Twotypes of newspaper TABLOIDS BROADSHEETS The two most popular daily newspaper, The Sun and The Daily Mirror, are both tabloids. The differences about the tabloids and the broadsheets are breaking down. Many of the broadsheets have a stories about famous people. The tabloids usedto be cheaper than broadsheets but The Time (broadsheet) is now the cheapest national newspaper.
characteristics of thetabloids • The tabloidscontain far less printthanthebroadsheets and far morepictures, • Theyaretwice as small as the broadsheets (better to hold), • Theyarewritten a simpler style of English, • The tabloidsconcencrate on „humaninterest” stories, whichoftenmeans sex and scandal.
How many do theysell? The graphshows the averagedaily sale of thesetwotypes of national newspapers in the early 1990s . The tabloids sold aboutsixtimes as many copies as thebroadsheets. However, in 1950s they sold twentytimes as many. People aremoreeducatednowadaysthat’swhytheirreadinghabitshavechangedrecently.
MAIN TABLOIDS’ TOPIC • Tabloids have almost given upneven the pretence of dealing with serious matters, their pages are full of lives of famous people. • This emphasisrevealing the details of people's private lives has led to discussion about the possible need to restrict the freedom of the press.
THE END Presentation was made by: • Alicja Gołkowska, • Anna Mikuła, • Karol Stach, • Magdalena Stanek