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2 Day Lesson Plan for Cuando Tía Lola vino de v isita a q uedarse. Tracy Linder Spanish III Honors and/or Spanish IV (juniors and seniors). CAAP Common Core – The Ohio State University . Reading
2 Day Lesson Plan for Cuando Tía Lola vinode visita a quedarse Tracy Linder Spanish III Honors and/or Spanish IV (juniors and seniors)
CAAP Common Core – The Ohio State University • Reading • Level 4 – 1. Read and understand selected short novels, plays, and/or poems (authentic or from graded readers). • Writing • Level 3 – 10. Compare and contrast aspects of life in the target culture and those in your culture.
CAAP Common Core Continued • Listening • Level 3 – 8. Listen to and understand a sequence of directions or a procedure (e.g., a recipe, what to do in case of fire or other emergencies, etc.) • Speaking • Level 4 – 3. Discuss your opinion about a cultural topic in the target culture (e.g., holidays, foods, sports, tolerance of foreigners, etc.). • Level 4 – 6. Initiate and sustain discourse about a literary or cultural topic of interest in the target culture
Aims • Reviewing previosuly taught vocabulary • Developing readingand comprehension skills • Developing speaking skills • Understanding howfood helps to shape culture
Essential questions • What are your family traditions/rituals with food? • How do food traditions change over time? • In what ways is your favorite dish different from the dish that Tía Lola makes in chapter 4?
Procedure – Day 1 Motivation: Questions for discussion • ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? • Discuss as a class • ¿Qué tipo de comida come tu familia? • Students list responses • Volunteers share with the class
Day 1 Continued • Revisit food vocabulary list from previous course Food Vocabulary • Brainstorm other food words and add to list
Day 1 Continued • Divide into groups • Give each group a different dish mentioned during the family food discussion • Ask groups to make a grocery list for each meal • Groups share their lists
Day 1 Continued Summary: Questions for discussion • ¿Qué tipos de ingredientes fueron usados más en cada plato? • ¿Qué piensas que son los ingredientes más comunes en la comida dominicana? Homework: Read ch. 4 of Tía Lola
Procedure – Day 2 • Re-read as a class the section about huevos rancheros (pg. 42-44) Motivation: Discussion questions and video • ¿Por qué piensas que el anciano disfruta más la comida cuándo Tía Lola la prepara? • ¿Qué ingredientes piensas que hay en los huevos rancheros?
Day 2 Continued • View YouTube video for making huevos rancheros http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fw1PUlGhJio&feature=related • Brainstorm cooking verbs • Students write short paragraph comparing and contrasting huevos rancheros with their favorite food
Day 2 Continued Summary: Discussion and Share • Share paragraphs • Discuss how food helps to shape culture and how food traditions change over time
Rough Plan for Day 3 • Review list of cooking verbs • Quick review of informal commands • Begin planning for presentation of recipe of choice
Citations Alvarez, Julia. Cuando Tía Lola Vino de Visita A Quedarse. New York: Yearling, 2001. Print. “Como Hacer Huevos Rancheros.” IMUSA. YouTube. 2010. Web. 25 July 2011.