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PVAAS School Consultation Fall 2011. PVAAS Statewide Core Team pdepvaas@iu13.org. Consultation Guide Pg. 1. Purpose of Consultation. Goal : To model a process for the inspection, analysis and interpretation of your 2011 data Focus : PAAYP, eMetric, and PVAAS Data for Reading and Math
PVAAS School ConsultationFall 2011 PVAAS Statewide Core Team pdepvaas@iu13.org
Consultation Guide Pg. 1 Purpose of Consultation • Goal: To model a process for the inspection, analysis and interpretation of your 2011 data • Focus: PAAYP, eMetric, and PVAASData for Reading and Math • This process is designed to give a school the “30,000 foot view” of the status of achievement and growth • Whole school data • Grade level data • Subgroup data PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
Purpose of Consultation Two key questions to keep in mind as you examine your data! Based on the system’s prior year achievement goals/targets: • Is the system (school/district) serving all students adequately? • Is the system (school/district) serving all students equitably? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
Agenda • The Power of Two: Web-Based Scatter Plots……15 min • PVAAS Reports………………………………………35 min • Value-Added Reports, Performance Diagnostic Reports, School Projection Summary • PA AYP Report………………………………………..5 min • PSSA Data Interaction Reports, eMetric ………...20 min • Performance Level Summary, Reporting Categories Summary, Matched Comparison Report • Summary and Next Steps………………………….15 min PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 2 The Power of Two! Considering Achievement and Growth TOGETHER!
C.G. Pg. 2 Scatter Plot Quadrants and Their Meanings Quad 2 - Slipping Higher Achievement, Lower Growth Quad 1 - Excelling Higher Achievement, Higher Growth Quad 4 - Improving Lower Achievement, Higher Growth Quad 3 - Underperforming Lower Achievement, Lower Growth PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 2 NEW! Web-Based Scatter Plots https://pvaas.sas.com PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 2 Questions For Later Analysis • Based upon the position of the schools in district, is the system serving all students adequately in the chosen subject area? • How are the schools in the district performing in comparison to all the schools in the state? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 2 Consultation Guide • Decide on focus for your team to make the most of the time: • What subject you/others will focus on – Reading or Math? • What grade level(s) within the subject? • What subgroup within the grade and subject? • Purpose is to model a process that can be used to determine the status of achievement & growth in your school. • The next step is to begin to investigate WHY you are getting these results. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 7 PVAAS Reports https://pvaas.sas.com PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 7 TWO Types of PVAAS Information Looking Forward/Planning… PVAAS Projection Reports For Individual Students and Groups of Students Looking Back/Evaluation… Value-added Growth Reports For Groups of Students Today PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 7 School Value-Added Reports These reports provide information on how effective a school was in supporting groups of students to at least meet the standard for PA Academic Growth. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
NEW! Legends and Color Codes • Alignment of colors and interpretative legends across all Value-Added Reports (all subjects and grade levels) • New 5 color-coding scheme • Same for Reporting 4-8 and 9-11! • All legends are consistent in color and language • Use of the data becomes easier as there is no confusion about what the colors indicate • New 5 Color Codes • Allow for more differentiation among schools exceeding the standard for PA Academic Growth • Allow for more differentiation in Science and Writing reporting, as well as grades 9-11 Reading and Math reporting PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
NEW! PVAAS Value-addedGrowth Descriptors PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
Meeting the standard for PA Academic Growth Growth Measure= 0 • Grades 4-8 - A group meets the standard for PA Academic Growth when they maintain their relative achievement level from one year to the next in relation to the statewide distribution (2006 baseline). • Grades 9-11 – A group meets the standard for PA Academic Growth when their actual achievement meets their predicted achievement- based on the average schooling experience. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 7 Questions • Are the students in your school making the growth needed to meet the school’s/districts achievement goals/targets? • Describe the pattern of growth within each grade over the last three years. • What patterns do you see when examining the entering achievement level of students at each grade level over the past years (looking at achievement vertically for the grade)? • What do the Growth Measures tell you about the system’s success at meeting the needs of students at their achievement level? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 7 School Value-Added Reports Navigate & investigate your Value-Added Reports and answer the questions in your guidebook. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 8 Performance Diagnostic Report The Performance Diagnostic Report allows you to view growth patterns disaggregated by predicted PSSA performance levels (Below Basic, Basic, Proficient, and Advanced). PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 8 Interpretation of the Performance Diagnostic Report What the whiskers tell us… Exceeded standard for PA Academic Growth Blue Met standard for PA Academic Growth Green Zero (0) Line Growth Less Than standard for PA Academic Growth Pink PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
WB P. 35 C.G. Pg. 8 A Patterns of Growth C B PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 8 Questions • How does the growth pattern for the current year (blue bars) compare to the growth pattern for previous years (gold bars) in same grade and subject? • What patterns of growth do you see across grades in each subject area? • What do these patterns suggest about the system’s success at meeting the needs of students at varying achievement levels? • What might these patterns suggest about the system’s curriculum, instruction, materials & resources, or interventions? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 8 Performance Diagnostic Report Navigate & investigate your Performance Diagnostic Reports for each grade level and complete the questions in your guidebook. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 9 Questions for a Subgroup • What patterns of growth do you see for the selected subgroup across grades in each subject area? • Does the pattern of growth for the selected subgroup mirror the pattern of growth for the grade as a whole? Make note of any concerns. • What do these patterns suggest about the system’s success at meeting the needs of students at varying achievement levels within each subgroup? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 9 Performance Diagnostic Report - Subgroups Navigate & investigate your Performance Diagnostic Reports by subgroup for each grade level. Complete the table and answer the questions in your guidebook. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
