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Scarlet Oaks Career Campus Student Bulletin - October 23, 2012

Stay updated with the latest news and events at Scarlet Oaks Career Campus. This bulletin covers important student information and upcoming activities. Keep informed and engaged with your campus community.

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Scarlet Oaks Career Campus Student Bulletin - October 23, 2012

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  1. Scarlet Oaks Career Campus

    Student Bulletin October 23, 2012
  2. Jostens Jostens will be here on Tuesday, October 30 at 8:15 a.m. in the Commissary Annex to meet with Seniors from Finneytown, Goshen, Madeira, Mt Healthy & Wyoming. The meeting is in regards to ordering caps, gowns & announcements. They will return on Friday, November 2 to collect orders in the Commissary in the morning before school.
  3. Herff Jones/Graduate Service Herff Jones/Graduate service will be here on Thursday, November 1 & Friday, November 2 to collect senior orders during lunch. Amelia, Anderson, Batavia, Clermont Northeastern, Deer Park, Glen Este, Lockland, Loveland, Mariemont, Mason, Milford, North College Hill, Norwood, Oak Hills, Princeton, Reading, St Bernard/Elmwood Place, Sycamore, Taylor, Turpin, Wilmington & Winton Woods.
  4. OGT Intervention English Intervention Every Monday 2:30 – 3:30 in English classes Social Studies Intervention Every Tuesday 2:30 – 3:30 in Mr. Elsasser’s Room Science Intervention Every Tuesday 2:30 – 3:30 in Science Classes Math Intervention Please arrange with your Math Instructor
  5. CAPSFORGOODTHE Scarlet CybraryAnnual Community Service Project2012 - 13 Caps are for Newborns @Children’s Hospital October 1, 2012 – December 20, 2012PLEASE Knit or Crochet Newborn hats for Children’s HospitalPatterns are available in the Cybrary. Last year we made 260 caps!
  6. RETURNOR RENEWyour Cybrary bookson the Due Date

    December 12, 2012 Thank you!
  7. Lifetouch Retakes Retakes are at YOUR HOME SCHOOL. If you plan on getting a re-take done, please call your home school to make them aware and to get a plan on when you will be going. You will need a note from the home school in order to go for re-takes (you can bring me a note or have the home school email Mrs. McManus with the information (time you will be there)). You should not be missing an entire school day to get retakes.
  8. Women In Information Technology Conference Nov 16, 2012 Partnered withthe INTERalliance See Mr. DeWittfor more information! Meet with college students who have chosen tech-related fields Talk with professionals about real-life business experiences Participate in team challenges for prizes sites.google.com/site/wiitweb/homefor more information!
  9. College Fairs The University of Cincinnati Clermont College will host an Open House on Thursday, October 25th from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm in the Student Lounge located in the Edith Peter-Jones Building. Attend the open house to learn about UC Clermont’s programs, resources, and the campus. As a special incentive, anyone who applies to UC Clermont College during the Open House will have the $50 applications fee waived. Further, one lucky applicant will win a free 3 credit hour class from the college! UC Clermont Disability Services College Night will take place on Thursday, October 25thfrom 5:00 – 5:45 pm in Snyder Room 151. Students with disabilities are invited to learn about campus resources.
  10. Silent Sustained Reading Monday English Tuesday Science Wednesday SS/NJROTC Thursday Math Friday Career-Tech.
  11. Need Extra Help……????

