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Harnessing the power of human capital . UM GHR. ALAMO COLLEGES . Faculty Range Salary Schedule Recommendation March 20, 2012. Introduction.
Harnessing the power of human capital UMGHR ALAMO COLLEGES Faculty Range Salary Schedule Recommendation March 20, 2012
Introduction • An Alamo Colleges “Advisory Committee” was established to issue recommendations to the Chancellor’s Executive Committee on possible ways to reorganize and rebalance the faculty salary schedule within existing resources for full-time faculty • The Advisory Committee was composed of faculty and administrators across the District and was tasked to review Alamo’ 2008-2009 Faculty Compensation Study conducted by UM Global HR • A final report and proposed faculty salary schedule was submitted to the Chancellor and Executive Committee • As part of the Alamo Colleges’ Faculty Compensation Study, UM Global HR was asked to review the committee’s proposed salary schedule • This report is the result of the review and presentation of a “Range” salary schedule which incorporates the major elements of the Advisory Committee’s salary schedule report, while addressing cost and equity issues inherent in Alamo Colleges current “Step” salary schedule
BACKGROUND • On December 2nd2011,UM Global HR met with the Advisory Committee and recommended a change from the current Step Salary Schedule to a Range Salary Schedule with a slightly lower initial placement rate. • Currently four of the Big Eight colleges use a step salary schedule (Alamo, Austin, El Paso, and Houston), and four use a Range Salary Schedule (Dallas, Lone Star, San Jacinto, and Tarrant). • After reviewing the Step Schedule and the Range Schedule, it was agreed that UM Global HR, Alamo HR, and a faculty representative work together to adjust the Range Schedule to take into account salary compression, provide for a transparent reporting system, and to report back. • Salary compression is when current faculty earn the same or less than new faculty. • The revised Range Salary Schedule was reported to the Advisory Committee by the faculty representative and Alamo Colleges Human Resources in early March.
Context In the 2008-2009 comparison of Alamo Colleges with peer colleges: Alamo Colleges’ total average faculty salary ranked 6th among peers Alamo Colleges’ average salary by salary class ranked no better than 4th or 5th Of the salary classes, BA, MA, MA+12, and PhD showed the greatest disparity In the TCCTA 2010 – 2011 annual faculty survey of community colleges, among peer colleges, Alamo College’s total average faculty salary is ranked 8 among the Big Eight Colleges
The salary range schedule The purpose of the new range schedule is to: • Make Alamo Colleges’ faculty salaries competitive with peer colleges • Address internal equity and salary compression issues between current faculty and new hires • Address faculty salary needs identified in Alamo’s 2008 to 2009 Faculty Compensation Study and 2010-11 TCCTA Comparisons • Align Alamo’s compensation policies and practices as third among peer colleges— the “threeness” criterion
Understanding Alamo Colleges’ current faculty STEP Salary schedule ection ONE
Alamo colleges’ existing salary structure • Initial placement • Step A, new hire with no experience and no credit hours at MA = $38,758 • Up to 5 years credit for experience, or Step F = $43,789 • Step increases of 4% first year and roughly 2% thereafter • In bygone days, steps were the next pay level for each year of service, up to step AC (29yrs) • An annual step increase is not guaranteed • Step increase are always Board approved based on available funding • Progression in salary classification • Seven classifications defined by degree and graduate credit hours; from BA, MA, to PhD • Variable increases ranging from 2.6% to 5.6% between MA classes and more for BA and PhD. What’s Included? 2010 – 2011 Base Salary Schedule
ALAMO COLLEGES is the only Peer community college AMONG PEERS that pays for rank Rank Schedule1 4 Years as Asst. Prof. 3 Years as Instructor Initial Placement1 5 Years as Assoc. Prof. ASST. PROFESSOR2 PROFESSOR ASSOC. PROFESSOR INSTRUCTOR All Salary Classifications See footnotes 2 and 3 • $1,468.80 • Additional Criteria: • MA + 36 or Above • Satisfactory Progression on Tenure Track • $1,450.44 • Additional Criteria: • MA + 24 or Above • Satisfactory Progression on Tenure Track • $1,468.80 • Additional Criteria: • MA + 12 or Above • Satisfactory Progression on Tenure Track 1 Rank pay is cumulative: an Assistant Professor is paid $1,468 above base salary, an Associate Professor is paid $2,919 above base ($1,469 + $1,450), and a professor is paid $4,388 above base ($2,919 + $1,469). 2New faculty with a doctoral degree in the teaching field, on the recommendation of the President, and with the concurrence of the Chancellor, may be appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor. In such cases, the faculty member is placed in the appropriate cell of the salary schedule and $1,468.80 is added to their pay. 3Faculty hired prior to January 1977 may apply for promotion to Asst. Professor If the criteria for Class I are met.
