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Texas Office of Court Administration (OCA) Child Protection Case Management System (CPCMS). Designed from Requirements set forth by the 17 OCA Child Protection Specialty Courts Judges & Coordinators Specifically Designed for Child Protection Cases per Texas Statutes
Texas Office of Court Administration (OCA)Child Protection Case Management System (CPCMS) • Designed from Requirements set forth by the 17 OCA Child Protection Specialty Courts Judges & Coordinators • Specifically Designed for Child Protection Cases per Texas Statutes • Production Implementation September 2009 • Currently Does Not Interface or Share Data with Any Other Case Management , Calendar or Docketing System
My Page My Page shown upon log in. The Tickler panel displays system generated case messages. The Open Cases Summary displays summary information about case count in the user’s court. Broadcast messages are Administrator generated and meant to provide relevant system information in a timely manner. It may contain messages about newly released functionality or system outages for example.
Search The Search screen gives the ability to Search for Cases by case fields and to Search for Cases by person fields. Case and Person searches are independent of each other. Each completed field will constrain the results of the search. The Cause Number in the results panel has a hyper-link to the selected case’s Case Summary screen.
Navigation & Preferences The Pop Out Case Navigation window shows cases organized in a hierarchical layout. Use the small plus and minus signs to expand or collapse the tree. The view options are Open, Closed, or All cases. The Previously Viewed Cases only remembers cases viewed during the current working session. Court Preferences allows the court’s users to set the default calendar display, Day, Week, or Month view.
Case Detail (1 of 3) Many fields are set by your login profile, such as court and judge. Red fields system required.
Case Detail (2 of 3) The Persons panel displays basic Person fields and has a hyperlink in the name field to the Person Detail screen. From here you can add Persons with the function buttons and manually relate them. Displayed relationships are limited to the Child-Parent and Client-Attorney on this particular panel.
Case Detail (3 of 3) The Consolidation panel allows you to consolidate another case into the case you are opening. It records the case consolidation data and is informational only—in other words, entering information here will not affect calculated deadlines or other information related to either case. Case Notes are displayed on the bottom of every Case screen. The panel is designed to accommodate two different practices of keeping notes. You may save each notation as an individual note or keep a running commentary in the note on the left. The most recent note (determined by Note Date) is displayed in the larger half panel on the left. The remaining notes are displayed on the right in a shortened display, newest at the top to oldest at the bottom. Only the most recent note, the on displayed on the left, can be edited. The other older notes may only be deleted. Some processes add notes to the right panel automatically, such as Remanding a case. To delete a note on the right use the small red X. This operation is consistent throughout the system
Case Types CPCMS distinguishes case types by the fields that are available on the Case Information panels. The Non-Conservatorship panel is the same as the Conservatorship panel except the Dismissal Date, Days Until Dismissal, and Earliest TMC Date fields have been removed. The Adoption panel is the same as the Non-Conservatorship panel with Pre-Case fields removed. Person Types are also different between Case Types, such as an Adoption Case having no Respondents. Case Functions The Sever Case screen is used to Sever one or more children from an existing case to manage the child or children’s future independently of the family. Specific fields are copied into the new case following the child or children. It establishes a relationship between the original Conservatorship case and the new case. The Copy Case screen copies an existing case into a new one. This is provided as an easy method for creating a case that is very similar to another one. The function copies all the person and case information except any Actions. The Adoption Case screen creates a new case after the child or children are identified. It establishes a relationship between the original Conservatorship case and the new Adoption case. Case Relationships Cases can be manually related at the Case Relationship fields on the Case Detail panel by typing in the Cause Number and using the Add function button. There are hyper-links at the Cause Number that will take you directly to the Case Summary page of the Related Case selected. You can return to this case using the same hyper-link on that case. Case Types, Case Functions & Case Relationships
Child Data (1 of 7) The Child screens capture all the detail on the child in many different panels. The panels are organized from top to bottom with the most used at the top and the least used at the bottom. Panels with no data entered come up collapsed while the ones with data come up expanded. The Child Demographics panel contains basic Child information that does not change from case to case. The Race and Ethnicity fields have drop down lists. The six checkboxes on the bottom right side of the panel create an indicator on the Calendar and Judge’s Docket. The Apply to All checkbox only affects EXISTING children. It will cause the specific field information in existing children to be OVERWRITTEN. It will not cause children added after the checkbox is used to have the same information as existing children.
