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LIBYA Our Story and More. James and JoAnne Moriarty. Our Business Enhanced Oil Recovery and Environmental Remediation Liquid concentrates of Enzymes produced using Oil Remediating Microbes in a fermentation process and blended with synergistic
LIBYA Our Story and More James and JoAnne Moriarty
Our Business Enhanced Oil Recovery and Environmental Remediation • Liquid concentrates of Enzymes produced using Oil Remediating Microbes in a fermentation process and blended with synergistic surfactants. The microbes are eliminated when concentrate is finished. • Enzyme (Protein) catalysts and surfactants have been blended in a proprietary process causing them to work together in these two similar but specific configurations. SZ 370andKZ190are extremelyefficient in removing Heavy Viscous Oilfrom solids, such as Sand, Rock, Scale, Rust, Etc. Why we went to Libya
Oil Releasing Capabilities OfS Z 370 andKZ 190 2. Oil Released From SZ 370Floats Up to Be Pumped Out of the Well. CRUDE OIL SOLID SOLID 3. SZ 370 SZ 370 Attracts Oil Off Solids Oil SOLID SZ 370 Neutralizes Cohesion Between Oil and Solid Creating Water Wet Solids (Oil Will Not Adhere to the SZ 370 Treated Solids)
SZ 370 SZ 370 is a BreakThrough Product that has the proven technology to rejuvenate viscous oil wells In a company’s developed oilfields. Today fully 70% of the World’s oil comes from mature fields, most of which are yielding less than half of their potential. SZ 370was developed using a proprietary technology and an in depth understanding of oil properties and the beneficial effects caused by specific biological phenomenon and the multiple enzymatic actions needed to recover the difficult and hard to reach hydrocarbons economically. SZ 370 is the proven technology needed to keep the world’s oil flowing
KZ 190 ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIATION KZ 190 is the proven technology for Environmental Remediation. Today cleanup of Oil Sludge, Oil Spills, PCB’s, Petroleum related contaminants and NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) are becoming a priority for countries Worldwide. KZ 190 speeds the separation of hydrocarbon contaminants from all solid material and water. KZ 190is the only product that is environmentally friendly with the ability to remain soluble in water and not soluble in oil. KZ 190 because it is a catalyst can be recycled and reused. There are no toxic chemicals and no recycling of such toxic chemicals after use . KZ 190allows the petroleum products being extracted to be captured and resold .
Historical KZ 190Use • Used in Water Disposal Plant to Increase the rate of Oil and Water Separation in heavy slop oils in Pearsall, Texas (South Of San Antonio). • Used In Reducing The Volume Of Oily NORM (Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material) waste stored by major oil companies In Louisiana. Petrosafe. Paper presented in 1994. • Used to Clean an Oil Spill on a Beach in Norway • Used to Clean Storage Tanks, Settling tanks, and Oily Waste Pits. • Used to Clean 197 km heavy oil pipeline in Indonesia, when every other major • International oilfield service company failed.
Highest average salary $15,800 per yr, higher than China, higher than India Newly Married couples receive $46.000 New Government built condo costs 10% of salary All utilities are free All medical care is free and if not in Libya fully paid in foreign country with family member and cost of living paid All education free, if not in Libya than fully paid with stipend for entire family Gasoline 44 cents a gallon First car is ½ price of invoice Large warehouses of free food if you are in need During Ramadan any family can go to a Libyan bank and receive 500 dinar 95.6% males literate, 89.2% females literate Virtually 100% of children inoculated with highest infant survival rate #4 in the world Libya used Government money for this not taxpayer as there was no tax. Libya before nato
Ancient Coffee shop in Ghadames Underground home in Garyan Beautiful Tripoli Old Fort Ancient Roman outside community outhouse
Jimmy was in Libya from January 1, 2011 until February 8, 2011 • SIGNED JOINT VENTURE AGREEMENT WITH JANZOUR SOCIAL SECURITY FUND • STARTED SHIPPING GOODS TO BUILD NEW ENZYME PLANT February 17, 2013 UN Declared “No Fly Zone over Libya” CIA, MI6, French and Qatar all on the ground in Libya Rebels open Central Bank in Benghazi funded by 1 billion from Saudi Arabia NATO Funnels money and mercenaries into Libya - 200,000 Al Qaeda mercenaries WHY? Because no more than 10% of Libyans were unhappy with their Government NOT ENOUGH FIGHTERS TO OVERTHROW THE GOVERMENT January 2011 - Arab Spring???