Components of Alamo colleges’ Faculty compensation Salary Schedule Rank Schedule PROMOTION IN RANK PROMOTION IN CLASS GENERAL PERCENT INCREASES INITIAL PLACEMENT 3 1 4 Evaluation System for Tenure Track Faculty + 2 + + = Promotion to a higher Salary Classification Based on Degree or Credit Hours Salary Placement in Salary Schedule at Hire Based on Degree, Credit Hours, and Prior Experience Percent Increases Based on Board Approval and Fund Availability BASE BUILDING Per Existing Schedule BASE BUILDING Per Existing Schedule BASE BUILDING BASE BUILDING Flat Rate CLASS MARKET AVERAGES General Increase RANK
GOAL To improve Alamo Colleges’ faculty salary competitiveness in each “Salary Class” by achieving “Threeness” among Alamo’s eight peer community colleges Note: The “Threeness criterion is based on the Advisory Committee’s goal of placing Alamo Colleges Faculty salaries among the top three of entry level salaries and average salaries compared to peer institutions.
The range structure Range Spread Per Class = 96.4% Midpoint to Midpoint Progression = 2% to 9% The 96.4% Range Spread represents threeness among base 8 colleges. BA MA + 12 MA + 24 MA MA + 48 PhD MA + 36 Max Midpoint Min Max Midpoint Min Max Midpoint Min Max Midpoint Min Max Midpoint Min Max Midpoint Min Max Midpoint Min = Range Spread = Midpoint to Midpoint Progression • Faculty with no experience are placed at the minimum of their “Range Class”. New faculty with up to seven years experience are placed higher in the range according to an "Initial Placement Salary Schedule". • Faculty can move within a range through annual increases, market increases, internal equity adjustment, or promotion in Rank. • Faculty move to higher classes by achievement of required credit hours and/or higher degree.
Treatment of Initial Placement under the range schedule (increase from 5 to 7 Years) Initial placement for new hires is increased from 5 years to 7 years, with 1.75% increase for each year, to a 12.25% maximum (current value is 12%) A constant, non-compounded, 1.75% per year (instead of the current 4% for the first year and 2% thereafter up to 5 years) helps prevent salary compression and places more value on years at Alamo
Market “Threeness” Current vs. Proposed
Annual reporting Distribution of Faculty Salaries By Class and Years of Experience. Rank Pay Not Included.
Three-STEP Implementation STEP ONE: Transition from Step Table to Range Schedule
Three-STEP Implementation STEP TWO: Compression Fix— Adjust the salaries of 425 faculty with 0 to 7 years experience by a factor of 1.75% depending on year hired.
Three-STEP Implementation STEP THREE: Increases all faculty base salaries by 1.25% to address overall compression between current faculty and new hires.
Current duty days * Low numbers in duty days are ranked higher
Proposed summer 2013 rates and non-teaching duties Non-teaching Duties: A faculty member is obligated to perform 10 hours of non-teaching work for each course compensated at 120% adjunct at any time during the summer.
COST Summary Cost of Salary Range Schedule = $2,960,383 Summer Savings = $2,019,611 Net Cost Before Benefits = $940,772 Net Cost With Benefits = $1,016,034