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Individual Program Plan (IPP)

Individual Program Plan (IPP). Module 2: Developing the IPP. Something to think about…. If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. ~ Laurence J. Peter. Effective Program Planning Team Meetings (P. 7).

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Individual Program Plan (IPP)

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  1. Individual Program Plan (IPP) Module 2: Developing the IPP

  2. Something to think about… If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. ~ Laurence J. Peter

  3. Effective Program Planning Team Meetings (P. 7) Strategies • Before the Meeting • During the Meeting • After the Meeting

  4. IPP Case Study (P. 9) • Nathan

  5. Background Information(Can be written in point form)(Completed by PPT) ACADEMIC • Grades repeated, programming, etc. MEDICAL / PHYSICAL / BEHAVIORAL • Diagnosis (ASD, ADHD, CP, etc.) • Reference confidential file SERVICES PROVIDED • Past and current programming supports (Resource, Learning Center, APSEA, SLP, Guidance, etc.)

  6. Background Information ASSESSMENTS • Psycho-educational, Speech-Language, APSEA, resource testing • Reference confidential file SPECIAL MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT • Assistive technology, FM system, etc.

  7. Strengths and ChallengesThe Assessment-Programming Connection Specific Challenges Individualized Outcomes Specific Strengths Strategies

  8. Strength and ChallengesCompleted by PPT • Be specific (The When? How? Where? and Why?) • Start each statement with the student’s name, written in a complete sentence • Make strengths related to academic skills/tasks (What can the student do independently?) • Information here will be used to write Outcomes (from Challenges) and Strategies (from Strengths) • Strengths should out number the Challenges Group Discussion: discuss as a group Nathan’s strengths and challenges

  9. Examples of Strengths: • “Gets along with others” ( too broad). • Does the student get along in whole class situations, small groups, one-on-one, with peers, with adults? • “Keri interacts well in small groups of 5 or less students.” ( specific) • This gives us information for service delivery options which can be listed under strategies.

  10. Examples of Challenges: • “Needs to stay on task” (too broad) • The challenges (needs) are the gaps and deficits of the student • Focus on the student’s challenges. (ie. John struggles with…, John is unable to… etc.) • “John can not focus his attention for more than 5 minutes in a small or large group activity.” (specific)

  11. Balancing Remediation and Compensation • Remediation is teaching the skills in order to close the gap. ie: Teaching Addition - Task Analysis • This should happen prior to developing outcomes • Compensation is trying to find ways around the gap. ie: Use of a calculator. • We do not want to jump to compensation when the student has the skills to learn

  12. Annual Individualized OutcomesKey Points • Time Frame of One School Year • SMART Outcomes • Consideration of Balance of Remediation and Compensation • Outcome Format • Importance of Verb Selection

  13. Annual Individualized OutcomesSMART Outcomes • Strategic and Specific • Measurable • Attainable • Results-Based • Time-Bound

  14. Annual Individualized OutcomesFormat Student’s Name Will Appropriate Verb Expectation Context

  15. Annual Individualized OutcomesVerb SelectionLower Level

  16. Annual Individualized OutcomesVerb SelectionHigher Level

  17. Annual Outcome Examples: Student’s Name + will + appropriate verb + clear expectation + context + (accuracy rate + timeline) = Annual Outcome • Janet will orally read an early level informational text in a one-to-one situation at an instructional level. • Christine will demonstrate her understanding of how print is organized and read using early level narrative text. • Martin will assess his prior knowledge and make predictions when reading transitional level text. Ask Yourself: Is it measurable, realistic and specific?

  18. Specific Individualized Outcomes(Task Analysis: The What)(Completed by individual teachers with support for Student Services teachers when necessary) • The steps needed (task analysis) for the student to move from where he/she is (using his/her strengths) to where he/she needs to be (annual outcome). • Should be written precisely, be measurable, relevant and meaningful, and is time bound. • Specific Outcomes connect directly to the challenges of the student. • May involve an increase in the level of the student’s independence.

  19. Specific Outcomes Examples: Annual: Christine will demonstrate her understanding of how print is organized and read using early level narrative text. Specific: • Christine will hold a book in the proper position and turn the pages one by one from the beginning to the end of the book as the teacher explains what happens on each page once a day by the end of October 2008.. • Christine will point to the front cover, back cover, and the title page when requested to do so by the teacher 90 % of the time by December 2008.. • Christine will track words from left to right and top to bottom of a page given hand over hand support from the teacher 100% of the time by February 2009.

  20. Teaching Strategies (Completed by individual teachers with support for Student Services teachers when necessary) • Strategies are how the teacher will teach the student to achieve the outcomes. • Strategies should be connected to the student’s strengths. • Can be documented in point form. • Include methods for evaluation (check-lists, rubrics, etc.)

  21. Examples of Strategies • Role-playing • Using concrete manipulatives, moving to the abstract • Modeling • Conferencing • Connecting to prior experiences/knowledge • Cloze Activities • Sequencing • Multi-sensory approach

  22. Classroom Materials(Completed by individual teachers with support for Student Services teachers when necessary) • Materials that are listed need to be specific to curriculum areas, course content related. • They should be specific enough to assist in the clarification of how the instruction will take place.

  23. Teacher Responsible and Position • Make sure responsibilities are clearly defined. • Who is responsible for the implementation and evaluation of the outcomes? • If using peoples’ proper names also include their position. New staff may not know who the person is or their role. • Include specific service delivery models: In class, co-teaching, pull-out, direct service, and/or consultation.

  24. Responsibility AreasKey Points • Integrated approach to IPP implementation – Everyone should know their role and responsibility in the development, implementation and evaluation/review of the IPP. • IPP Matrix is a useful tool that provides a graphic representation of how the IPP is to be implemented and how the responsibilities are to be shared.

  25. Assessment • Assessment is ongoing • Observation is okay but it is how it is being done. It is more than just watching. What am I observing for. • Observation - How is it going to be documented? Checklists – important to understand what you are looking for. Ex: Yes? No?, Absence or Presence of whatever you might be looking for. Does not give you qualitative information so the use of a Rubric may be better suited for observation

  26. IPP Development: Review • A review takes place prior to each reporting period as students on individual program plans will receive reports at the same time as those students following the public school program. (Update ofSpecial Education Policy, 2008) • It is necessary that an IPP report accompany the report card. • Elementary can use Outcomes and secondary can locate the IPP report template on the Student Services website.

  27. Transition Planning Reference: Transition Planning for Students with Special needs: The Early Years through to Adult Life (2005) Types of Transitions • Home to School • Grade to Grade • School to School • School to Post-Secondary, Employment, Community Considerations • Factors • Who Is Involved • Lead Time Required • Practices/Protocols C O N T I N U I T y

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