TWO Types of PVAAS Information Looking Forward/Planning… PVAAS Projection Reports For Individual Students and Groups of Students Looking Back/Evaluation… Value-added Growth Reports For Groups of Students Today PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
Projections to Proficient or Advanced • 3 4 or 5 • 4 5 or 6 • 5 6 or7 • 6 7 or8 • 7 8 • 8 11 Project to these Grades Grade PSSA Last Taken PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
How do I know that the projectionsare accurate? • The projection is precise, and is created using a model that has been reviewed and approved by four different peer review panels and the GAO (US Government Accountability Office). • The most recent 2008 growth model proposal to USDOE includes information regarding the statistical model and projection reliability study. (http://www.ed.gov/admins/lead/account/growthmodel/pa/index.html) • Recent studies have confirmed that the PVAAS projections (even as far as 3 years into the future) are more reliable at looking at the future performance of a student than the most recent PSSA score. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 10 School (Single Grade) Projection Summary Report This report provides educators with the probability of students scoring at or above aProficient level on a future PSSA. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 10 Questions • What percentage of students fall in 70%-100% probability range of reaching proficiency? What does this suggest about the degree to which the core program is meeting the needs of the majority of your students? • What percentage of students fall in the 40%-70% probability range of reaching proficiency? What does this suggest about the needs for supports or interventions for students that are at risk of not reaching proficiency? • What percentage of student fall in the 0- 40% probability range of reaching proficiency? What does this suggest about the need for intensive supports and interventions for students in this range? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 10 School (Single Grade) Projection Summary Report Navigate & investigate your Single Grade Projection Summary Reports for each tested grade and answer the questions in your guidebook. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 11 Questions for a Subgroup • In what probability range do most of the students in this subgroup fall in each tested grade? Greater than 70%, Between 40% to 70%, or Less than 40%? • What do the data suggest about the degree to which your core program is meeting the needs of the selected subgroup of students? • What interventions, supports, and/or services have been provided for these students? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 11 School (Single Grade) Projection Summary Report - Subgroups Navigate & investigate your Single Grade Projection Summary Reports by Subgroupfor each tested grade and answer the questions in your guidebook. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 3 PA AYP http://paayp.emetric.net/ PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 3 PA AYP Report • Public Site • Has a school met the AYP targets? • Academic Performance in Reading & Math • Test Participation in Reading & Math • Attendance or Graduation • Which student groups count for AYP purposes? • A total of 40 or more students in the tested grades in the school PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 3 Questions • Did your school make AYP for performance for the whole school and all measurable subgroups? (72% Reading, 67% Math) • Did your school make AYP for participation for the whole school and all measurable subgroups? • Did the school make AYP for Attendance or Graduation? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 3 PAAYP Data Table Navigate & investigate your PAAYP Data Table and answer the questions in your guidebook. 2011 AYP Targets Reading – 72% Math – 67% PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 4 PSSA Data Interaction – eMetric https://solutions1.emetric.net/pssa/ PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 4 eMetric • Password-protected site • Grade level data • Multiple years • Student groups within grade levels • Ethnicity • Gender • ED, IEP, LEP • Title I PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 4 eMetric PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 4 Graphical Summary: Performance Levels • Provides summary reports in the form of graphs, including bar graphs, pie charts, histograms, or line graphs. • Allows for selection of subject areas, demographic variables, multiple grades, and multiple years. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 4 Questions • Did every grade meet the AYP performance targets for reading and math? (72% Reading, 67% Math) • Did every relevant subgroup within each grade meet the AYP performance targets for reading and math? (72% Reading, 67% Math) • Does the pattern of performance for the selected subgroup mirror the pattern of performance for the grade as a whole? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 4 Graphical Summary: Performance Levels Navigate & investigate your Performance Levels Summary for each grade level and subgroup and answer the questions in the guidebook. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 5 Graphical Summary: Reporting Categories • Provides a bar graphs which display the percentage of score points earned for each reporting category. • Allows for selection of different subject areas and demographic variables at each grade level. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 5 Questions • At each grade level, did all students perform satisfactorily (at least 60% correct) in all reporting categories in the targeted subject area? • Does the pattern of performance across reporting categories for the selected subgroups mirror the pattern of performance across reporting categories for the grade as a whole? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 5 Graphical Summary: Reporting Categories Navigate & investigate your Reporting Category Summary for each grade level and subgroup and answer the questions in the guidebook. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 6 Matched Comparison • Compares PSSA performance levels for two years to determine if students have moved to higher PSSA performance levels in the subject area this past year. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 6 Questions For Later Analysis • In each grade level, have more students moved to higher PSSA performance levels, remained in the same performance levels, or moved to lower performance levels? • How do these results impact your school’s achievement goals? PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 6 Matched Comparison Navigate & investigate your Matched Comparison reports for each grade levels and answer the questions in the guidebook. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide
C.G. Pg. 12 Summary of Essential Findings • Based on your system’s achievement goals/target, how would you answer the two main questions? • Is the system (school/district) serving all students adequately? • Is the system (school/district) serving all students equitably? • List three findings from today’s session under the subject area you investigated to share with the group. PVAAS 2011 Consultation Guide