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Explore the impact of WWII on the Civil Rights Movement. Discover how Americans fought against German and Japanese aggression and the discrimination African-American WWII veterans faced upon returning home. Learn about the active Civil Rights movement that emerged in the decade following WWII, addressing racism in different regions of the country.
I. OBJ #1:Explain the impact of WWII on the Civil Rights Movement.What part of German and Japanese aggression were Americans fighting in WWII? How did African-Am. who fought in WWII feel when they returned home? How did each region of the country discriminate (officially / un-officially)? In what decade after WWII did African Am. begin an active Civil Rights movement due to this? A. WWII Fought Against Racism 1. Fascism used Racism to explain ‘Superiority’ of Japan /Germany a. Jewish Segregation Policies in Germany -Hitler used Olympics (1936) to exhibit ‘SUPERIORITY’ -Limited places where they could live and jobs they could have, even where they could sit, play, and drink b. Holocaust & Brutal treatment of China -OK because those affected were less than human 2. U.S. uses Racism as Propaganda reason for fighting a. Helps to enlist minorities (Af. Am./ Native Am)
OBJ #1 . . .Continued B. African Americans return home to Racism 1. Questions: Why did we fight to end racism around the world but not at home???????? 2. All parts of U.S. had extreme RACISM a. SOUTH- Jim Crow Laws: legalized and punishable race laws -“Separate But Equal” . . Ya Right! -Old Black Codes . . . Segregation -‘Black ONLY’ Jobs (Trash Men) . . Tiny Pay b. NORTH & Rest of Country - Hidden Racism -Remember KKK in North during 1920’s -‘Redlining’- maps of areas where minorities could live -White neighborhood, Black, Asian -‘Black ONLY’ Jobs 3. Several WWII veterans lynched a. Just like after WWI, Sp. Am. War, & Civil War Separate…. But Equal?????
OBJ #1 . . .Continued C. 1950’s Veterans & Church Leaders Unite 1. Military is De-Segregated by Pres. Truman a. African Am. again fighting for country in Korea 2. Baseball (National Pastime) De-Segregates . . . Jackie Robinson 3. Organized groups for to counter racism and threats 4. New Technology : TV a. allows EVERYONE to see ugliness of RACISM / HATE
II.. OBJ #2: Compare & Contrast the Supreme Court rulings of Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education. What year did each occur? What racial policy was established by Plessy? What did Brown do to the Plessy ruling? What lawyer argued the Brown case for the NAACP, what did he become the 1st African-American to do in the U.S. government? A. Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) 1. Copy ‘Significance’ Pg. U.S. R35 (Back of Book) 2. ‘Separate But Equal’ . . . Ya Right! a. Upheld ‘Slave Codes’ that turned into Black Codes/Jim Crow b. Segregation: ** NO help since Reconstruction ended 1877 * Jim Crow Laws 1890’s (Segregation of Races) - restaurants, bathrooms, drinking fountains, schools - lasted more than 50 years c. Everyone knew it wasn’t equal (Big Joke) Seperate But Equal
OBJ #2. . .Continued B. Brown v. Board of Education (Topeka, Kansas) (1954) 1. Copy ‘Significance’ Pg. U.S. R36 (Back of Book) 2. NAACP (est. 1909): leads battles in COURT (1949) a. Ask Govt. to enforce Amendments 14th (Equal protection) b. Thurgood Marshall 1st Af. Am to argue in Sup. Ct c. Separate but equal NOT Equal 3. Integration of schools: a. All white school, must admit African Americans b. Little Rock, Arkansas (& rest of South said- NO Way) - President Eisenhower steps in -Federal troops needed to escort little kids to class through screaming racist mobs "blood will run in the streetsif they integrate Central high”
Federal Troops (US Army) Escorting 1st Black Students to Little Rock High School
Gov. Wallace of Alabama “Standing in School-House Door” Alabama State Police Keeping Af-Am. from entering University of Alabama
OBJ #2. . .Continued 4. All other ‘INTERSTATE’ Business must De-Segregate -Bus Lines, Trains, Airlines Look at this woman . . . This is HATE
Segregated Interstate (Crossed state Lines) Busses Were common In the South Now NOT Legal
III. OBJ # 3:Outline the role and impact Martin Luther King Jr. had on the early Civil Rights Movement. What general approach to protesting did he preach? Who was his inspiration? Give two examples of successful protests types he helped lead. How did their movement and T.V. affect the “Silent Majority”? A. Peaceful Protests 1. Studied Ghandi and Bible a. Non Violent Protest (Ghandi- India) *Ghandi used peaceful protest to show how cruel British control of India was . . India wins independence b. “Turn the Other Cheek” -Show how mean and evil racist were to the rest of the country while NEVER hitting back
OBJ #3. . .Continued B. Civil Disobedience 1. Intentionally break laws that you believe are wrong, and be willing to suffer the consequences . . . arrest, jail, beatings 2. Boycotts: a. Montgomery Bus Boycotts- 1955 -Rosa Parks arrested- didn’t move for whites -Af. Am. were the majority of bus riders b. Court ruled bus segregation Unconstitutional **Non violet protests successful** 3. Sit In’s: 1950’s a. Greensboro, NC college student protest segregation b. Sit at “White Only” lunch counter c. Lasted one year, 70,000 protesters, 3,600 arrested
African-Am. Car Pooled Instead of riding Busses They were 75% of Riders MLK Organized Protests and Car Pools
OBJ #3. . .Continued 4. Freedom Riders: a. Group of blacks and whites riding down South on bus b. Mob of white men, beat and set bus on fire 5. March on Washington: a. More than 200,000 people protest Civil Rights Bill b. Martin Luther King “I Have a Dream” Speech
Freedom Riders were ATTACKED and ARRESTED For not separating in the South
OBJ #3. . .Continued 6. Protest Marches: 1965 a. Selma to Montgomery, AL March b. Police attack marches: beat, dogs, abuse c. All on national TV, public outraged. “Silent Majority”- people who lived where no blacks were but saw on TV how horrible racism really was . . . school girls bitten by police dogs
Who Is The . . . . SILENT MAJORITY WHITE FOLKS . . Who lived in the North or Never met a black Person But TELEVISION Let’s them see hoe UGLY Southern Racism IS!!
