modified in 1991 with additional classrooms to house approximately 550 students. By 1998 there was a need for further expansion and two portable classrooms were added to take another 40 students. Currently the student population fluctuates between 650 and 750 students. Approximately four years ago, the Capital Improvement Committee, an advisory group reporting to Selectmen, concluded that serious consideration should be undertaken to expand and modify the school. The Selectmen established in 2008 a School Building Committee to undertake this task. The committee consists of 5 committee members: John Osborne (Chair), Kim Jackson (Vice Chair), Steve Williamson (Secretary), and members Kevin Cunniff, Doug Gelina. The committee asked the town to approve funding for a suitable architectural firm to assist in this project in April 2009. The town approved the expenditure up to $75,000 to plan the project. The committee chose the architectural firm JCJ Architecture of Boston and Hartford, CT. in November 2009. They presented to us their conceptual design in the Spring 2010. Their design, is in part, the basis for the following proposal. It appears in retrospect, that the modifications to the school in 1990, that only provided additional classrooms with no change in the core facilities, was mistaken economizing, which we are now trying to rectify with this proposal. The committee fears that if this proposal is not approved, then the mistake will be compounded and when there is a major increase in enrollment, the school will become unmanageable and the town will be forced to seriously consider an expensive additional school.
Need for State Reimbursed Green Energy Saving Program • The roof which was guaranteed for 10 years is 19 years old and is leaking in numerous places and is constantly being patched with moderate success. • The boilers are 45 years old and are constantly being relined with refractory brick. These boilers are at the end of their useful life. • The controls that adjust heat levels in the zones are completely out of date and are unable to control the heating efficiently. • The exhaust ventilators on the roof can no longer be repaired, as the equipment is so old, spare parts cannot be found. • The air handlers that are placed in each classroom need to be replaced as they cannot adjust the air intake to lower the carbon dioxide levels needed; as a result the school does not comply within state air quality standards. • The original single pane windows are still in the major part of the school and need to be replaced with thermally insulated ones. • The external doors need to be replaced with insulated ones.
Reasons to Take Immediate Action The Pentucket School District is applying for state reimbursement under the Green program. This program is designed to improve the energy efficiency of the schools in the district. The state requires that we complete the acceptance of this program by town meeting and assure the state that the town is able to fund the total cost of the Green Renovation of the Bagnall School. The reimbursement level for Groveland is 51.42% and is reimbursed as the project proceeds.
We are a little crowded! The Gang’s all here!
The Educational Need for this Project • The building is simply overcrowded. This is best illustrated in the cafeteria which has 6 lunch periods that begin at 10.45 a.m. and finish at 1.30 p.m. • The current building does not allow for adequate school security. • The gymnasium is far too small and currently the after school recreational basketball program, that caters for over 250 children in the winter months has in most part, to be catered for in other area schools. • There is a lack of storage throughout the school. • Currently music groups meet in small closet-sized areas and there is a need for a music room. • There is a need for a science room. • Currently several classrooms are being utilized by councilors and other functions. These rooms would be freed up by the renovations to the administration area.
Administration Area Proposed Plan Current Layout
Proposed Project Work Plan Part 1: Green Program The process involves you approving this project.The state is currently undertaking an evaluation of the town’s needs. We will represent our priorities to them for their approval. They are as follows: • New boilers with upgraded electronic controls will replace the original 1964 boilers. • Modern fully insulated windows will replace the original non-insulated ones in the 1964 section. • Insulated doors with magnetic locks will replace the non-insulated existing doors. • A new roof with new additional insulation to achieve an energy star rating will replace the continually leaking current nineteen year old roof. This is to be completed by Dec. 2011. We have selected a project manager, from a State approved list, who will supervise this phase of the work.
Project Approval and Contractor Selection The process involves you approving this project and then the Building Committee/Selectmen will hire an architect to design the additional buildings and produce construction drawings. The state is not involved in these phases. We believe the process will take around 12 months before construction can begin. Spring 2012. Part 2: New Cafeteria A large Cafeteria/Kitchen will be built to house existing kitchen equipment. This will take approximately 10 to 12 months to complete. Utilization Fall 2013.
Part 3: New Gymnasium • The portable classrooms will be removed and on this site the Gym will be constructed and integrated with the Cafeteria/Kitchen complex. This will take approximately 10 to 12 months to complete. Utilization Fall 2013. Part 4: Administration Area • Removal of the kitchen and stage and its replacement with a new art classroom, offices and storage. • New guidance offices and removal of guidance offices from the main classroom building which will result in the release of classroom space for teaching. • A new nursing area with four beds will be provided. • Increased security with the provision of special entrance way, so access to the school is only through the administration building. • Conversion of the current band room to a general science room. This will take approximately 3 to 4 months to complete. Anticipated Jan 2014.