The Child Case panel has several drop down lists to assist in entering data in the fields. Date fields can be entered in standard format or the calendar icon can be selected to bring up a calendar. Several fields are display only and can not be edited. They are derived from other fields and rules. The Attorney ad litem / CASA / GAL set of fields can be entered if known. The lists are constrained from the Practicing Counties list defined in the Manage Advocates screen. The Mother and Father TPR date can be entered here and will trigger a set of questions on screens designed to record the Order that established the TPR date. Child Data (2 of 7) The Re-Entry into the Child Protection System set of fields is used for important reporting. The Final Order and Discharge Reason fields should be completed as the case moves through the judicial process. Two function buttons, Case Remanded and Motion to Modify Filed, will only appear when specific fields are completed. Case Remanded requires that all four fields be completed while Motion to Modify Filed requires that only the Final Order fields be there and NOT the Discharge Reason fields. Both these functions clear fields and move the data into a Case Note. You are then free to enter new data and create the appropriate records to complete the process, such as a Motion record with a Motion Type of Motion to Modify. Motions will be discussed in a future lesson in detail. Enter a Note if desired and always use the Save Person function button to save any changes. Of course, this panel will be visited and updated several times during the life of the case.
Child Data (3 of 7) The Placement panel tracks data about a child’s location and changes to those locations. It is meant to keep all placement changes with the Change Reason completed. The Permanency Plan panel collects data on three possible concurrent permanency plans in a prioritized order, A, B, and C. Each time there is a change, each plan will need to be entered in the right priority The Independent Living & 16 Yrs of Age panel displays in the open state when both of the following two conditions are met: 1) The child has a Permanency Plan A of Independent Living as the current Permanency Plan, and 2) The child’s age exceeds 16 years old. An exception is the overriding rule to display the panel in the open state when one or more data field (checkbox) has been populated. There is a system rule that gives a child a Discharge Reason of Aged Out automatically when they reach eighteen years old. This also generates a Tickler. All the fields in the panel are helpful checkboxes only except for the Override Age Out checkbox. It will override the Age Out Discharge Date function.
Child Data (4 of 7) The Medications panel tracks snapshots of prescribed medications for a child. This panel follows the guidelines set forth by the Texas Department of State Human Services. There are many dosage rules that use the child’s age and some that calculate based on the child’s weight. The basic goal of the panel is to automatically indicate if the guidelines have been broken so that a judge may request a review of the medications. Only three medications are shown as default on the panel, but more can be added with the More Medication function. The Delete and Add Snapshot function are straight forward. The Copy Snapshot function button will create a duplicate of the most recent record and then it can be updated as required. The rules for warning messages are complicated, so please refer to the User Guide for details. To effectively delete a medication, choose the “- Select –“ from the list.
Child Data (5 of 7) The Continuing Jurisdiction / Transfer / Consolidation / UCCJEA panel is divided into four quadrants for each set of fields. These fields are data capturing only and have no further business rules associated with them.
Child Data (6 of 7) • The Extension & Monitored Return panel tracks specific data related to a general extension, and monitored return to home and a subsequent removal from a failed monitored return. There are several rules that manage the correct process for recording these events related to length of extension or return and recalculating the dismissal date. • A single general extension may be granted to a case. The extension can be no more than 180 days. • A monitored return may extend the case for up to 180 days from the monitored return date. • A child may be removed from monitored return and the case can be extended for up to 180 days from the removal date. • The Current Dismissal Date is calculated as the greater of: • Current Dismissal Date • Original Dismissal Date + General Extension Days Extended • Monitored Return Date + Monitored Return Days Extended • Monitored Return Removal Date + Removal Days Extended
Child Data (7 of 7) The Substance Abuse Testing panel tracks multiple instances of substance abuse tests and what drugs resulted in a positive (dirty) return or if no positives were found. The panel is present on the Respondent screen as well as here. The ICPC (Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children) panel has the fields necessary to follow the progress of the possible relocation of a child or children. The ICWA (Indian Child Welfare Act) panel displays information about tribal affiliation, contact with the tribe, and jurisdiction.
Respondent / Individual (1 of 3) The Respondent Demographics panel is straight forward and contains data that will always relate to a person regardless of the case. Only the First Name and Sex fields are required. However, in the Respondent Case panel that will be discussed next, the Person Type field can complete the name fields under special circumstances. The Age field is display only and calculated based on the birth date and today's date.