    Teachers are available every Wednesday and Thursday in the Commissary Annex during Lunch
  12. Amelia Seniors Seniors wanting their picture in the yearbook must have their photo's taken by Oct. 30th please call and set up a free sitting. (Dingo Photography 732-9208)
  13. Clermont Northeastern Any girl interested in playing basketball this year, please stop by Mr. Kreimer's room to pick up a schedule of opengyms and try-outs.
  14. Deer Park The Powder Puff Football game will be Friday, November 2nd. Any high school student who would like to play, coach or be a cheerleader must pick up a pink application form on the table in front of the main office. Cost to play is $20 which includes your t-shirt. The application and money MUST BE completed and turned in to Ms. Taylor in room 239 by Thursday, October 25th. Driver’s Education will begin on November 5th. Registration forms are now in the office. There will be a brief communiserve meeting after school on Tuesday, 10/23 in Mr. Hubbard room 238 to discuss the Halloween food drive. Students participating should attend. Attention bowlers: the practice date has been changed…..the date is now Thursday, October 25 at 3:45 instead of Wednesday. There will be a voluntary open field for all girls interested in softball on Tuesday and Wednesday right after school. There will also be an important softball meeting right after school on Thursday 10/25. Anyone who plans to play softball should attend this meeting.
  15. Finneytown Homecoming pictures are in, please see Ms. Osborn. Any girl interested in playing softball, there will be a brief meeting after school Tuesday 10/23 in room 205. There will be no HEART this Thursday, 10/25 due to conferences.
  16. Goshen Seniors In order for your picture to be included in the yearbook and the class composite picture that hangs in the hallway forever, you must have a formal headshot taken by Lifetouch either here at GHS or in their studio (if you are getting your senior pics done by them in Springdale). Lifetouch will be at GHS on December 13 at 7 am for ALL OAKS SENIORS who need that formal headshot taken for free. Wear a shirt and tie or a nice collared shirt (for guys) and a dress or dressy blouse (for ladies)...NO piercings, hats, hoodies, etc. allowed for the photo. You will need to arrange for transportation to school just for that one day (if you don't drive). It is not the same as your school ID photo. Also important...JOSTENS will be at Scarlet Oaks on October 30 to give you cap and gown information, as well as info on announcements, invitations, etc. Please be in school that day to receive all necessary information regarding graduation next spring!!!
  17. Goshen Goshen girls basketball tryouts are Oct. 26 from 5:30-7:30 pm and Oct. 27 from 8-10:30 am here at GHS. Goshen boys basketball tryouts are Nov. 2 from 2:45-5:30 pm and Nov. 3 from 10-11:30 am. Please plan on attending both if interested in playing basketball.
  18. Harrison Attention students preparing for the ACT: There will be two ACT practice sessions available this Wednesday from 3-4pm, and this Thursday from 7-8am, in the computer lab. Please sign up in Guidance Office to attend. The Volunteer sign-ups for Special Olympic Soccer training have been posted. Please stop by Room 105 if you are interested! If you are interested in being a Wrestling Statistician, there will be a meeting Tuesday October 23 in Mr. Dennis' room, Room 237. The meeting will last about 20 minutes. If you have any questions, please see Coach Dennis. Attention Chorus and Band Students: Your "Zap-a-Snack" fundraiser orders will be delivered this Wednesday. You must pick up your orders in the Commons after school on Wednesday. If you have a large order, you may need to make arrangements to get someone to help you get your items home. Again, all Chorus and Band students MUST pick up their fundraiser orders in the Commons before 5:00 PM on Wednesday, 10/24. The Halloween Dance will take place this Saturday 10/27 from 8:00-11:00 PM in the Old Gym. Everyone should wear costumes, but make sure they are SCHOOL APPROPRIATE! Tickets are $5 at lunch this week and $7 at the door, so be sure to get yours soon!
  19. Loveland LHS Seniors:  The deadline to have your senior picture uploaded is Nov. 16. This picture is in ADDITION to the photo Lifetouch took in the graduation gown.  Please let your photographer know.  Instructions on how to upload a picture can be found on the “high school” web page under “flyers” on the left under the “Loveland High School Calendar.”  Late pictures will not be accepted.  The LHS Halloween Dance is Oct. 27 from 9:00-midnight.  Costumes recommended but not required.  Tickets will go on sale Oct. 22. Please email Mrs. Gordon if you are interested!
  20. Milford Ski Club, offered by the Partners for a Drug-Free Milford Miami Township, is coming soon to Milford High School students!  Open to all levels of skiers, this is a great way to get out and hit the slopes Thursdays in January.  Get all the details at the Parent/Participant informational meeting on Wednesday, October 24 at 7:00 pm in the MHS Cafeteria. The Milford High School auditions for students in the creative arts to compete at the Regional Overture Competition will be held October 29, 30, 31 in the choir room. The deadline for the December 8th ACT test is November 2nd.  Late deadline is November 3-16.  All juniors should be taking the ACT at some point this school year so that they can take it again if needed to get into the college of their choice.  Seniors, this is the last test that will most likely count for college applications this year.  Go to ACT.org to apply." Get involved in Ultimate Frisbee!  Details for this awesome sport will be coming to MHS on Thursday, Nov.1 and Friday, Nov. 2, contact the high school for more information.  Teams will be formed soon for League game play on Sundays in the Spring. Ever dreamed of writing a novel one day?  Make that one day, NOW!  Join other novelists and be a part of National Novel Writing Month!  Tuesday’s starting October 30th and ending December 4 you can get a creative boost! 2:30-3:30 in Room A 26, see Mr. H. Smith for details!