Below, President Johnson signs the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law as Dr. Martin Luther King watches. OBJ 3 Cont… C. Legislation (using Congress & Presidents) 1. President Kennedy & Johnson support law changes a. Civil Rights Act 1964: -banned discrimination in public place b. Voting Rights Act of 1965: -federal government helps African Americans Vote -End ‘Grandfather Clauses’ and other stupid rules
OBJ #4:Describe other approaches to fighting for Civil Rights in contrast to peaceful protests? Describe the Nation of Islam. What role did Malcolm X have in the Nation of Islam and how did he change? Describe the Black Panther Party. Define Black Power (880)*. What did they disagree with MLK’s approach to protesting? 60's A. Opposition to ‘Peaceful Protests’ . . . BLACK POWER 1. If they hit us . . .we’ll hit back! 2. Taking Pride in being Black . . . not wanting to be white B. Malcom X -Nation of Islam . . . Self-Segregation (Blacks take care of Blacks) *Saw whites as evil *Violence if necessary *Changes view after trip to Mecca (1964) **All races could coexist in PEACE -Breaks Ties with the Nation of Islam (1965) **Assassinated in 1965 by three members of the Nation of Islam
OBJ #4. . .Continued C. Black Panther 1. Called for African American independence a. Blacks should reject integration b. Focus on controlling their own communities -Used violence- bombs, killing -Started in Oakland, California Black Panthers – Stokely Carmichael **Mexico City Olympics (1968)
V. OBJ #5: In what ways did women face discrimination following WWII? What improvements or rights were women most concerned with?What group was formed to combat discrimination against women? Who became the first female member of the Supreme Court? A. Women’s Movement: 1. History of discrimination a. Couldn’t own land b. 19th Amendment: 1920 women’s right to vote (last group) 2. Influenced by Civil Rights Movement: a. Women expected to put family and home 1st b. Employers denied women jobs, should be at home c. Women earned $.63 for every man’s $1.00 (1960) 3. Betty Freidan: “Feminine Mystique” a. Book fought for equal rights for women b. “the problem that has no name”
OBJ 5 Cont… B. National Organization of Women (NOW) 1. Fought for equal rights of women: a. Equal Pay b. Equal opportunities c. Shared Responsibilities between Men and Women at home 2. 1971 Gov. outlawed the discrimination women at work a. women gain more job opp. and higher positions. ** Sandra Day O’Connor 1st female justice on Supreme Ct. - 1981* Birth Control????
VI. OBJ # 6:Describe the rights and issues most important to Hispanics and migrant workers. Who became the leader of this movement during the 60’s & 70’s? What protest method helped these workers the most? What group helped to fight discrimination and get Hispanics elected to government? A. Equality for Mexican Americans: 1. More Radical protests begin in the 1960’s 2. Inspired by Civil Rights Movement 3. Brown Berets a.1968- 10,000 Mex. Am. students walk out of school in protest MeCHA jhdghb La Raza
OBJ 6 Cont… B. Cesar Chavez: 1. Family lost business in Depression 2. United Farm Workers (UFW) a. Led Boycotts, Protests, Hunger Strikes (Non- Violent) b. Went from field to field c. 1967 grape growers of Cali demand more $ d. Boycott of grapes picked by non union 3. Politics: a. 1975 Ag. Labor Relation Act (Major Victory) -collective bargaining between growers & union b. UFW helps get Hispanics elected to government - La Raza Unida- Large gains in Texas, works with system