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Corporate Communication Introduction & Strategy

Corporate Communication Introduction & Strategy. Phillip G. Clampitt, Ph.D. 1. Introduction. Corporate communications is the strategic management of issues and relationships between an organization and its various constituent audiences. Key issues Strategy Issues

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Corporate Communication Introduction & Strategy

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  1. Corporate Communication Introduction & Strategy Phillip G. Clampitt, Ph.D.

  2. 1. Introduction • Corporate communications is the strategic management of issues and relationships between an organization and its various constituent audiences. • Key issues • Strategy • Issues • Relationships with audiences

  3. Introduction cont. • What CC/PR is Not • Press kits • News conferences • Press releases • Web sites • Schmoozing

  4. Introduction cont. Issue Mgt. Org. Identity • Strategy • Audience Relationships (AA) Risk Comm. Crisis Comm.

  5. 2. What is strategy? • Macro-level orientation • Implicit or explicit choices resulting in tradeoffs • Who vrs. What • When vrs. How • Why vrs. What • Goal Setting • Anticipating other’s reactions • Serves as a basis for action

  6. 3. What makes strategy effective? • Links to organizational goals • Legitimizes some issues/de-legitimizes others • Shapes memory • Makes sense out of the confusing and ambiguous • Provides point of identity • Evolves

  7. 4. What are the strategic options? • Spray & Pray • Sell & Tell • Underscore & Explore • Identify & Reply • Withhold & Uphold

  8. Types of strategy cont. Underscore & Explore +++ Sell & Tell Identify & Reply Effectiveness Spray & Pray Withhold & Uphold --- Great Little Amount of Information

  9. 5. Developing the strategy • Discover • Study (Organ., People, Issues) • Discern critical issues • Establish Goals • Create Strategy • Assess

  10. Developing cont. Stage 1: Discover Stage 3: Assess Stage 2: Create Study - Organ. - People - Comm. Systems Assess Discern Critical Issues Develop Strategy Implement Establish Goals Organizational Environment

  11. Activist publics Intraindustry players Interindustry players Potential activist publics Customers Employees Legislators Regulators Judiciary Investors Neighbors Media 6. Audiences/stakeholders

  12. 7. Issues analysis • Issues identification • Issues scanning • Issues monitoring-tracking • Issues analysis • Issues prioritization FACTS - VALUES - CONCLUSIONS

  13. Name of issue Monitor’s name Internal liaisons External liaisons Relationship to other issues Lions, special-interest groups Stage of development Implications for org. Stress points/threats Opportunities Public policy plan Comm. plan Measurable outcomes Supporting documentation 8. Issue Monitoring/Analysis Form

  14. 9. Gap Analysis • Organization • Performance • Activities • Policies • Procedures Stakeholder’s Expectations Gap • Facts • Values • Policy

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