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Development of an Insulation Responding to the FAR 25.856 by the Integration of Mica Flame Barrier OCTOBER 2005, the 20 th FAA PRESENTATION. Alain JACQUES (COGEBI) Nicolas ORANCE (DAHER). Fire and Cabin Safety Research. ...................................
Development of an Insulation Responding to the FAR 25.856 by the Integration of Mica Flame BarrierOCTOBER 2005, the 20thFAA PRESENTATION Alain JACQUES (COGEBI) Nicolas ORANCE (DAHER) Fire and Cabin Safety Research ................................... ................................. International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 – Problematics 2 – Raw material 3 – Blanket 4 – New products : CogeBarrier / CoDaX® - Qualification 5 – Installation on aircraft : CoDaX® specificities,design proposals 6 – Conclusion International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
1 - PROBLEMATICS FAR25§856 (b) : Burnthrough on Thermal/Acoustic Insulation NEW Thermal/Acoustic Insulating Blanket or Mica Paper Fire Barrier (Liner) Aircraft Manufacturers Weight : m < 75g/m² Process : respect the current process International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
2 - RAW MATERIAL MICA – Main Properties High THERMAL resistance ELECTRICAL insulation CHEMICAL inertness MECHANICAL resistance LAMELLAR (non-fibrous) International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
2 - RAW MATERIAL COGEBI’s MICA PAPER Due to its crystallographic structure, mica properties are anisotropic. The best behavior is exhibited perpendicularly to the cleavage. A pure Mica Paper of 25 g/m² is an excellent Flame Barrier International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
3 - DAHER BLANKET :Manufacturing and Installation PROCESS : 5 steps 1 Glass wool automatic cutting 2 Film welding International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
3 - DAHER BLANKET :Manufacturing and Installation 3 Reinforcement 4 Control 20’000 Blankets per month ! 5 Installation on aircrafts... (AIRBUS France assembly lines : A300, A320 and A340 families) International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
For the Fuselage Burnthrough Resistance application, COGEBI and DAHER have developed a specific product. The material consists in a layer of thin Mica paper coated with a Fluor-polymer and co-laminated with a film currently used as skin of the blanket responding to the part (a) of the FAR 25.856. Fluor-polymer topcoat Thin Mica paper 25 g/m² PVF or APK film Functionality Chemic-physical protection Flame barrier Anti-tearing Chemic-physical protection 4 - NEW PRODUCTS : CogeBarrier film and CoDaX® blanket 4-1 CogeBarrier Adhesion, when necessary The mica-film colaminate, CogeBarrier, available in rolls, is used to produce with the same process the final blanket : CoDaX® International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
Aging 4-2 Development and qualification tests on CogeBarrier Specific products results RESULTS Properties Unit Test method Target Mica-PVF1 Mica-PVF2 Mica-APK Square weight total g/m² EN 12127 - 67.0 73.4 63.1 Square weight flame barrier g/m² EN 12127 75 37.0 42.4 41.1 Thickness mm - - 0.10 0.13 0.10 Tensile strength N/25mm Aircraft Manufact. 10 47.3 42.4 52.1 Penetration strength N Aircraft Manufacturer Ø10mm : 30 40.7 47.6 37.2 Ø20mm : 65 76.7 96.8 66.8 Peeling N/25mm Aircraft Manufact. 10 13.4 18.2 19.3 RESULTS Mica-PVF1 Mica-PVF2 Mica-APK Properties Unit Test method Target 1000h/70°C 1000h/70°C/ /98%RH 1000h/70°C 1000h/70°C/ /98%RH 1000h/70°C 1000h/70°C/ /98%RH % diminution of tensile strenth % Aircraft Manufacturer 25 24 9 16 14 7 15 % diminution of seam resistance - peeling % Aircraft Manufacturer 30 15 5 in progress International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
Burning behaviour : FAR 25§853 Appendix F part I (a) (I) (ii) 4-2 Development and qualification tests on CogeBarrier Specific products results : RESULTS Flammability vertical 12 s Unit Requirement Mica-PVF1 Burn length mm 203 142 (*) After flame : burning time s 15 0 After flame : dripping time s 5 No drip (*): Only the film PVF burns, not mica Maximal specific optical smoke density within 4 min : FAR25§853 Appendix F, part V(d) RESULTS Unit Requirement Mica-PVF1 Flaming mode - 100 0 Non flaming mode - 100 0 International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
Concentration of smoke gas components after 4 min : test method AITM 3.0005 4-2 Development and qualification tests on CogeBarrier Specific products results : Methods used for HF and HCl analysis : ionic chromatography RESULTS Mica-PVF1 Gas Unit Target Non-flaming mode Flaming mode Hydrogen fluoride (HF) ppm 100 0 < 10 Hydrogen chloride (HCl) ppm 150 0 0 Sulfur dioxide (H2S + SO2) ppm 100 0 0 Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN) ppm 150 0 0 Carbon monoxide (CO) ppm 1000 0 63.3 Nitrous gases (NO + NO2 ) ppm 100 0 0 International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
