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Introduction to Concurrency in Programming Languages: Chapter 11: Data Parallelism. Matthew J. Sottile Timothy G. Mattson Craig E Rasmussen. Objectives. Introduce the data parallel algorithmic pattern. Demonstrate application of this pattern to: Matrix multiplication Cellular automaton
Introduction to Concurrency in Programming Languages:Chapter 11: Data Parallelism Matthew J. Sottile Timothy G. Mattson Craig E Rasmussen © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Objectives • Introduce the data parallel algorithmic pattern. • Demonstrate application of this pattern to: • Matrix multiplication • Cellular automaton • Discuss limitations of this pattern for general-purpose programming. • Discuss use of task parallel constructs to express data parallelism. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
The Algorithm Design Patterns • Start with a basic concurrency decomposition • A problem decomposed into a set of tasks • A data decomposition aligned with the set of tasks … designed to minimize interactions between tasks and make concurrent updates to data safe. • Dependencies and ordering constraints between groups of tasks. Specialist Parallelism Agenda Parallelism Result Parallelism Task Parallelism Embarrassingly Parallel GeometricDecomposition Data Parallelism Pipeline Event Based Coordination Recursive algorithms Separable Dependencies Recursive Data Patterns covered in this lecture © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Result Parallelism: Algorithm Patterns • The core idea is to define the algorithm in terms of the data structures within the problem and how they are decomposed. • Data parallelism: • A broadly applicable pattern in which the parallelism is expressed as streams of instructions applied concurrently to the elements of a data structure (e.g., arrays). • Geometric decomposition: • A data parallel pattern where the data structures at the center of the problem are broken into sub-regions or tiles that are distributed about the threads or processes involved in the computation. The algorithm consists of updates to local or interior points, exchange of boundary regions, and update of the edges. • Recursive data: • A data parallel pattern used with recursively defined data structures. Extra work (relative to the serial version of the algorithm) is expended to traverse the data structure and define the concurrent tasks, but this is compensated for by the potential for parallel speedup. Not covered in this lecture © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Supporting Patterns • Fork-join • A computation begins as a single thread of control. Additional threads are created as needed (forked) to execute functions and then when complete terminate (join). The computation continues as a single thread until a later time when more threads might be useful. • SPMD • Multiple copies of a single program are launched typically with their own view of the data. The path through the program is determined in part base don a unique ID (a rank). This is by far the most commonly used pattern with message passing APIs such as MPI. • Loop parallelism • Parallelism is expressed in terms of loops that execute concurrently. • Master-worker • A process or thread (the master) sets up a task queue and manages other threads (the workers) as they grab a task from the queue, carry out the computation, and then return for their next task. This continues until the master detects that a termination condition has been met, at which point the master ends the computation. • SIMD • The computation is a single stream of instructions applied to the individual components of a data structure (such as an array). • Functional parallelism • Concurrency is expressed as a distinct set of functions that execute concurrently. This pattern may be used with an imperative semantics in which case the way the functions execute are defined in the source code (e.g., event based coordination). Alternatively, this pattern can be used with declarative semantics, such as within a functional language, where the functions are defined but how (or when) they execute is dictated by the interaction of the data with the language model. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Outline • Data parallel algorithms and the SIMD Pattern • Case studies: • Matrix multiplication • Cellular automaton • Beyond SIMD • Geometric decomposition © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Data Parallelism Pattern • Use when: • Your problem is defined in terms of collections of data elements operated on by a similar (if not identical) sequence of instructions; i.e. the concurrency is in the data. • Solution • Define collections of data elements that can be updated in parallel. • Define computation as a sequence of collective operations applied together to each data element. Tasks Data 1 Data 2 Data 3 …… Data n Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
