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Action Cancer Retailer Pack 2008. Contents. Pg 3 What is the aim of the Action Cancer Big Bus? Pg 4 What is the aim of the partnership between SuperValu and Action Cancer? Pg 5 Why Be Involved? Pg 6 Press Clippings Pg 7 Fundraising Pg 8-12 Fundraising Ideas Pg 13 POS
Contents Pg 3 What is the aim of the Action Cancer Big Bus? Pg 4 What is the aim of the partnership between SuperValu and Action Cancer? Pg 5 Why Be Involved? Pg 6 Press Clippings Pg 7 Fundraising Pg 8-12 Fundraising Ideas Pg 13 POS Pg 14 Merchandise Pg 15 Hints and Tips Pg 16-17 Publicity Pg 18-19 Merchandise Pg 20 Action Cancer Shops Pg 20 Fundraising Groups Pg 22-24 Procedure for Big Bus coming to your store
What is the aim of the Action Cancer Big Bus? • It provides: • Breast screening for women aged 40-49 and 65+ • Men’s MOT health checks • Health promotion - provide cancer awarenesss sessions, • smoking cessation etc • Complementary therapy is available for those with • cancer and also their families / carers – A variety of • therapies are on offer - aromatherapy, reflexology, • touch and heat therapies etc. • Listening ear service for those with concerns or • worries about cancer. • The BIG BUS is on the roads, Tuesday – Saturday, visiting community groups, work places and of course SuperValu stores – there are 12 SuperValu store visits per year. • SuperValu is the main sponsor of the BIG BUS and through store fundraising over £130,000 was raised last year
What is the aim of the partnership between SuperValu and Action Cancer? • Our aim is to provide funding for the unit through • sponsorship and fundraising, so that the charity can • continue to provide this valuable service. Some • fundraising will be led by Musgrave Retail Partners NI • and some will be store-led. But we need your help! • The Action Cancer Big Bus visits SuperValu stores over • the period of partnership as well as other local venues • and community groups. • SuperValu benefit in marketing terms from the high • levels of public relations activity and goodwill associated • with the adoption of a high profile local charity, a very • relevant ‘cause’ and the benefits accuring to being seen • as a ‘good’ corporate citizen.
WHY BE INVOLVED? What’s in the Action Cancer Sponsorship for YOU? Local Credit Customers, people you do business with, public representatives and local authorities all see your contribution and will credit you for it. Fun for Staff and Customers Fundraising is a great way to build your team and customer loyalty. Northern Ireland Values Action Cancer is a leading NI charity dedicated to the fight against cancer through the provision of early detection services. Action Cancer receives no Government funding and therefore is totally dependent on donations. All of the funds raised for Action Cancer helps saves lives and supports people in Northern Ireland. SuperValu will be associated with a local charity that impacts on the local community. Good Corporate Citizens As an organisation we have a corporate social responsibility and through supporting a NI charity we show that we care. You will be seen as a good corporate citizen putting something back into the community. Consumers expect businesses to address their social responsibilities and for those businesses which do, research indicates that this can have a very positive effect on perception, attitudes and ultimately on their behaviours and buying habits. Publicity Community-based sponsorship offers substantial publicity opportunities. Supports Brand Identity Action Cancer Big Bus reinforces your identity – a provincewide supermarket group operating locally, supporting a local community based charity.