April invited to join ngo fact finding commission Meet FFC Group in London and Head to Tripoli Early May 2011
US BOMB Fragment ID NATO WAR CRIMES in LIBYA NATO Bombs Sorman Family
Libyan people support their government Every week the Libyan people took to the Streets to support their Government JULY 1, 2011 ~ 2 million Libyans in Green Square
Libyan people have a good life Libyan Government Shares It’s Wealth • Newly Married Couples receive $46,000 • New 2000 Sq Fr Condo for 10% of Salary after 20 years own • Free Utilities, electric, gas, etc. Gasoline is 44 cents a gallon • Free Medical, paid outside Libya if not available inside • First Car is ½ dealer invoice • Free Education to whatever level your brain will take you. Fully paid with stipend • Highest average salary in Africa higher than China and India at $15,800 per year. • 95% of males are literate and 83% of females • Large warehouses of food available to all • 500 dinars passed out at banks to anyone needing food during Ramadan • 100% inoculation of all children • In the top 4 countries for low infant morality
Why the uprising? No peaceful Libyans would join hands with NATO against their government so NATO joined hands with the 5% that were radical Islamists – Al Qaeda and they brought in 250,000 Al Qaeda mercenaries to fight against the Libyan people There was no Popular uprising This was a hostile takeover of a sovereign nation by force against the will of the people of Libya requiring 60,000 bombing raids and the death of 500,000 Libyans.
The reasons • Gold Backed Dinar Currency for the Continent of Africa • Ghadafi had started the African Bank with a gold backed currency this would have killed the FED and EURO and freed Africa from the control of the World Bank and IMF • Africom • US wanted military control of Africa and 3 countries refused, Libya the strongest • Lawsuit to recover for Broken Treaties • Ghadafi had filed a lawsuit against Western countries for all the broken treaties with all African countries for 7 trillion dollars and it had legs. LIES told by NATO and US to support the war Ghadafi was in power There were 3 protestors killed Libyans flew planes against the protestors Libyan soldiers harmed Libyan people – raped women Libyan soldiers captured rebels and killed them – giving a reason to start a war Libyans like to fight Libyan women have no rights Libyan people have a terrible life
Trapped in Tripoli captured August 2011 NATO Operation Mermaid Dawn • NATO Brings in Apache helicopters and guns down civilians in the streets of Tripoli – 1300 dead in the first few hours – 5000 wounded • Bombs and missiles continue day and night. • Ships arrive from Benghazi filled with Al Qaeda loaded with weapons • Tripoli is filled with terrorists – every home, business, car - looted
Malta sends rescue ship • Jimmy and JoAnne put on list by Russian Ambassador Maxim Maximov • The below names were added by request of J & J • German FIFA Coach for Libya • Sister of President of Mauritania • Baharani Prince • Man from Texas • Pilipino Lady from hotel Take Hotel Van to find Malta ship
CAPTURED BY AL QAEDA Al Qaeda shows up at pier with AK 47’s point – your game is up Taken to torture center at Radisson Blu Hotel Saved by 3 miracles
UN “IOM” SHIP TO BENGHAZI Benghazi Airport 6 Escapees Anxiously Wait to Board a Plane to Tunisia
Libya now owned by al qaeda • 2011 Population Libya – 5.5 million • NATO killed 500,000 • 2 million Libyans live in Exile • 3 million inside live in a failed state – anarchy rules Abdel Hakim Belhaj was in Guantanamo NATO put in charge of rebel military
NATO MERCENARIES ADMIT AL QAEDA Mr al-Hasidi admitted he had earlier fought against 'the foreign invasion' in Afghanistan “Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.” NATO JOINS HANDS WITH AL QAEDA
LIBYA TODAY – FAILED STATE NO SECURITY • Militias Roam the Streets • Women Raped and killed • Thieves steal at will • NO Border Controls • People live in fear • There is no life now • Al Qaeda controls
SEPTEMBER 11, 2012 BENGHAZIATTACK Chris Stevens TRUTHS CIA Gun Runner for NATO Mercenaries into Libya As Ambassador Gun runner to Syrian Mercenaries from Libya Met with Turkish Diplomat Night of Attack Never was US Embassy in Benghazi only CIA compound. Killed by his Gun Buying Buddies – Join hands with Al Qaeda and they will kill you.
