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Syllabus and Class Expectations. Grasshoppers:
Grasshoppers: Welcome! I am thrilled you have all chosen to join me on an adventure to further your artistic prowess. For some, this may be your first ceramics class ever! Hooray! For others, it may be another in a long line of ceramics classes. Double hooray! Now, despite what you may have heard -- or heaven forbid been taught -- being artistic is not some magical skill that only a select few in the world happened to be blessed with. Anyone, and I do mean anyone, can create beautiful, meaningful art – and that, young grasshoppers, is what I aim to teach you. This will not be easy though. You must be prepared to work hard and challenge yourself to improve everyday. After all, if you are not willing to put forth your best effort to learn, why should I put forth my best effort to instruct? Let us all work to the best of our abilities and enjoy making art! I sincerely look forward to this time we will share together. -Meserve
Projects and Due Dates • Please refer to my website for the project list and due dates. They can be found in The File Cabinet.
Participation • Work every minute every day • Don’t get distracted • Don’t goof off
Grading • Graded when project is glazed • Must have Name, Date, and Period Number • Must have a written paragraph • Keep all paragraphs/notes and turn in as “packet” at quarter/semester
Grading • Even beginning students are advised to make a photo record of their work and to post it on line - either on a blog, or a photo sharing site.
Grading • Advanced students maintain Weebly • Upload images and comments weekly • Look at other blogs and leave feedback • End of semester Formal Presentation (7-10 minutes)
Grading • Update project notes daily • Keep workspace clean
Materials • $20 fee • Covers everything
Tardies and Absences • If you’re late or absent, you won’t receive the daily points • You can make these up by staying after school and working • It is always your responsibility to make up what was missed
Food and Drinks • Food = No • Drinks = Maybe
Hall Passes • Your planner is your hall pass • Use is based on trust and maturity
Attitudes • Be positive. Always. • Focus on what you can do, not on what you “think” you cannot do • No gossip • Art is beautiful
Every other “rule” or “expectation” revolves around this guiding principle: respect. Respect yourself, respect your peers, respect your environment, and respect me. If you are able to do this, we’ll be kool and the gang.
Each of you needs to be in the habit of checking my website every day. I’m also on Twitter (@lordmeserve). This way you will all know exactly what is going on or any important information. If you are in need of either extra time or extra help, I am almost always here before school at 7:15 and after school until at least 3:00. Do not hesitate to come see me. It’s my pleasure to help you. It’s what I do. Contact Information: Phone: 425.831.8426 Email: meserveb@svsd410.org Web: lordmeserve.weebly.com Prep: 3rd period