Part 5: Safety and Health requirements. • The existing fire alarm system needs updating to meet the new fire codes requirements. • The existing water main is only a 2″ diam. line and this needs to be replaced by a 8″ diam. line. This will allow for an internal sprinkler system and irrigation of the playing fields. • The existing septic system has proven troublesome over the years and will either have to be renewed or, as is more likely, a sewer line will have to be constructed with a pump and lift station. This will take until sometime in 2014, the engineering planning and design for all of this work has to be undertaken first.
Educational Benefits and Improvements • A larger cafeteria will result in only 3 lunch periods instead of 6 and will give longer blocks of time for uninterrupted instruction. • The whole school will be able to assemble in the new gym space and there is also enough space for parents to attend special school events and the town to assemble for town meetings. • A new stage is located between the cafeteria and gymnasium so that it may serve both areas. • Increased security because of the ability to isolate Cafeteria/Gymnasium complex from the rest of the school and ensuring entrance to the school is through the admin. offices. • Gymnasium will have a regulation size court or two half sized courts which will allow for all recreational games to be played in town and also will allow adequate space for visitors to attend games. The current gym will be kept to allow for adequate court room space for evening and summer recreational activities. • Improved air quality in all classrooms by the replacement of the existing control system and air handling units. • Provision of a science center will increase learning by the use of demonstrations of the experimental method. • The music room will be moved to the current art room well away from the other classrooms and administration areas. A new art room will be placed in the current cafeteria and will have considerably improved lighting. • Renovates the school’s core facilities for a future enrollment of 850 students.
Estimated Cost of Green Program • Replacement of the roof with increased insulation. 948,000 • Boilers, associated electronic controls, air handlers. 627,000 • Replacement • Windows with insulated thermal panes 274,000 • Exit doors (12) 70,000 • Disposal of Hazardous Materials 71,000 • Misc. Electrical 15,000 • Total Part I 2,005,000 • Administrative costs 2,005,000 x 20.90% 419,000 Grand Total2,424,000 Savings (State reimbursement 51%) 1,236,200 Final Cost to the town 1,187,800 Contribution from Stabilization Fund 187,800 Grand Total on the tax base 1,000,000
Estimated Costs of Total Renovation. • Part 1. New Roof, Boilers and Electronics, Windows and Doors. 2,424,000 (includes administration costs). • Part 2. Cafeteria Kitchen 9560 sq.ft. x 220/sq.ft. 2,123,000 • Part 3. New Gymnasium 7000 sq.ft. x 200/sq.ft. 1,400,000 • Part 4. Conversion Cafeteria/Kitchen to Admin. Building 412,000 5500 sq.ft. x 75/sq.ft. • Part 5. Associated Code & Safety requirements with renovation: (i) 1000 ft. Water line 8″ diam. plus 2 hydrants and 8″ gate tie in. 70,000 (ii) Sewer line, pump station & tie in 200,000 (iii) New Fire Alarm System 65,000 Administrative Costs on Parts 2 to 5. 4,270,000 x 20.90% 892,400 Total Cost (Parts 1 to 5). 7,586,400 The State requires the town to raise and appropriate for the full amount (2,424,000 + 5,162,400) = 7,586,400 Actual town cost with State reimbursement (7,586,400 – 1,236,200) = 6,350,200 Debt Exclusion Article of 5,162,400 to be approved at town meeting and the ballot box. This will increase the tax rate on the average house evaluation of 355,000 of $151/yr or 2.90/week.
Table of Tax Increase per Valuation Valuation*Tax Increase Per Year for 25 years $ 100,000 $ 42 $ 150,000 $ 63 $ 200,000 $ 84 $ 250,000 $ 105 $ 300,000 $ 126 $ 350,000 $ 147 $ 400,000 $ 168 $ 450,000 $ 189 $ 500,000 $ 210
Reasons to Take Immediate Action • We realize the current economic climate is creating hardship but it is also allows us to purchase materials and contractor services at very competitive prices—thereby lowering costs. As the economy improves, inflation is inevitable. • The building of a new school has been conservatively estimated to be $30,000,000. • It makes sense to maintain our school, so that when there is a need for expansion, the existing building’s core facilities - cafeteria/kitchen and gym will allow additional classrooms to be added without the fear of overcrowding. • The school will be able to run basketball practices and games without the need for scheduling these events in neighboring communities. • The school, which also provides many youth and adult programs in the evening and summer time as a recreational facility, will no longer be sending Groveland residents to other communities to rent their facilities. • This renovation will encourage people to settle in our community and thereby maintain the our real estate values.
WE ASK FOR YOUR SUPPORT!Public Informational Meeting at the School April. 12th Tues. 7.30 p.m. VOTE Town Meeting at the Bagnall School Apr.25th.2011. Special 7p.m. Annual 7.30 p.m. And At the Ballot Box Town Hall May 2nd. 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m.
Questions Call the committee: John Osborne (Chair) 978 374 6253 josborne3@hotmail.com Kim Jackson (Vice Chair) 978 374 4026 krjackson1@aol.com SteveWilliamson (Sec.)978 372 9082 stevewill@comcast.net Kevin Cunniff 978 373 2836 kfc7995@comcast.net Doug Gelina 978 521 4585 dgelina@comcast.net