Respondent / Individual (2 of 3) The Respondent Case panel tracks case specific data and begins with the required Person Type field. If the Person Type 'Unknown Father' is selected, the system will automatically populate First Name with 'Unknown' and Last Name with 'Father'. Unknown Mother and Volunteer Advocate operate the same way. These names can be changed at any time. The drop down list for Counsel Status contains three options and is meant to be a part of tracking attorney changes during the case. The Date selection field is located to the right of the ‘Counsel Status’ selection field. If an Attorney is withdrawn, removed or dismissed from a case, it is important to populate the ‘Withdrawn/Removed/Dismissed Date:’ field on the Case Attorney screen for that particular attorney. This completes the data necessary to track attorney changes.
Respondent / Individual (3 of 3) The Service Plan panel tracks the data for individual services required of the respondent. The services may grow as the case moves forward. It is common for a Service Plan to begin with a Psychological Evaluation and then be expanded when the results of the evaluation is learned.
The Manage Advocates menu item provides a drop down list to manage attorneys, CASAs, and GALs. The CASA and GAL screens operate in the same manner as the Attorney screen. The initial panel is an Attorney Search set of fields that will assist in finding the specific record you wish to work with. If you are creating a new record use the Add Case Attorney or Add Petitioner’s Attorney function buttons. Case Attorneys are simply the Attorneys that may represent children or respondents. In CPCMS “Attorneys” represent respondents and “Attorney ad litems” represent children. Manage Advocates By using the County of Practice fields that activate the record on the CASA and GAL drop down lists on the children screens, each court has the flexibility to manage the records as they choose. The panel was designed for a person record, so the “sex” field is required, but in the case of an entity, select male or female as desired and ignore it thereafter.
Merge Persons The Merge Persons panel is designed to help correct duplicate person records in the system. An initial search will limit the list of names that is available in the Person field. After that, select the two records, A and B, decide which record to keep and which will go away by selecting the Keep A or Keep B radio buttons and the Merge Persons function button.
Case Summary (1 of 3) The Case Summary page consists of 5 panels; the Case Summary information at the top, basic Children data next, all Persons (including children, but with a different set of fields), the Register of Actions, and Case Notes. With the exception of the Case Notes panel, nothing can be edited on this screen. Adding or Updating data is done in other screens that are usually hyper-linked. The Case Summary panel displays a wide variety of information. There are hyper-links at the Cause Number that will take you to the Case Detail screen and one at the Related Case(s) field that will take you directly to the Case Summary page of the Related Case selected. You can return to this case using the same hyper-link on that case.
Case Summary (2 of 3) The Child Information Panel shows fields specific to each child in the case. The child’s name is hyper-linked to the editable Child Detail screen. In addition to the continuous fields at the top of the child’s information, many data items will appear if they exist in the child’s detail panels. They are Permanency Plans A, B and C, Continuing Jurisdiction, Person Notes, Medication Warnings, T P R, ICWA, I CP C, P A L, and U C C J E A. Children are displayed in ascending order by birth date. The Person Information panel shows general person information with an emphasis on Service. Relationships are in the far right column. Relationships are reciprocal, so you will see the same Child-Mother relationship next to the child and a Mother-Child relationship next to the mother. Again the names are hyper-linked and will take you to the person detail screen.
The Register of Actions panel displays information on all Actions, an action being a Hearing, a Motion, an Order, a Settlement, or a Document. Actions are listed in chronological order, oldest at the top. A red line separates the past from the future actions. The action name is hyper-linked and will take you to the detail page of the action selected. Case Summary (3 of 3) A filter function is at the top left of the panel and will show only the selected actions if desired. Actions are Associated with an Association ID. This is meant to help in case review by grouping them together. The system will automatically associate actions that are started from another action, such as when a motion is created from the hearing page and an order is created from the motion page. The Attachment column has a document icon present when an e file is attached to the case. Double clicking on the icon will retrieve the file in its native format, Word, Excel, etc. All five add action function buttons are presented across the top of the panel. Hearings, Motions, Orders, Settlements and Documents make up the five Action Types. Only Hearings show up on the Docket and Calendar.
