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www.TrafficWithEmpower.com. For aktive Empower affiliates. 6 figures on-line Income earner Elite member Empower Network. www.teamtissa.com.
www.TrafficWithEmpower.com ForaktiveEmpower affiliates
6 figures on-line Income earnerElite member Empower Network www.teamtissa.com
3 million visiors anuallyRanking 8,500+ Top Earners“Score keeper” for the Direct Selling Industry6 figures on-line Income earner34,000 mailing list2,700 subcriptions www.tednuyten.com
TheDirect Selling market 80-100 million affiliates$28 billionin the USA$117 billion revenue wwDouble digit growthAsia, Eastern-Europa, South America are booming
Build a team and get commission On average 5+%
Opportunity ann challenge You can eran a very high income in Direct Selling...However...Many people fail....Why?
Reasons Heavy requirements to qualify for commisions in many plansFew people understand (USA) compensation plans.On average 5% over group revenue if you qualify
Requirements Sign up 6 membersBalance your (Binary) teamsDo more then$80,000 in salesDo more then $250,000 in salesRevenue flush after a periodNot allowed to (on-line) advertiseSorry, that country is not“open”Not allowed to do other opportunities
The perfect company according to many Top Earners ? Worldwide digital available products Low entry starting at $25 100% commissions Compensation plan without requirements
Empower Network is one of the largest publishing and E-learning platforms
Empower April 2012 1.6 million revenue per week $75 – $85 million annually 500 new customers per day 15,000 per month December 2012 : 7,500
Income Disclaimer:Some affiliates earn nothing, some earn little, some earn a lot.Please read the official income disclaimer onthe Empower website
Over 5,000 affiliates are earning $25 up to $100,000+ Per month, part-time! A big difference with other opportunities In which95% - 98% not earn anything. And we just started....
Results! In our teams estimated $600,000 - $1 million is paid out in the last 6 months!
Every website / webshop owner has a major challenge. How to get visitors(traffic)400+ milionwebsites + 100,000 per day
Blogging is a very effective way to get visitors to a websiteIt can be done in 15 minutes per day
Empower gets more visitors then Coca-Cola.com – Nike.com – Adidas.com
Team Tissa testimonial Testimonials
Close to 1 million website visitors per day • A expertcommunity of 130,000+ affiliates • Launched: October 2011 • $41+ miljoen paid out incommissions. • Compare to $100 million revenue • Very fast growing... • 10,000 new customers in Februay 2013 • 15,000new customers in April 2013 Empower Facts & Figures
Only interested in more visitors and not in the business?Start for $25 only, it works!
Do nothing, earn nothing..., sorry... Income disclaimer
Empower Network Convention Real people – Real money
Affiliate = $19,95 + $25 pm. Affiliate – business owner
Very simple:The 1, 3, 5 affiliate are in your pay line.The2, 4, 6 are for your up-lineAbove 6 you keep 4 out of 5 sign up’sAdvantage : your team give you “frontlines”
Unique - Pass Up - Compensation Plan John get 8 x commission (the yellow dots) He teamed up with 3 affiliates
John gets8 paymentsx $100 = $800 • Stan - 4 payments$400 • Tim – 2 paymenst$200 • Martin – 2 payments$200 • Lara – 2 paymenst$200 • John’s upline 2 payments(John & Mary) Pass Up Compensatie Plan 18 out of 20 payments Up to 90%of the sales staysin yourteam!
Up to90% commisions stays in your teamIn other opportunities maybe10 - 15%...... What is smarter?
Commissions paid out weekly to a debit card of bank acount worldwide
$25 p/m for Empower Blogging Systeem Upgrades: $100 p/m Inner circle program $500 one time fee for Costa Rica program $1,000 one time fee for 15K formula program 4program’s with 100% commissions
How to start? Sign up at the person who invited you for this presentation
www.TrafficWithEmpower.com Foraktiveaffiliates