FUNDRAISING Stores should incorporate within their local marketing plans a couple of fundraising events throughout the year. These fundraising events provide a good opportunity for generating PR coverage and communicating the ‘good corporate citizen’ profile of SuperValu. Fundraising can also build loyalty amongst staff and customers as they will identify with your efforts to fight cancer and they will also have fun in the process! Why not take on the challenge for your store to raise £3000 this year to help fundraise for the new mobile that would really help to save lives. Issue a press release and in-store posters prior to a fundraising event and also after the event stating the amount raised and thanking the participants and contributors. Announcement Boards should be used for announcing the success of each fundraising venture on a monthly or quarterly basis and keeping a tally of the amount raised in that store throughout the year. Procedure for sending all money raised back to Action Cancer: When funds are collated the store manager should telephone Action Cancer on 028 90803347 / 028 9080 3343– fundraising department and advise them on amount raised and what type of event/activity was undertaken. All cheques should be made payable to: Action Cancer, please note that store name, number and full address plus event/activity should be written on the back of all cheques, and sent to:- Kerry McCrea / Maeve Fox Action Cancer 1 Marlborough Park Belfast BT9 6XS
Fundraising IdeasLarge Events Big impact competitions will attract more attention and raise more money. This will cover the cost of the prize as well as raising money for Action Cancer Seasonal Theme your fundraising around big events throughout the year. • Valentines: Win dinner for two at a local restaurant • Easter: Win your Easter dinner groceries. • Christmas: Win a trip to Lapland In Store Competitions • Win your mortgage paid for a year! • Win your shopping for a year! • Win a holiday home for a year! • Win flights and hotel to UK! Trolley Dash for Cash • Produce raffle tickets and sell in-store • The last customer leaving the store on the last Saturday of the draw, draws the winning ticket. • Make up a sample trolley when selling tickets and highlight with posters in the store and around the town 2 weeks before the dash. • Dash duration for 2 minutes timed from front entrance. The goods are paid for out of the raffle sales and the rest of the money goes towards the charity. Certain rules apply: does not include meat or non-food items. Only 3 units per item e.g. 3 jars of coffee.
Fundraising IdeasLarge Events Win A Car • Speak to your local car dealer to arrange a car for raffle in store. • Ensure all staff are well briefed on the promotion and have plenty of raffle tickets to sell when asked. • Place the car in a prominent position in your shops car park or forecourt so it draws people in from the roadside. • Make sure the area has plenty of POS informing customers what the event is and how they enter. • Put a member of staff at the front entrance handing out leaflets • Remember that the amount raised needs to cover the cost of the car and any additional fundraising material – let the event run for a couple of months.
Fundraising IdeasLarge Events • Sport Events • Organise a Golf Scramble in your local club with a fun emphasis • and prizes for all – consult the club secretary as early as • possible. • If involved in sporting clubs, organise a friendly soccer or GAA • match – SuperValu vs Celebrity Selection. • The celebrity selection need only include a member of clergy, a • school principal, the newspaper editor or players from county • teams. • Summer Fun Day • Have a family fun days in the summer with a BBQ, children’s • face painting / colouring in and maybe incorporating a car wash. • You can charge a small entry fee (or not!), and have a raffle. • Ask local businesses to provide raffle prizes. • Promote the event with posters in store well in advance and • encourage your staff to talk to customers about it. • Sponsored Events • Action Cancer’s Giants Walk in September, or the • Belfast Marathon (walk/run/relay) • Musgrave also organise the annual Mountain Challenge in May and an annual abseil
Fundraising IdeasSmall Events • Easter Raffle / Christmas Raffle • Make up an Eater Basket with chocolate eggs and bunnies and • sell tickets to customers for a few weeks before Easter. • Donation / Collection Box • These can be requested from Regional Managers. Keep them at • prominent spots in the store i.e. checkout – they will soon fill up • with change. • Bags O’Cash • Organise volunteers to pack bags in the store over a day or a • couple of days/weekend and request customer donations • towards Action Cancer Big Bus. • Car Boot Sale • Have a car boot sale in your car park and enlist the support of • the local organisations such as the local school or sports club. • Sponsored Walk • Organise a sponsored walk for staff and customers around the • town or local countryside. • This could be a circular route i.e. starting and finishing at your • store. This could be held in the summer and have an evening • walk.