  21. Milford Bowling try outs are scheduled for Monday, November 5th and Wednesday, November 7th from 3:00 to 5:00 PM at Eastgate Lanes. Busses will be provided to take us to Eastgate Lanes. They will be at the back door (teachers’ parking lot). Eastgate Lanes will provide the shoes and bowling balls. Winter parking passes go on sale November 5th thru 9th in the cafeteria before school. You must bring $30, completed application, license, and insurance. Winter pass is effective beginning November 12. Planning for your future for grades 9, 10, 11:  The counselors of Milford High School are hosting an informational meeting on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 6:30 PM at Milford High School.  The meeting will begin at 6:30 PM in the auditorium of the high school.   The focus of the meeting is to provide information on the variety of educational options available to students during and after high school.  Representatives from Great Oaks Vocational School, Cincinnati State, UC Clermont, and Otterbein will be available to talk to parents about vocational school, two year and four year college programs. Parents and students are welcome to attend this meeting.  Contact the guidance office at 576-2203 if you have questions. The Reflector, student newspaper is on Facebook and Twitter, like us and follow us to keep up to date on things going on at Milford as well as the Presidential Election, following seniors through the college application process, an interview with the hall monitor, profiles on new teachers and students, behind the scenes of the play, updates on sports teams and other things going on at Milford and in Ohio and Cincinnati. Our Facebook page is The Reflector-Milford High School and our Twitter is @MHSReflector Check out the Information Board outside of Athletics for details on upcoming activities, tryouts and events so you can "Get Involved"!
  22. Mt Healthy All senior pictures are due November 1st to Ms. Thompson. Please see Ms. Durrough so she can place pictures in the appropriate mailbox. Oct. 25-28 – Multicultural Weekend – Minority Recruits info in Guidance College Fair Oct. 25 Nov. 3 - Community Service trip to Habitat to Humanity Nov. 12-16 Fall College Tour – Minority Recruits – info in Guidance
  23. Mt Healthy OGT Intervention Classes are held immediately after school and dismiss @4:00
  24. Mt Healthy
  25. North College Hill Flyers for the 26th Annual Black College Tour have arrived.  The tour will visit Howard, Johnson C. Smith, Hampton, NC Central State, Virginia State, Morgan State, NC A&T University, Bennett College, Kentucky State, and Winston-Salem State.  It is scheduled for March 31-April 5.  The cost is $495.00, and a seat on the bus can be reserved with a $95.00 deposit.  There will be a meeting on Saturday, November 17, at Allen Temple Church at Jordan’s Crossing near the Swifton Shopping Mall.  You can call Brenda Madison at 793-1744 or Betty Tuggle at 641-0574 for more information.
  26. Norwood If you are looking for weekly updates form Norwood High School check out the electronic school newspaper at www.norwoodmirror.blogspot.com. Every Friday morning the weekly video broadcast is uploaded.  All seniors interested in purchasing a senior class shirt, the last day to purchase a senior shirt will be Friday, November 2nd. All shirts are pre-ordered, so there will not be any additional shirts ordered available for purchase. Get your form on Blackboard!
  27. Oak Hills The OHHS senior panoramic picture will be on Wednesday, November 7, 2012 at 8:30a.  Seniors need to arrive by 8:20a.  Any student attending a JVS will be given a pass back to class as soon as the picture is over. Students are expected to report to Scarlet after pictures. Sign-in at entry one when you arrive.
  29. Sycamore All Sycamore Students: You can check all the Daily Announcements online at the Sycamore High School web site. Once on the high school web site, click on the Daily Announcement tab for information about SHS activities Sycamore Juniors and Seniors:  The 2013 yearbooks are on sale now for $60. After Jan. 1, 2013, the cost will go up to $65, so order yours today! The order forms are available on line at www.yearbookforever.com  or in Rm. 115 or in the SHS front office. Memories may fade, but yearbooks never forget!! Sycamore Seniors:  The SHS Halloween Dress Up Day Assembly will be Wednesday, October 31st.  The Halloween Assembly begins at 1:30 at SHS.  Transportation will not be provided to Sycamore so please plan ahead if you want to come. You do not have to dress up to attend.  You are reminded to check the SHS Daily Announcements for guidelines on what you can/cannot wear.  Please note two important things:  1) You may NOT wear your costume to your oaks campus and 2) you must NOTIFY the oaks that you will be attending, you need to sign out before leaving and will be permitted to leave at 1:00 to attend. Sycamore Seniors: don’t forget to turn your baby ads in now!!!  Ads are on sale until November 1, 2012. Sycamore Seniors:  Senior Photos for the yearbook need to be turned in by November 1, 2012.
  30. Taylor Students registering with the ACT, it has been clarified that students do NOT need to print out your admissions ticket in color. Black and white is acceptable. Also- there is an app on the Iphone or Droid that assists you in downloading a picture. Check out ACT’s website for application information. Are you looking for a perfect part-time job this winter? Think Perfect North Slopes! The slopes are getting readyforwinterfun by accepting applications from responsible candidates age 16 and older.. If you are interested, plan to attend the Job Fair Saturday, October 27''' anytime between 9:00 a.m. and12:00 p.m. at the ski area. Be prepared to complete an application for employment and to be interviewed. Check out www.perfectnorth.comlemployment for more information, and to download an application in advance. It's time for your Seniors Connections Trip.  Our trip is scheduled for November 14th through November 16th. This is a trip you don't want to miss.  Personally I had a great time and I heard nothing from great comments from last year seniors.  So make sure you get you form and money into Guidance as soon as possible. Any questions - just ask.
  31. Turpin SWIMMERS: Preseason training will be offered this week on Tuesday, October 23rd, Wednesday, Oct. 24th, and Thursday, Oct. 25th from 2:30-4:00. Bring dryland clothing and swimming gear. Plan to meet in the pool area. CHESS CLUB will NOT meet Wednesday 10/24 due to teacher meetings but will continue the following Wednesday, October 31st. JUNIORS: The meeting for the 2014 Senior Trips is Thursday, October 25. If you have any concerns please see Mr. Chaney. Anyone interested in being a peer tutor, please see Mrs. Hull. There is a desperate need, especially for MATH tutors. Students interested in playing Youth Basketball sponsored by the Anderson Township Park District should pick up a registration form in the main office.
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