The Schedule Hearing Information manages the basic hearing information and when it is scheduled. It displays read only case summary information at the top for reference. The Current Hearings field group shows hearings scheduled for the Hearing Date currently in that field. This is meant to assist with workload, county location, and any Hearing Type grouping requirements you might have. Schedule Hearings Hearing Type is a drop down list and many types have scheduling rules associated with them. For example, if you try to schedule a Permanency Hearing, a message will come up if you have not already scheduled an Initial Permanency Hearing. The system will suggest a date based on TMC Granted Date plus 300 days and use the earliest TMC Granted Date when there is more than one child on the case. The system will take into account if the calculated date falls on a weekend or holiday and move back to the previous Friday. You are free to change the date to an earlier date to accommodate the county docket schedules. If there is a previous Permanency Hearing Date, the system will calculate 120 days from that hearing date using the same rules. You must set the Docket for Morning or Afternoon using the two radio buttons and you may set the time as well. Morning and Afternoon Docket setting is independent of the time and will be explained further in the Calendar lesson. The system defaults to having all the Case Attorneys in the case on the Docket, but they can be removed as desired. A hearing note may be added now or at any time.
Hearing Information The Hearing Information panel tracks specific information about items in the hearing itself such as who is present with fields for entering specific people’s names, such as Caseworker, if desired. A Continuance Granted For list and a Disable Days Until Dismissal checkbox is present and can be completed as appropriate. The Adoption Checklist panel is present only when the Hearing Type of Adoption is chosen. It is a helpful list to be checked off while the hearing proceeds. The Appellate Checklist panel is present only when the Hearing Type of Appellate is chosen. As with the Adoption Checklist panel, it is a helpful list to be checked off while the hearing proceeds.
Motions The Motion Information panel has a basic case header set of fields as well as an editable set of fields for capturing specifics. The fields are straight forward with a date and type as well as a Motion Made By list of Respondents and Attorneys in the case. Enter a note if desired .
The Order Information panel has a basic case header set of fields as well as an editable set of fields for capturing order specifics. It has the required Order Rendered Date and the Order Signed Date, which is optional but will create a Tickler after five days. The Order Type field is a category list consisting of Case Order, Person Order, Parent to Child Order, and Child Final Order. Each one of these choices will change the list of Orders and the “Order Directed To” and “Order Directed On Behalf Of” fields. Orders (1 of 3) Case Order Types are not directed to a person and therefore the ‘Order Directed To’ and ‘Order Directed on Behalf Of’ fields are not applicable with a Case Order Type. Person Order Types are directed to a person and the Order Directed To field is available. Parent To Child Orders are directed to a parent on behalf of a child, therefore the parent(s) associated with the Order should be selected in the ‘Order Directed To’ field and the associated Child name(s) should be selected in the ‘Order Directed On Behalf Of’ field. Child Final Order is for children only and only children will show up in the Order Directed To field.
Case Order Types are not directed to a person and therefore the ‘Order Directed To’ and ‘Order Directed on Behalf Of’ fields are not applicable with a Case Order Type. Person Order Types are directed to a person and the Order Directed To field is available. Parent To Child Orders are directed to a parent on behalf of a child, therefore the parent(s) associated with the Order should be selected in the ‘Order Directed To’ field and the associated Child name(s) should be selected in the ‘Order Directed On Behalf Of’ field. Child Final Order is for children only and only children will show up in the Order Directed To field. Orders (2 of 3) There are Smart links from the TPR Parent To Child Orders and the TPR dates for the Mother and Father on the Child Detail screen. A Parent To Child Order of ‘Termination of Parental Rights’ will trigger auto-population of the TPR date on the associated Child screen(s) with the Order Rendered Date under the following conditions: 1) An existing Relationship is established on the Relationship screen between the parent and child 2) The parent name(s) is/are selected as ‘Order Directed To’ and the child name(s) is/are selected as ‘Order Directed on behalf Of’ and 3) The order is saved.
If the Order Rendered Date is changed, the TPR date will change accordingly. If the Order is deleted, the TPR date will revert to blank. The auto-population is a one-way relationship from the Order to the TPR Date field. Manual entry of the TPR Date overrides the auto-population of this field. If a TPR Date is entered without a corresponding Parent To Child Order of Termination Of Parental Rights, then a notification message will appear when the Child record is saved providing a means to quickly navigate to the Order screen. Orders (3 of 3) A Smart link also exist between the Child Final Order on the Order screen and the Final Order fields on the Child screen. A validation check is added to prevent entry of duplicate Child Final Orders on a single Child record via the Order screen. If a duplicate Child Final Order entry is attempted, a message appears stating “Child Final Order already exists for one or more of the selected child name(s). You must use Motion to Modify to clear the existing Final Order”. The ‘Motion to Modify’ button is located in the Case section of the Child screen. An additional validation check is added to ensure that a Child name is associated with Child Final Order entered via the Order screen. If a Child Final Order is entered without an associated Child name, a message will appear stating “Please select child or children for Child Final Order”. Four Final Orders, PMCs and PJMCs will automatically change the Conservatorship Status for that Child to PMC Department. A checkbox to record De Novo Review is present as well as a Note field.