Fundraising Ideas Sponsored Runs Below is a list of running events that you might want to take part in and raise sponsorship for Action Cancer. Do remember that you don’t have to be able to run a marathon! Most events have smaller fun runs / relays within them. Up to date running events available at www.runrunrun.co.uk • Randalstown Running Event 15 June 08 – 10k and 3k – see www.randalstownrunningclub.com for more information • Newry City Marathan – May 09, email for more information info@newrycitymarathon.com • Lisburn half marathon – also includes fun run, and 10k - 18 June 08 – see www.lisburnhalfmarathon.com for more information • Belfast Telegraph Runher 5k – see www.runrunrun.co.uk for more details • Ards half Marathon – 4 July - http://www.ards-council.gov.uk/leisure-ards/ards-half-marathon/index.php for more information • Strabane 10k and leisure walk 5 July 08 –. This race starts at 11.30am. Contact Aidan Lynch on 028 7138 2204 for more details • Portaferry Gala 22 July 08 - 10 mile and 2 ½ mile gala - This event is held during the festival week in Portaferry. The Up & Running 10 mile race attracts many runners because of the scenice route and support and that specail buzz that goes with the night. For more info contact Up & Running Belfast on 02890 325151 and also www.eastdownac.co.uk • Bangor Classic - 27 September 08 - A great race at the begining of the September to get the legs stretched over 10k.One of the most popular 10ks in northern Ireland. Contact Gillian Weir 028 9185 2450 for more details Please call Maeve on 028 9080 3343 or Kerry on 028 9080 3347. They will be able to provide t-shirts for runners.
POS Dressing your shop with appropriate POS will create theatre and create a buzz about you fundraising event POS Elements • Posters – A4’s and AO’s • Flyers • T-Shirts • Stickers • Balloons • Banners – PVC and paper • Raffle books Keep in touch with Kerry McCrea and Maeve Fox to let them Know your plans for the year. They can help with posters, balloons and t-shirts for events. Local Printers Use local printers to provide extra POS for any of your fundraising events. Regency Press 2a Kent Street Belfast 028 90 321724
MERCHANDISE • Artwork for the Action Cancer and SuperValu logo’s are available from Marketing department or your Regional Manager. • Branded merchandise: • Empty Belly Poster announcing a fundraising event. • Thermometre Poster Guidelines for using Action Cancer Logo Logo may only appear in two colour Red and Black as designed, or in black and white. Call Kerry or Maeve on 028 9080 3347/43 to request the logo as a jpeg. For colour use the specification is as follows: The red is PMS Red 485 Logo to appear on all documentation/presentations related to Action Cancer. It is a legal requirement that: Charity Registration No.XN48533 appears on all fundraising materials.
Hints and Tips Press • Announce any events in the local paper to coincide with leaflets being handed out • Release amount raised after the event highlighting the success in raising funds for Action Cancer – Invite the papers along to the presentation of the cheque. Staff • Why not encourage staff to sell more raffle tickets etc by creating an in store leader board. The prize for the winner could be a dinner voucher or day off work paid. • Put a raffle book in each staff members payslip to encourage them to take ownership and sell one full book each. • Make sure till staff prompt all customers they serve about the promotion/event you are having to create greater awareness. POS • Put the fundraising thermometer poster in a prominent position in store so that staff and customers can see how you are progressing with the target. In-store Notice Board • All fundraising activities should be communicated on the in-store notice board using the template provided incorporating the Action Cancer/SuperValu logo. Highlight events prior to them taking place and then highlight funds raised.
PUBLICITY • Publicity for Action Cancer Big Bus educates people about the • Service and helps with support. • All fundraising events should be communicated through • Different types of publicity. • Local newspapers, radio by means of a press release or • interview • Issue a Press Release • Keep it short, typed, and include who, when, what, where and why in simple straightforward sentences. End with your phone number so the reporter can follow up. • Talking to a reporter • Establish informal contact with a local reporter or editor. • Media Invitations • Invite local media representatives to all events. Ring the publication to determine who should be invited and follow up a few days beforehand. • Stage regular photo opportunities and invite local press • Record each event and announce the amount raised. Have a professional photographer issue photos for you or invite the local papers to attend. One week’s notice is required, with a reminder phone call a day or two beforehand. • Invite Kerry or Maeve from Action Cancer HQ to receive the money on behalf of the charity. • .
