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Ephesians. Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! Thou hast relieved me in my distress; Be gracious to me and hear my prayer. (David’s adversaries; Israelites) sons of men, how long will my honor become a reproach? How long will you love what is worthless and aim at deception?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ephesians

  2. Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! Thou hast relieved me in my distress; Be gracious to me and hear my prayer. (David’s adversaries; Israelites) sons of men, how long will my honor become a reproach? How long will you love what is worthless and aim at deception? But know that the LORD has set apart the godly man for Himself; The LORD hears when I call to Him. Be Angry and Do Not Sin lie, falsehood, untruth (David defends his appointment) against God by dishonoring David to his adversaries: Tremble, and do not sin; meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still. Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, And trust in the LORD. TREMBLE quake, rage, quiver, be agitated, be perturbed quiet words & spirit the sacrificial love of Ephesians that dispels anger I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, LORD, only make me dwell in safety.

  3. place; foothold Do Not Give the Devil an Opportunity 3 ways we defend ourselves against the devil: 1. Actively working to build the body in the unity of the faith unity of the knowledge of the Son of God 2. Walking in love 3. Putting on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil.

  4. An Opportunity For What? to cultivate hate and division within the body. HATE/DIVISION (self-serving) LOVE/UNITY (self-sacrificing) falsehood retaining anger stealing words that tear apart bitterness wrath anger clamor slander malice truth dispelling anger sharing words that build up kindness tenderhearted forgiving imitate God’s character walk in love

  5. How can we grieve the Holy Spirit? Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit When we do not put on the new self prepared for Christians, we do harm to all the Spirit’s work for the church. As the Father predestined the Church, and the Son died for the Church, The Spirit unifies the Church.

  6. 1.13-14: He seals us all in Christ and is given to us as God’s promise of our coming redemption and inheritance. 2.18: It is in the unity of the Spirit that the Church has access to the Father. 2.22: In the person of the Holy Spirit, the Church is a dwelling of God. 3.5: The Holy Spirit revealed that Gentiles are co-heirs with Israelites. 3.16: God’s power to strengthen us to love comes from the Holy Spirit. 4.3: The person of the Holy Spirit unifies the body. 5.18: We are to be filled with the Spirit; completely under His influence. WUI 6,17: God’s word is the Spirit’s sword 6.18: We are to pray at all times in communion with the Spirit. The Spirit’s Work (in Ephesians)

  7. Be kind to one another,tender-hearted, forgiving each other,just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.

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