Settlements The Settlement panel displays basic case information and contains data for a Settlement record. Referral and Settlement dates are available depending on what process is used, an Informal Conference or a Mediation. These are the two Settlement Types listed in that field. The Agreement field has three choices, Full Agreement, Partial Agreement and Impasse. Enter a note if desired.
Documents The Document panel displays basic case information and contains data for a document record. This panel also contains the function necessary to attach a document file into the system. Select the Document Date and Type. All the types are available with the exception of when this function is selected from the Case Detail screen Attach Original Petition and the Attach Original Affidavit. Then only the document selected is shown. The Document to Upload field can be completed by hand or you may use the Browse function to search for it on your computer.
Associate Actions The Associated Actions panel allows actions to be associated, but these associations have no business rules, but cause an Association ID to be displayed on the Register Of Actions. These associated IDs are in some cases automatically system generated when a process is followed, such as creating a motion using the Create Motion button in the Hearing screen. The Associate Action function buttons change depending on the current action page. The other four actions appear on the panel. The small Associate (Actions) panel displays a list of the specific Action you wish to associate. Select the existing Action and use the Associate function button to complete the process.
The calendar shows hearings on their scheduled days that comprise a docket. The calendar has 3 views: month, week and day. The month view limits the number of hearings shown per day to two. Clicking on the “more…” at the bottom of the day switches to the day view to display all the hearings. Moving the mouse over the first two hearings shown in the day column will trigger display of the day’s total hearing count. The ‘Go To’ field can be used to quickly navigate to a particular date by simply entering a date and clicking the GO button located to the right of the ‘Go To’ field. Calendar (1 of 5) To use the Allow Update Time function, check the checkbox and refresh the display by clicking on the Day view. This will allow you to update the Hearing Time directly from the calendar without having to go to each individual hearing. The Schedule Hearing function button is only present when an existing case is in memory at the Case Summary screen and will take you directly to the Schedule Hearing panel of the case.
Calendar (2 of 5) The Manage Days Off allows days to be reserved the same as Saturday and Sundays are excluded from hearing scheduling calculations by Court. Days can be reserved by entering the date and a note. No other action is necessary. Entire Morning or Afternoons can be reserved by checking the boxes and adding a note. Two appointments per day may be entered by entering a start and end time and a note. The system will not permit an end time before the start time and the end time is required.
Calendar (3 of 5) In the Week and Day views, Hearings that are checked as AM (see the Schedule Hearing Information panel) appear in the upper (early) section of the day. 24 hearings rows are available on this display. The PM hearings start at the 25th row and there are 20 rows available in the afternoon (lower) section. Drag and drop the hearings to reorder them WITHIN THE SAME TIME. The system will not allow hearings to be moved outside the same time “group”. Enter the time by 15 minute increments. The time field is the same field on the hearing screen and can be entered there as well. AM/PM is set on the Hearing panel.
The Copy Selected Hearing(s) to Date function is for scheduling another Placement Review Hearing. There are three rules associated with it. They are: • The Note at the top of the panel appears only when a Placement Review Hearing is on the Calendar. • A checkbox appears next to the Placement Review Hearing row. A “Copy to Date” is suggested by the system and calculated from the calendar day displayed plus 180 days taking into account weekends and holidays. • The hearings are ordered by: • AM or PM first and time is independent and not adjusted by this checkbox, • then by Time. • And then finally by the • Order number. • The display indicates cases in the day’s docket that have special person flags in the person record. These include SR (Security Risk), Db (Disability), In (Incarcerated), NI (Needs Interpreter), CH (Criminal History), De (Deceased) and TPR (Termination of Parental Rights). Cases that have one or more of these flags set have a red asterisk. The Weekly view does not have the alpha indicator flags, but still has the red asterisk. The Day view has the Indicators on the Case line. Calendar (4 of 5)
Calendar (5 of 5) The Additional Hearing Functions panel allows for a batch move of hearings to a new date. It is constrained by the Dismissal Date rules, except if the Ignore Dismissal Validation checkbox is checked. After a date is entered into the ‘Move Current Date Hearing(s) to Date:’ field, click the ‘Move All Hearings’ button to move all hearings to the new date. A notification message will appear at the top of the screen stating the number of hearings moved. The notification message also states that hearings having a case dismissal date prior to the requested move date will not be moved unless the ‘Ignore Dismissal Validation’ box is populated.
