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FOREWORD This Pakistan Standard was adopted by the Pakistan Standards & Quality Control Authority; Standards Development Centre on ___________after the draft finalized by the Halaal Food Standards Technical Committee had been approved by the National Standards Committee for Agriculture & Food Products.
FOREWORD • 0.1 This Standard was first established in 1996 and first revised in 2010, and the committee felt it to be revised again in the light of the latest developments in the industries. • 0.2 In the preparation of this standard the views of the consumers, scientists, technologists, Islamic Scholars and testing Authorities have been taken into consideration. • 0.3 In this Standard, Islamic rules refer to commonly accepted rules and beliefs of Islam, regardless of variations in different countries/sects. • 0.4 All the Muslims are bound to follow their respective schools of thought. • 0.5 This standard is not meant to be used as a reference for issuing Fatwa on the “Shariah Status” of things, for it has been prepared to cover industrial requirements of Halaal Products.
1.0 Scope This Islamic Republic of Pakistan Standard defines the requirements for Halaal Food Safety Management System that shall be followed during preparation, processing, packaging, labeling, handling, distribution, serving and the overall aspects of the premises dealing with and storing Halaal food. This Standard shall be used together with the laws of Islamic Republic of Pakistan and other relevant standards and guidelines for local/import/export purposes.
1.0 Scope It is applicable to all enterprises/organizations, regardless of size, which are involved in any aspect of the food chain and wish to implement systems that consistently provide safe Halaal products. The means of meeting any requirements of this Pakistan Standard can be accomplished through the use of internal and/or external resources.
1.0 Scope • This Standard specifies requirements to enable an organization to: • plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a Halaal Food Safety Management System aimed at providing products that are Halaal and are safe for the consumer according to their intended use; • demonstrate compliance with Sharia rules; • demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements; • effectively communicate Halaal food issues to their suppliers, customers and relevant interested parties in the food chain; • ensure that the organization conforms to its stated Halaal food policy; • Seek certification of its Halaal Food Safety Management System, by a Halaal certification body accredited asper PS: 4992.
2.0 • Definitions
2٫0 Definitions: • For the purpose of this Standard, the following definitions apply: 2.1 Halaal Things or actions permitted by Laws of Islam.
2.2 Halaal Foods • Halaal food means food fit for human consumption and permitted by the Laws of Islam and that which fulfills the following conditions: • The food or its ingredients do not contain any parts or products of animals that are non-Halaal or products of animals which are not slaughtered according to the Laws of Islam; • The food does not contain any ingredients that are “Haraam” or “Najis”; • The food is safe and not harmful for human health; • The food is not prepared, processed or manufactured using equipment contaminated with things that are “Haraam” or ” Najis”; • The food or its ingredients do not contain any human parts or their derivatives; • During its preparation, processing, packaging, storage or transportation, the food does not come into contact with any Haraam or Najis items that can contaminate it.
2.0Definitions: • Things prohibited by Laws of Islam. 2.3 Haraam
2.3.1 Haraam Foods • Foods or drinks strictly prohibited by The Holy Quran and Sunnah that include: • Haraam animals (see clause2.3.2); • Halaal animals that have not been slaughtered in compliance with the Shariah requirements; • Seven parts of Halaal animals slaughtered in compliance with the Shariah requirements , namely blood, bladder, gallbladder, glands (i.e. ghudood in Arabic), penis, testicles and vulva; • Those things that cause intoxication such as wine, liquor etc. • Things that harm the human body or intellect to such an extent as cannot be neglected; • Things abominable to human beings, for example, nasal secretion, insects, pests, etc. • Human parts and human derivatives such as hair, nail, etc. • Things that are Najis (i.e. filthy) as per Shariah laws such as faeces, urine, etc.
2.3.2 Haraam Animals By the Holly Qur’an • 1- All the animals that have been prohibited in express terms by the Holy Quran such as • swine/ pig/ boar; • carrion with all its types or forms e.g. dead Halaal animals, strangled animals, etc.; • Animals slaughtered in the name of, or dedicated to, anybody/thing other than ALLAH TA’ALA.
2.3.2 Haraam Animals By the Sunnah of RasoolullaheSalALLAHOAlaiheWassalam 2- All the animals or birds that have been prohibited in the Sunnah such as donkey, Jalalahetc. (i.e. the animal that eats filthy things and whose meat, as a result of eating filthy things, gives bad smell).
2.3.2 Haraam Animals 3- Pests/Insects and Land Animals All pests/insects and land animals that, from the Shariah point of view, do not have blood at all, or do have blood but the kind that does not flow, for example, fly, mosquito, lizard, snake, rat, etc. Locust is Halaal, and hence exempted from this rule.
2.3.2 Haraam Animals 4- Carnivorous & Fierce Animals 4- All the carnivorous and fierce animals that have flowing blood and bite or prey their target with their fangs. ExamplesLions, wolves, panthers, tigers, foxes, dogs, bears and other similar animals.
