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Oggi è il venticinque marzo

Oggi è il venticinque marzo. Quali sono i pronomi dei riflessivi ? Cambiate le seguente : innamorarsi ( lui ) Divertirsi ( noi ) Mettersi la camicia ( loro ) Farsi la barba ( voi ) Alzarsi ( tu ) 3. Quale vocabolario associ con le seguenti : innamorarsi Divertirsi

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Oggi è il venticinque marzo

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  1. Oggi è ilventicinquemarzo • Qualisonoipronomideiriflessivi? • Cambiate le seguente: • innamorarsi (lui) • Divertirsi (noi) • Mettersi la camicia(loro) • Farsi la barba (voi) • Alzarsi (tu) • 3. Quale vocabolarioassoci con le seguenti: • innamorarsi • Divertirsi • Mettersi la camicia • Farsi la barba • Alzarsi SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places.

  2. Ripassiamoilcompito • Page L parte B SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places.

  3. Il compito • Page R- write 7 sentences on a separate piece of paper describing what they are doing using reflexive verbs- due Thursday(will be collected) • Reflexive verbs- quiz 2 on Friday SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places.

  4. Giorno per giorno • La pratica- 4.1 • La pratica- 4.2- leggiamoinsieme e poi rispondete SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places.

  5. I posti per cibo SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places.

  6. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places. Il supermercato

  7. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places. Il ristorante

  8. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places. La salumeria

  9. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places. Il fruttivendolo

  10. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places. La pasticceria

  11. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places. Il caffè/ il bar

  12. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places. Il panificio/ la paneteria

  13. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places. La rosticceria

  14. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places.

  15. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places.

  16. SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places. Match the place with the product: A)Il supermercato B) Il ristorante C) La salumeria D) Il fruittivendolo E) La pasticceria F) Il caffè/ il bar G)Il panificio/ la paneteria H)La rosticceria I)La gelateria L) La macelleria 1) ___Il gelato allavaniglia 2) ___ Il pane 3) ___ Il cannolo 4) ___ Tuttiiprodottialimentari 5) ___ Il tacchino 6) ___ La bisteccacruda 7) ___ Il polloarrosto 8) ___ l’espresso 9) ___ La patata, l’arancia, la banana 10) ___ Il primo piatto, il secondo piatto

  17. Michiamo:________________________________ • Qualisonoipronomideiriflessivi? _________________________________________________________________ • Cambiate le seguente: • innamorarsi (lui) ___________________________________________ • Divertirsi (noi) ___________________________________________ • Mettersi la camicia(loro) __________________________________________ • Farsi la barba (voi) ___________________________________________ • Alzarsi (tu) ___________________________________________ • 3. Quale vocabolarioassoci con le seguenti: • innamorarsi ___________________________________________ • Divertirsi ___________________________________________ • Mettersi la camicia ___________________________________________ • Farsi la barba ___________________________________________ • Alzarsi___________________________________________

  18. Oggi è ventiseimarzo, duemilaquattordici. Da fare ora: ilgioco- password!!!

  19. Il compito • Page R- write 7 sentences on a separate piece of paper describing what they are doing using reflexive verbs- due tomorrow(will be collected) • Reflexive verbs- quiz 2 on Friday SWBAT utilize reflexive verbs to describe others daily routines, acquire places around town and make associations to products that can be found in these places.

  20. Giorno per giorno Esercizio 4.5, 4.7, 4.9

  21. I posti/ I negozi in centro!


  23. L’edicola- News stand

  24. La libreria- book store

  25. La biblioteca- library

  26. Il centrocommerciale- mall

  27. La gioielleria- jewelry shop

  28. La profumeria- perfume store

  29. Il negozio di calzature- shoe store

  30. La pelletteria- leather shop

  31. Il negozio di abbigliamento/ ilgrandemagazzino- clothing store/ department store

  32. Il dolce: la sorellasiciliana • Ascolatebene!

  33. Oggi è ilventisettemarzo Da fare ora: Ascoltatebene- Giorno per Giorno 4.6, 4.10 (track 53, 54) SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  34. Ripassiamoilcompito • Page R- write 7 sentences on a separate piece of paper describing what they are doing using reflexive verbs- pass forward! SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  35. Il compito • Reflexive verbs- quiz 2 tomorrow SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  36. Review of the verb farsi • Chesignifica? • To do/to take! (io ) mifaccio (tu) tifai (lui/lei/Lei) sifa (noi) cifacciamo (voi) vifate (loro) sifanno SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  37. I posti per divertirsi SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  38. La palestra SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  39. Il parco/ il giardino pubblico SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  40. Il cinema SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  41. La sala giochi SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  42. La piscina pubblica SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  43. La discoteca SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  44. Lo stadio SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  45. Il teatro SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  46. Lo zoo SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  47. Il centro SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  48. Unagara SWBAT comprehend information about other people’s daily routine and make associations between reflexive verbs and vocabulary, acquire leisure activity places around town.

  49. Nomi: ________________________________________________________________ 3-2-1: Name 3 places around community, name 2 products that can be found in these stores, write one place or product around the community that you would like to know the word for in Italian 3 posti:___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 2 prodotti:___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Un posto: ___________________________________________

  50. Oggi è ventottomarzo, duemilaquattordici. • 1. Scrivetetutte le forme: • innamorarsi • mettersi • Rispondete: • A cheoratialziilsabato? • Ti divertidoposcuola? Cosafai? Da fare ora: Scrivete e parlate!!! SWBAT show knowledge of reflexive verbs and vocabulary to describe their daily routine in detail, make connections between places and products that can be found there

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