PUBLICITY Local press photos need people and human interest – children work well in photographs and action pictures are best, rather than just rows of people 3. In-store Notice Board All fundraising activities should be communicated on the in-store notice board using the template provided incorporating the Action Cancer/SuperValu logo. Highlight events prior to them taking place and then highlight funds raised.
MERCHANDISE: Primary Colour Secondary Colour This version is used when we have a white background Should only be used where production is restricted e.g newspaper ad or fax document DO’S AND DONT’S OF THE SUPERVALU LOGO One of the most valuable advertising tools we have is our corporate logo. We have spent a lot of time and money developing it and what it stands for. To your customers and staff our logo represents a symbol of quality and good service and a symbol that unifies a modern supermarket group. Our logo is a powerful symbol and is always included in all our advertising and point of sale material. We should use it as much as we can but we must take care how we use it.
MERCHANDISE: • Here are a few simple tips:- • Always use the correct format (as shown). • There are SuperValu logos which can be used with any promotional or sponsorship material. Do not allow a printer or designer to come up with his/her own version. • Never try to adapt or change the shape or size of the logo or name. • If the logo is used in public make sure that it is clean and not damaged, torn or scuffed. • We must be careful when putting our logo on advertising and point of sale material, The item on which it appears should meet our quality and image standards. • Use the logo strongly in your advertising and promotional material. It will help link to all our corporate campaigns and give extra value to your local budgets. • If you see what appears to be an infringement of the name or logo,report it immediately. • When using our logo, you should ensure that you use if correctly and consistently: • We will all benefit if you: • Don’t hide our identity • Allow the SuperValu logo to stand clear of clutter • Don’t undermine the consistency of the logo • THERE IS ONLY ONE ACCEPTABLE VERSION
ACTION CANCER SHOPS Encourage your staff and customers to donate good quality clothing and bric-a-brac to their local Action Cancer Shop. This will help the charity to raise substantial funds for its vital services. The list of Action Cancer shops throughout Northern Ireland is detailed below:
Fundraising Groups ACTION CANCER FUNDRAISING GROUPS There are a number of voluntary fundraising groups throughout the towns and villages in Northern Ireland raising funds for Action Cancer. You may want to combine your efforts with your local group if you are planning a large fundraising event.
Procedure for Action Cancer Big Bus Arriving at your Store The Action Cancer Big Bus will be travelling province wide. To ensure the smooth arrival of the Big Bus when it visits your store, a procedure list has been developed for you to follow. An audit of each SuperValu store will be carried out prior to the unit arriving at your store, focusing on availability of car parking space, electricity and water facilities, etc.
Procedure for Action Cancer Big Bus Arriving at your Store • A procedure has been developed below which will help • You to co-ordinate the arrival of the Action Cancer Big Bus • to your store. • The store manager will be notified by the Marketing Department of the arrival date of the unit . • 2. Nominate a full time SuperValu employee who will be responsible for liaising with the Action Cancer representative(s) before and during the time the unit shall be based outside your premises. • A site visit will take place from Action Cancer to assess the suitability of your premises. Any issues or problems will be raised at this point. After this has been cleared the visit can be confirmed as going ahead. • Brief your staff on the arrival date of the Big Bus A BIG BUS pack will be posted to the store for the attention of the contact person/store manager. • The pack includes details of each service, who is eligible for appointment and who is not eligible. • The specific posters announcing the hours, dates and location of the arrival of the Action Cancer Big Bus shall be despatched to your store. Complete the posters by inserting the day, date and time of arrival of the Unit. These should then be prominently displayed in-store. Empty belly posters are also available for any planned fundraising activities. These can be ordered from the Marketing Department.
Procedure for Action Cancer Big Bus Arriving at your Store 6.The contact person will be contacted in the weeks leading up to the BIG BUS visit to give them an update on how the appointments are going, usually once the visit is advertised the appointments fill up quickly. 7. A standard press release will be provided to the local papers advertising the bus and the services we provide. 8. The Store Manager should be available to welcome the Action Cancer Big Bus and direct it to the allocated area.