2.3.2 Haraam Animals 5- Amphibians 5- All amphibians i.e. animals living both on land and in water. Examples Crocodiles, turtles and frogs etc.
2.3.2 Haraam Birds 1- All the birds that prey their target with their claws, Such as: Eagles, vultures, falcons and other similar birds; 2- All the birds that eat filthy things, for example, Jalalah.
2.4 Najis A thing that is abominable in itself from the Shariah point of view or is contaminated with such substances, for example, any discharge from the orifices of human beings or animals such as urine, excreta, blood, vomit, pus, sperm, ova, and any other thing coming in contact with such substances.
2.5 Slaughtering According to the Laws of Islam, the slaughter act is to sever the trachea, esophagus and both the carotid artery and jugular vein (Wadajain in Arabic) synchronized with or immediately pre-ceded by the verbal recitation of any name of ALLAH. (Annex-A & B). a. Zabah - To cut the vessels of the animal between the “Lahyain” i.e. jawbone and the “Labbah”_ for short-necked animals like cow, sheep, goat, etc. (see Annex-A & B) b. Nahar -To cut the vessels of the animal in the lower part of the neck near the chest _ for long-necked animals like camel, ostrich, etc.
2.6 Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Actions regarding personnel hygiene and sanitation in the processing premises to ensure safe and healthy production, storage and distribution of foods as defined in “PS: 1825 for Good Manufacturing Practice in Manufacturing Processing, Packing or Holding Human Foods”
2.7 Good Hygiene Practice (GHP) Measures taken in stages of food chain to ensure the provision of safe food for consumption according to GHP Codex Alimentarius Standards or Pakistan Standards on Code of hygienic Practices.
2.8 Food Chain All stages involved from farm to fork in the production of food including primary production, harvesting, preparation, processing, packaging, storage, transportation, distribution and supply to the market.
2.9 Food Additives Substances added to food to preserve or improve taste, smell, appearance or nutrition during the production, processing, preparation, packaging, storage, which are not in themselves intended for consumption or for use as raw material or supplementary material; residue and derivatives of which may be found in the end product after the processing or production depending on the chosen technology.
2.9 Food Additives Substances added to food to preserve or improve taste, smell, appearance or nutrition during the production, processing, preparation, packaging, storage, which are not in themselves intended for consumption or for use as raw material or supplementary material; residue and derivatives of which may be found in the end product after the processing or production depending on the chosen technology.
2.10 Cold Chain A series of chilled storage, distribution and similar activities obligatory for food products to preserve their original qualities.
2.11 Genetically Modified Food (GMF) Food and drinks containing products and/or by-products of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) or GMO ingredients.
2.12 Food Safety Concept that food will not cause harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or eaten according to its intended use.
2.13 Halaal Food Safety Policy Overall intentions and directions of an organization related to Halaal Food Safety as formally expressed by top management that must be Muslim(s)
3 Halaal Food Management System
3 Halaal Food Management System For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions apply: 3.1 General requirements 3.1.1 The organization shall establish, document, implement and maintain an effective Halaal Food Management System (HFMS) and update it when necessary in accordance with the requirements of this Standard. 3.1.2 The organization shall define the scope of the HFMS. The scope shall specify the products or product categories, processes and production sites that are addressed by the HFMS.
4 Documentation Requirements
4.1.The Halaal Food Management System documentation shall include: • Documented statements of a Halaal food safety policy and related objectives; • Documented procedures and records required by this Standard; • Documents needed by the organization to ensure effective development, implementation and updating of the Halaal Food Management System; • Control of records shall be established to provide evidence of conformity to requirements of the effective operation of the HFMS. • Documentation procedure shall be established to define the controls needed for the identification storage, protection, retrieval, retention and deposition of records; • Records shall remain legible, readily identifiable and retrievable.
4.2 Emergency Preparedness • and Response The organization’s top management shall establish, implement and maintain procedures to manage potential emergency situations and accidents that can impact Halaal Food Management System.
4.3 Internal Audit The organization shall conduct internal audits at planned intervals to determine whether the HFMS a. conforms to the planned arrangements established by the organization, and to the requirements of this Standard; b. is effectively implemented and updated.
4.4 Management Review 4.4.1 The organization’s top management shall review the HFMS at planned intervals to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. This review shall include assessing opportunities for improvement and the need for change to the HFMS, including the Halaal Food Safety Policy. 4.4.2 Records of management reviews shall be maintained.
4.5 Human Resources 4.5.1 The personnel carrying out activities having an impact on Halaal food safety shall be competent Muslims and shall have appropriate education, training, skills and experience in Shariah and Food Technology. 4.5.2 Where the assistance of external experts (i.e., Shariah Advisors, Food Technologists, Veterinarians, etc.) is required for the development, implementation, operation or assessment of the HFMS, records of agreement or contracts defining the responsibility and authority of external experts shall be maintained.