The Case Summary Report can be printed for a single case from the Case Summary window. It prints the same fields, with the same rules as the system window. It can also be printed from the Reports page in batch mode for an entire docket. Again, it prints the same fields, with the same rules as the system window. The Posting Docket is a representation of the days docket calendar and is meant to be printed and posted at the Courtroom for the public to use. Reports may be viewed from the screen, printed, or exported to an application format, such as Excel or Word. Working with Reports (1 of 2) The Judge’s Docket is a representation of the days docket calendar, but contains more case specific material and is typically meant to be used by the Judge as a reference case summary. There is also a version that has page breaks after each hearing. The Workload Measures for A Court by County report has a wide variety of data. It begins with Case based information and ends with Child based items. The Snapshot Start Date and Snapshot End Date should be a date range from an older to a newer date. The two dates are presented as singular dates at some times and used to calculate over the range of the dates at other times. The data is presented in small tables, one after another. Many of the data tables show data in “Open Cases” as of a specific date. This means that as of the specified date all cases are queried by the system as to their open or closed status and only open ones are included in the data. Open cases are cases without a case closed date, which is generated when all children in a case have been given a Discharge Reason and Discharge Date. The Snapshot Start Date and Snapshot End Date are Inclusive. The first day of a month and the last day of a month will show all data for the month. If the report is run from the first day of a month to the first day of the next month, it will show the entire month AND the first day of the next month, which would typically be an error.
The Children in PMC w/o Termination report shows all children in a court with 3 specific types of Final Orders and no Discharge Reason. • Children where there is final order of • PMC-DFPS w/o Termination • Or PJMC-Department & Parent • Or PJMC-Department & Other • And discharge reason is blank. • The report is grouped by each of the 3 types of Final Orders (the example data only has one type of Final Order). • This report does not take into consideration Conservatorship Status or TPR Orders. Working with Reports (2 of 2) The Workload Measures by Court – LBB report shows Hearing and Child Final Order counts per month per Court and is used for LBB reporting. It is a subsection of the Workload Measures by Court report. The Workload Measures by Court Detail – LBB report shows the Cause Number, Child Name and Order Date for each Child Final Order existing within the specified date parameters. The Workload Measures by Court report is the same as the Workload Measures for A Court by County except it is broken down and summarized by the 17 OCA CP Courts and not counties.
The Help function brings up two complete copies of the User Guide, one in a PDF Print version and one in an HTML version organized by chapters. You can get around in the HTML User Guide by selecting a chapter and in the PDF version by using the Find function. Use the Find Next or Find Previous functions to move along in your search. The Outcome Measure Matrix is an informational matrix document designed to give familiarity to the Outcome Measures published by the U.S. Department of Justice and CPCMS’s data fields used to report on the Measures. The Medication Chart & Notes is a worksheet of the breakdown of the Medication details as published by the Texas Department of State Health Services. It includes an added Notes column showing the rules used to calculate dosages. Help • The Full Utilization Guidelines are written directives on how to use the system to capture the minimum data necessary to complete present and expected future reporting requirements. Please read and follow these guidelines as they are mandated by the Regional Presiding Judges. The highlights are: • Enter into the system all Necessary Parties and Attorneys. • Enter all Hearings, Motions, Orders, and Settlements. • Complete and keep up to date all Children information as grouped by panels in the system.
Texas Office of Court Administration (OCA)Child Protection Case Management System (CPCMS) CPCMS is available for distribution to any Texas counties for its courts that hear child protection cases. Distribution of the CPCMS system will be available at no charge since the development of the CPCMS was federally funded through the Court Improvement Program (CIP). Some counties may qualify for the CIP grants to fund a portion of implementing the software in their county (see below for more details). Inquiries to obtain a copy of the software or to learn more about CPCMS may be directed to:Tim KennedyTexDECK Project ManagerOffice of Court AdministrationPO Box 12066 Austin, TX 78711(512) 463-6057(512) 463-1648 fax Tim.kennedy@courts.state.tx.us