CHRIS STEVENS DURING LIBYAN WAR Libyan Gun Runner Chris Stevens with McCain the TRAITOR
PUPPET LIBYAN PRESIDENT QUITS Mohamed Yousef el-Magarief RESIGNED HIS POST AS PUPPET PRESIDENT OF LIBYA ON MAY 28, 2013. HE LEFT HIS POST TAKING WITH HIM BILLIONS STOLEN FROM THE LIBYAN PEOPLE AND RAN OFF TO SWITZERLAND. He served for a time as head of the board of auditors at the Libyan Arab Republic's Revenue Court and was subsequently Libya's Ambassador to India until 1980, when he announced his defection in Morocco. He defected because he stole 80 million dollars that was sent to him to build a Mosque in India – he has a US passport where he lived for 30 years until the NATO takeover of Libya and a false election put him in power – He is a puppet set there by western powers and he is a supporter of The Muslim Brotherhood, he has almost NO support from the Libyan people who consider him a traitor and a thief. In Libya anyone who leaves for 30 years, defects to another country, knows nothing about Libya and is not Libyan. He has worked with US intelligence for years.
Al Qaeda Controls Borders and Passports in Libya Abu Yahya al-LibiAbdAlwahabGayed These are 2 Brothers. Al-Libi was Bin Laden's deputy and was killed by a drone early this year in Afghanistan. His brother, Gayed, is in charge of passports and borders in Libya. Rumored to be the next President of Libya. He is passing out Libyan passports and money to all foreign terrorists who are coming into the US at alarming rates.
Black Genocide in Liyba now MASS GRAVES IN LIBYA Al Qaeda and all radicals proclaim to “cleanse” Libya of black Libyans. These people make us 30+% of all Libyans.
LIBYAN TRIBES - LIBYA WILL BE LIBYAN AGAIN TRUE Libyan Resistance Awakens Libyan Resistance Flag Sheik Ali Al Lahwel Supreme Leader of all the Tribes of Libya
Libyan tribes JAMES and JOANNE Moriarty Appointed Official Spokespersons for the Tribes of Libya
US intelligence Tribes Pass Non Stop Intelligence on the Activities of Al Qaeda and it’s Affiliates in Libya and North Africa Tera Dahl– Aid for Congresswoman Michele Bachmann Tera Dahl introduction – TIM HUNT – SF Police Detective, 10 years on loan to FBI Terrorist Task Force Tim Hunt introduction – KEVIN DAVIS (fake name) ERIC MADDOX (real name), Defense Intelligence Agent Eric Maddox introduction – BRIAN, FBI Foreign Terrorist Action Unit (can kill bad guys) Tera Dahl introduces JOE WEASEL of “The Blaze” who bring into home CIA operative NIKI BERROCAL. • Intelligence Secrets We Were Told by the Above • We were black listed in September of 2011 • We are targeted individuals/soft attack • There will never be any help for Libya from the USA • Al Qaeda does not exist • Muslim Brotherhood dictates policy in the US • We are in more danger from this government than while we were in Al Qaeda’s hands.
ERIC MADDOX aka Kevin Davis Famous US Intelligence Officer in our home
PLEASE SUPPORT JIMMY AND JOANNE MORIARTY Your Prayers and Contributions are the Only Way They Continue to Tell Their Gripping Story and Expose the NATO Atrocities