4.6 Halaal Control Points 4.6.1 Halaal control points shall be established for Halaal production requirements for all foods (i.e. meat, poultry, dairy products, sea food, cereals, confectionary, nutritional food supplements etc.). 4.6.2 Where appropriate, Halaal food shall be identified by suitable means throughout product realization. The organization shall establish and apply a traceability system that enables the identification of product lots and their relation to batches of raw materials, processing and delivery records.
4.6 Halaal Control Points 4.6.3 The traceability system shall identify incoming material from the immediate suppliers and the initial distribution route of the end product. 4.6.4 Traceability records shall be maintained for a defined period for system assessment to enable the handling of potentially unsafe products and in the event of product withdrawal. Records shall be in accordance with statutory and customer requirements and may be based on the end product lot identification.
5.0 Requirements for any Organization in the Halaal Food Chain
5.1 Sources of Halaal Foods and Drinks 5.1.1 Animals Animals must be of Halaal species _ such as buffalo, goat, sheep and other similar animals _ and must be slaughtered according to the Laws of Islam. 5.1.2 Birds Birds must be of Halaal species _ such as poultry and quail _ and must be slaughtered according to the Laws of Islam. 5.1.3 Aquatic animals Animals which live in water and cannot survive outside it, such as fish, are Halaal on the condition that they do not die their natural death in the water. 5.1.4 Insects Only Locust is Halaal.
5.1 Sources of Halaal Foods and Drinks 5.1.5 Plants All species of plants and their products are Halaal except those which are poisonous, intoxicating or hazardous to health. 5.1.6 Mushrooms and Micro-organisms All species of mushrooms and micro-organisms are Halaal except those that are poisonous, intoxicating or hazardous to health. 5.1.7 Natural minerals and chemicals All natural minerals and chemicals are Halaal except those that are poisonous, intoxicating or hazardous to health.
5.1 Sources of Halaal Foods and Drinks • 5.1.8Beverages • All non-alcoholic beverages, produced synthetically or derived from natural sources, are Halaal. • All intoxicating beverages, derived from any source, are Haraam. • Alcohol derived from grapes or dates is Najis and Haraam.
5.1 Sources of Halaal Foods and Drinks 5.1.9 Genetically Modified Food (GMF) Genetically modified organisms (GMO) or ingredients or products containing GMOs shall not be made by the use of genetic material which is not from a Halaal source. 5.1.10 Food Additives Food additives shall only be from sources acceptable and processed according to Halaal requirements.
5.2 Slaughtering The slaughtering procedure of Halaal animals shall be carried out according to the requirements related to the slaughter of animals in Islam, which are as follows:
5.2 Stunning Stunning is not permitted for both birds and animals in Pakistan. Meat imported from other countries must also meet this requirement. Note:- A certificate must accompany meat imported stating that it has been inspected by a Halaal certification body as per PS: 4992 for General Criteria for the operation of Halaal Certification Bodies.
5.3 Health Inspection • Of • Carcass and Giblets
5.3 Health Inspection of Carcass and Giblets • 5.3.1A veterinary expert shall, without delay, make a general inspection on the carcass and examine its specific parts and shall immediately segregate carcasses found: • a) Unsuitable for consumption • b) Diagnosed with certain ailments • c) Suspected on which a definite judgment has yet to be made. • 5.3.2 Where necessary, internal organs and head shall be subject to inspection to compare results. Head, trotters, lungs, heart, skin, liver, spleen, kidney, stomach, tripe and intestines shall be examined both visually and by hand. Where necessary, head, liver, heart and lymphatic nodules and any other organ shall be inspected by making cut.
5.3 Health Inspection of Carcass and Giblets 5.3.3 In case that carcass inspection produces suspicious results, consultation will be made. In cases where physical examination does not suffice to reach a diagnosis, suspected substance or sample shall be sent to the laboratory, and a decision shall be made in accordance with laboratory testing results. Till then the carcass must remain quarantined. 5.3.4 Carcass may be washed and kept hanging for some time for the removal of excess water. Each part shall then be marked in accordance with the stamping methods as identified in the legal regulations.
6.0 Halaal Product Manufacturing, Processing, Handling, Storage, Transportation and Distribution
6.1 All processed food is Halaal if it meets the following requirements: a. The product or its ingredients do not contain any non-Halaal components; b. The product does not contain anything in any quantity that is decreed as Najis; c. The product or its ingredients are safe for human consumption; d. The product is prepared, processed or manufactured using equipment and facilities that are free from contamination with Najis and non-Halaal. e. During its preparation, processing, packaging, storage or transportation, it shall be physically separated from any other food that does not meet the requirements specified in items (a), (b), (c), and/or (d) or any other things that are decreed as Najis.