4-3 CoDaX® BLANKET qualification BURNING BEHAVIOUR FAR25§853 (a) vertical test 12s New requirement : FAR25§856 (a) Flame propagation Successful International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
4-3 CoDaX® qualification • New requirements : • FAR25§856 (b) - No burnthrough within 4 min of exposure - Maximum flux measured behind 305mm from the front surface of the test rig : 2.27W/cm² Successful International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
4-4TWO WAYS CoDaX® Blanket CogeBarrier Film International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5 - INSTALLATION DESIGN PRINCIPLES 5-1 FAR 25§856 (b) problematic FAR 25.856 A FAR 25.856 A+B Bilge area : no blanket Requirement is to protect the half lower part of fuselage, but there is usually no blanket at the bottom (in bilge area) due to water condensation and draining. International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5 - INSTALLATION DESIGN PRINCIPLES 5-1 FAR 25§856 (b) problematic • Development and concepts proposals for a global aircraft protection • improvement of the blanket • improvement of the frame insulation principle • test and prototype • improvement of the bilge and cargo floor prototype International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5-2 Blanket new design concept : FRAME FIELD New mechanical fixing part is integrated on blanket Mica protected face Overlapping improvement (to improve flame barrier efficiency – No leak !) Mechanical fixations are implemented & increased (to improve cohesion with primary structure... and also can be “FAR proof” !) Blankets are simplified (no more adhesive tapes or sewings : the fixations make local reinforcement !) New fixation line (added on A/C skin or on stringers) International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5-3 Frame insulation principle WITHOUT FOAM RING Fireproof fixation and removable safety part Mica protected face Possible ATA92 interface (screwed “P-Clamps” or Combi) Possible ATA92 interface (screwed “P-Clamps” or Combi) Mica protected face International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5-3 Frame insulation principle WITH FOAM RING Fireproof fixation and removable safety part Mica protected face Possible ATA92 interface (screwed “P-Clamps” or Combi) Possible ATA92 interface (screwed “P-Clamps” or Combi) NOTE : foam ring is used to separate blankets from direct structure contact, limiting condensation effect on cold parts. Mica protected face International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5-4 Frame insulation prototype Frame pins OVERLAPPING ON FRAMES Large overlapping to insure no leak to flame barrier Stringer pin International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5-4 Frame insulation prototype FIXED BRACKETS FOR SYSTEMS After blanket installation, removable brackets are installed. ...under blankets : fixed brackets ! International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5-4 Frame insulation prototype ELECTRICAL INTERFACES with COMBIS electrical brackets... ...or with standard clamps ! International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5-5 Bilge and cargo floor insulation prototype CogeBarrier International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
5-6 Cargo floor insulation DAHER has developed and qualified fireproof composites using MICA paper for fire bulkheads applications (qualified per FAR 25§1191 : 1100°C / 15mn). Such technology can easily be adapted to manufacture composite floor panels that INCLUDES an internal flame barrier (co-cured during manufacturing process) : Mica side Phenolic side International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
6 – CONCLUSION (since last FAA conference in LISBOA november 2004) MATERIALS and PROCESSES TWO SOLUTIONS : BLANKET : CODAX Weight flame barrier: 40 g/m² LINER : COGEBARRIER Weight flame barrier: 65 g/m² International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
6 – CONCLUSION (since last FAA conference in LISBOA november 2004) QUALIFICATION TEST PLAN : in progress Maintenance Aging test International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
6 – CONCLUSION (since last FAA conference in LISBOA november 2004) DEVELOPMENT FOR A GLOBAL PROTECTION : New Design principles Prototype Our back ground in installation International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
6 – CONCLUSION (since last FAA conference in LISBOA november 2004) THE FUTURE OF CODAX® OR COGEBARRIER REQUIRES COLLABORATIVE WORK WITH AIRCRAFT’S MANUFACTURERS AND AIRLINERS... International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta
6 - CONCLUSION CoDaX / CogeBarrier Innovative & Pertinent solution International Aircraft Materials Fire Test Working Group Meeting, Atlanta