SIMD: Single Instruction Multiple Data PE PE PE PE • A supporting pattern for data parallelism. • Definition: A single instruction stream is applied to multiple data elements. • One program text • One instruction counter • Distinct data streams per Processing Element (PE) Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Pattern Example: SIMD PU Index Time PU[1] PU[2] PU[3] …………… SIMD operation of adding vector A and B into C Definition: A single stream of program instructions execute in parallel for different lanes in a data structure. There is only one program counter for a SIMD program. Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Element-wise Ops Arbitrary + + + + + + + + Nested Parallelism Reductions trees, graphs, nested control … [[ ][ ][[ ][ ]]] + + + + + + + + Linearized form + + + + + + + Data Parallel Collective operations Communication: Source: Ali Adl-Tabatabai, Intel
Outline • Data parallel algorithms and the SIMD Pattern • Case studies: • Matrix multiplication • Cellular automaton • Limitations of SIMD data parallel programming • Beyond SIMD • Geometric decomposition © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Matrix Multiplication • Matrices are rectangular arrays of numbers. • Linear Algebra is the branch of mathematics that deals with matrices. • Linear algebra is used for a wide range of applications including: • Oil reservoir modeling • Quantum Chemistry • Image processing • Least squares and other statistics calculations • Seismic Signal processing • Financial analytics • Business analytics (operations research) • Graphics © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Introduction to Linear Algebra • Definition: • Linear algebra: the branch of mathematics concerned with the study of vectors, vector spaces, linear maps (also called linear transformations), and systems of linear equations. • Example: Consider the following system of linear equations x + 2y + z = 1 x + 3y + 3z = 2 x + y + 4z = 6 • This system can be represented in terms of vectors and a matrix as the classic “Ax = b” problem. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Linear transformations • A matrix, A ∈ RMxP multiplies a vector, x ∈ RP to define a linear transformation of that vector into RM. By “linear” we mean that A(βx+y) = βAx + Ay, where β is a scalar. • Matrix multiplication defines the composition of two linear transformations on that vector space • Compute C = A*B where • C ∈ RMxN • A ∈ RMxP • B ∈ RPxN for (i=0; i<M; i++){ for (j=0; j<N; j++){ C[i][j] = 0.0; for(k=0; k<P; k++){ C[i][j] += A[i][k] * B[k][j]; } } } • Matrix multiplication is the core building block of Linear Algebra • O(N2) memory accesses; O(N3) compute © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Other key linear algebra operations • LU Decomposition • A = LU where L is a lower triangular matrix and U is an upper triangular matrix. • Cholesky Decomposition • A = L*LT, symmetric positive definite A and L is lower triangular • QR Decomposition • A=Q*R, Q is orthogonal and R is upper triangular • Symmetric Eigenvalue problem • For symmetric matrix A, find T such that • T-1 A T = D where D is a diagonal • And many more © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Matrix Multiplication (serial) ! three 2D arrays : a,b,c real, dimension(100,100) :: a,b,c ! loop counters integer :: i,j,k do i=1,100 do j=1,100 c(i,j) = 0.0 do k=1,100 c(i,j) = c(i,j) + a(i,k) * b(k,j) end do end do end do This operation is called a dot product of the two vectors a and b to produce a scalar value for c(i,j) © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Matrix Multiplication (Simple Data Parallel) ! three 2D arrays : a,b,c real, dimension(100,100) :: a,b,c ! loop counters integer :: i,j do i=1,100 do j=1,100 c(i,j) = sum(a(i,:) * b(:,j)) end do end do Uses fine grained SIMD style parallelism to compute the dot-product Array slice notation for the ith row of and the jth column of b. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
A(:,:) A(3,:) A(:,3) A(1:3,:) A(2,3) A(1:3,2:4) Array slice notation • Designating different slices of an array. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Outline • Data parallel algorithms and the SIMD Pattern • Case studies: • Matrix multiplication • Cellular automaton • Limitations of SIMD data parallel programming • Beyond SIMD • Geometric decomposition © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Cellular Automaton • An illustration of the Rule 30: 1D cellular automaton over 200 time steps. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Initialize the cellular automaton integer :: time = 0, finished = 100 integer :: cells(NUMCELLS), next(NUMCELLS) integer :: left(NUMCELLS), right(NUMCELLS) ! ... initialization of all elements to zero, ! except for center cell cells = 0 cells(NUMCELLS/2) = 1 © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Cellular automaton Time loop for 1D rule 30 do while (time < finished) ! ... make working copies next = cells right = cshift(cells, 1) left = cshift(cells, -1) ! ... apply rules where (left == 1 .and. cells == 1 .and. right == 1) next = 0 where (left == 1 .and. cells == 1 .and. right == 0) next = 0 where (left == 1 .and. cells == 0 .and. right == 1) next = 0 where (left == 1 .and. cells == 0 .and. right == 0) next = 1 where (left == 0 .and. cells == 1 .and. right == 1) next = 1 where (left == 0 .and. cells == 1 .and. right == 0) next = 1 where (left == 0 .and. cells == 0 .and. right == 1) next = 1 where (left == 0 .and. cells == 0 .and. right == 0) next = 0 ! ... obtain results from working copy cells = next time = time + 1 end do Circular shift of array by 1 in each direction. Check each element of the three arrays in parallel, and update the next state of the array based on the Rule 30 transition rules. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Outline • Data parallel algorithms and the SIMD Pattern • Case studies: • Matrix multiplication • Cellular automaton • Beyond SIMD • Geometric decomposition © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Limitations of SIMD • SIMD parallelism for data parallel algorithms is powerful • Sequential, deterministic semantics for expressing parallel algorithms. • Writing the parallel program is easier • Debugging is vastly simplified since a good supporting SIMD programming environment is deterministic • … but Strict SIMD parallelism is very limited • Even naturally “data parallel’ algorithms where a single stream of instructions operate on multiple data elements, the model breaks down at boundaries • Solution: • Keep a single program text but let the instructions vary slightly based on the ID of each processing element … i.e. the SPMD or Single Program multiple data model © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Data-par SPMD style • SPMD approach for data parallel algorithms: • Define an abstract index space that appropriately spans the problem domain. • Data structures in the problem are aligned to this index space. • Tasks (e.g. work-items in OpenCL or “threads” in CUDA) operate on these data structures for each point in the index space. • This approach was popularized for graphics applications where the index space mapped onto the pixels in an image. More recently, It’s been extended to General Purpose GPU (GPGPU) programming. Note: This is basically a fine grained extreme form of the SPMD pattern.
The BIG idea behind OpenCL OpenCL execution model … execute a kernel at each point in a problem domain. E.g., process a 1024 x 1024 image with one kernel invocation per pixel or 1024 x 1024 = 1,048,576 kernel executions Traditional loops Data Parallel OpenCL voidtrad_mul(int n, const float *a, const float *b, float *c){ int i; for (i=0; i<n; i++) c[i] = a[i] * b[i]; } kernel voiddp_mul(global const float *a, global const float *b, global float *c){ int id = get_global_id(0); c[id] = a[id] * b[id];} // execute over “n” work-items Source: Khronos Group , GDC’2010 OpenCL overview
OpenCL: An N-dimension domain of work-items Define an N-dimensioned index space that is “best” for your algorithm Global Dimensions: 1024 x 1024 (whole problem space) Local Dimensions: 128 x 128 (work group … executes together) 1024 Synchronization between work-items possible only within workgroups: barriers and memory fences 1024 Cannot synchronize outside of a workgroup Source: Khronos Group , GDC’2010 OpenCL overview
OpenCL (SPMD) example: Binary thresholding int x[m][n]; int i,j; for (i=0; i<m; i++) for (j=0; j<n; j++) if (x[i][j] < t) x[i][j] = 0; else x[i][j] = 1; Create data parallel by singling out the elemental function (kernel) … int threshold(int x, int t) { if (x < t) return 0; else return 1; } Serial Program Then use with a language that applies the kernel to every point in x © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Binary Threshold (OpenCL Kernel) • OpenCL Host program (not shown) • sets up the platform, • defines the data (2D array X), • loads data onto the compute device • Launches the kernel for each point in x • Collects results back from compute device __kernel threshold( __global int* x, const int t) { int i_id = get_global_id(0); int j_id = get_global_id(1) ; if (x[i_id][j_id] < t) x[i_id][j_id] = 0; else x[i_id][j_id] = 1; } OpenCL kernel function © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Using task parallelism (OpenMP) to express data parallelism #pragma omp parallel for private(i) for (i=0; i<n; i++) x[i] = a[i] * b[i]; for i=1:n x(i) = a(i) * b(i); Serial Vector multiplication Expressed with a data parallel array notation x = a * b; Mapping loop iterations (tasks) onto threads using OpenMP © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Outline • Data parallel algorithms and the SIMD Pattern • Case studies: • Matrix Multiplication • Cellular Automaton • Beyond SIMD • Geometric decomposition © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen
Geometric Decomposition Pattern • Name • Geometric decomposition • Problem • How can an algorithm be organized around a data structures that has been decomposed into concurrently updatable chunks? • Context • Consider a class of problems built around a core data structure that can be decomposed into chunks that can be updated concurrently. • Updates of chunks in two phases: (1) local update computation and (2) input from a subset of neighboring chunks. • Forces • Standard tradeoff … small chunks to increase load balancing options vs. large chunks to reduce scheduling overhead. • Performance sensitive to locality of data to UEs that will use it. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Geometric Decomposition Pattern: solution • Solution involves the following steps: • Decompose data … structured or unstructured. Manage granularity to balance load. • Implicit methods, linear algebra: • See the linear algebra dwarf (I won’t repeat that content here) • Explicit methods (image processing) • Define Exchange operations to share data needed for local update. • Define a local update operation. • Manage dual … data distribution and task scheduling • Frequently uses ghost cells to hold all the data required for a local update © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Geometric decomposition example: solving partial differential equations • Laplace’s equation: • u is a potential field (gravitational, electrostatic, etc.) in free space (no sinks, no sources) • Poisson’s equation: • u is a potential field with sources of sinks (f(x,y,z)). • Diffusion problems: • E.g. u is non-steady-state temperature or concentration of a diffusing substance … α2 is the diffusion constant. • Wave equation: • u is displacement from equilibrium for oscillatory medium or field … ν is speed of propagation © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Boundary and Initial Conditions R • A given problem is defined by the PDE and the key constraints: • Initial conditions: starting point for propagation problems • Boundary conditions: specified on domain boundaries to provide the interior solution in computational domain R s n © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Solving PDEs • In simplest cases, they can be solved analytically. • For “interesting” problems they must be solved numerically. • Numerical solution consists of the following steps: • Define the problem: • Define the domain • Define functions to compute values within the domain • Define Boundary conditions. • Discretize the domain … turn the continuous problem into a discrete problem … i.e. superimpose a mesh over the domain and find values at points on the mesh • Define methods to update values at a mesh point based on other values in the mesh. • Propagate a solution as dynamic variables (often time) evolves. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Example: finite difference methods • Solve the heat diffusion equation in 1 D: • u(x,t) describes the temperature field • We set the heat diffusion constant to one • Boundary conditions, constant u at endpoints. • map onto a mesh with stepsize h and k • Central difference approximation for spatial derivative (at fixed time) • Time derivative at t = tn+1 © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Example: Explicit finite differences • Combining time derivative expression using spatial derivative at t = tn • Solve for u at time n+1 and step j • The solution at t = tn+1 is determined explicitly from the solution at t = tn (assume u[t][0] = u[t][N] = Constant for all t). for(int t=0; t<K-1; t++) for (int x=1; x<N-1; x++) u[t+1][x] = (1-2*r)*u[t][x] + r*u[t][x-1] + r*u[t][x+1]; • Explicit methods are easy to compute … each point updated based on nearest neighbors. Converges for r<1/2. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Stencil methods: replace each Grid point with linear combination of neighbors. Explicit methods: A Stencil problem in 2D • Stencil methods extensively used in image processing as well. © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Geometric Decomposition Pattern: solution • Example: finite difference solver with a 5 point stencil © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Geometric Decomposition Pattern: solution Decompose into “chunks” © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Geometric Decomposition Pattern: solution Add ghost cells (1/2 width of stencil) © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294
Geometric Decomposition Pattern: solution • Update values in ghost cells, Stencil has everything it needs to update local values. • Parallel computation in phases: • Update ghost cells • Move stencil over local block • Go to next iteration © 2009 Matthew J. Sottile, Timothy G. Mattson, and Craig E Rasmussen Source: Mattson and Keutzer, UCB CS294