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Automatic Finger Print Identification System with Multi biometric Options. A smart presentation On AFIS System. Common Usage of Biometric Systems. Border Control Criminal Investigation Access control Attendance control Customer relationship management (CRM) PC biometrical logon
Automatic Finger Print Identification System with Multi biometric Options A smart presentation On AFIS System
Common Usage of Biometric Systems • Border Control • Criminal Investigation • Access control • Attendance control • Customer relationship management (CRM) • PC biometrical logon • Identity verification • Banking • Secure Web Transactions
Fingerprint identification • Human fingerprints are unique to each person and can be regarded as a sort of signature, certifying the person's identity. Because no two fingerprints are exactly alike, the process of identifying a fingerprint involves comparing the ridges and impressions on one fingerprint to those of another. • This first involves capturing the likeness of the fingerprint, either through use of a fingerprint scanner (which takes a digital picture of a live fingerprint), scanning a pre-existing paper-based fingerprint image or by pulling what is known as a "latent fingerprint" from a crime scene or other place of investigation, from which a digital image is created. • Once the fingerprint image is captured, the process of identification involves the use of complex algorithms (mathematical equations) to compare the specific features of that fingerprint to the specific features of one or more fingerprint images that have been previously stored in a database.
Facial Identification • Like fingerprint biometrics, facial recognition technology is widely used various systems, including physical access control and computer user accounts security. • Usually these systems extract certain features from face images and then perform face matching using these features. A face does not have as many uniquely measurable features as fingerprints and eye irises, so facial recognition reliability is slightly lower than these other biometrical recognition methods. However, it is still suitable for many applications, especially when taking into account its convenience for user. Facial recognition can also be used together with fingerprint recognition or another biometrical method for developing more security-critical applications. • Using face identification as an additional biometric method can dramatically decrease this effect. This multi-biometrical approach also helps in situations where a certain biometric feature is not optimal for certain groups of users. For example, people who do heavy labor with their hands may have rough fingerprints, which can increase the false rejection rate if fingerprint identification was used alone.
Proposed System using Advance Biometrics Our systems consists of three modules • Transactions record with finger Identification ( FIR Registration ) • Staff Attendance using finger Identification • Criminal AFIS using multi biometrics ( Finger and facial Identification)
FIR Registration • Complete Computerize FIR system with Optional Urdu Interface . • Each FIR record the finger print of Lodger and Staff. • Every update on particular FIR will be updated regularly . • Detail Audit and Performance reporting on each case.
Personnel System • Compile staff personal file • Educational and other details • Secure Staff Attendance with finger identification • No Buddy Punching • Staff Movement record • Duty Roaster and shift details
Criminal AFIS Tracking of Different Criminals with Jails Finger and Facial Print database using forensic quality scanners. Criminal Identification from Finger and Facial biometrics Complete track database of each person.
Hardware and Software Required • Windows OS based latest server and desktop machines • Rational Database ( Ms SQL Server or Oracle ) • NIST and MITEX approved Finger Scanner • Digital Camera • Normal Laser Printer • Customize AFIS and Personnel System
Task Achieved with the system • A complete FIR management System • A complete Personnel system with attendance features • Access of Criminal record with Finger and facial matching and verification technology • Access of every data within few key stokes • Customize reports for performance and audit monitoring.
Future Enhancements • AFIS for police and civilian applications (ANSI/NIST) • Rolled and Flat Finger and full Palm scanning. • Crime scene scanning • Iris Scanning • Police database with tenprints (TP) and latent prints (LP) • Includes TP-TP, TP-LP, LP-TP, LP-LP searching • Integration of digital photos and signatures • Mobile Handheld units for field operation with database matching with Central over GSM • Exchange of database within different region or countries.