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“Academic recognition of study periods spent abroad” Basileus project Serbia June 2009 Janerik Lundquist. www.bolognaprocess.i t. LEUVEN/LLN MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE. Priorities for the next decade to come: LLL; Employability; Student - centred learning; International openness and mobility;.
“Academic recognition of study periods spent abroad”Basileus projectSerbia June 2009Janerik Lundquist www.bolognaprocess.it
LEUVEN/LLN MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE Priorities for the next decade to come: LLL; Employability; Student - centred learning; International openness and mobility; 2
RECOGNITION AND MOBILITY • Achievments: “the Bologna Process has promoted the Diploma Supplement and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System to further increase transparency and recognition” • Committing for the future: “In 2020, at least 20% of those graduating in the European Higher Education Area should have had a study or training period abroad.”
RECOGNITION AND MOBILITY Which student mobility do we want? “…opportunities for mobility shall be created in the structure of degree programmes. Joint degrees and programmes as well as mobility windows shall become more common practice. Flexible study paths and full recognition of study achievements (…) are necessary requirements. Mobility should also lead to a more balanced flow of incoming and outgoing students (…)”.
MORE QUALITATIVE MOBILITY Key words Full Recognition of study achievements Structured Mobility windows and joint degrees 20% by 2020
“We believe that mobility of students, early stage researchers and staff enhances the quality of programmes and excellence in research; it strengthens the academic and cultural internationalization of European higher education. Mobility is important for personal development and employability.”
ECTS AND THE BOLOGNA PROCESS The general use of the European Credit Accumulation and Transfer System (ECTS) is one of the objectives of the Bologna Process for the creation of the European Higher Education Area.
ECTS Key features 2009 Main characteristics of the European Credit Accumulation and Transfer System Published by the European Commission in February 2009
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 ECTS credits are based on the workload students need in order to achieve expected learning outcomes. Learning outcomes describe what a learner is expected to know, understand and be able to do after successful completion of a process of learning Workload indicates the time students typically need to complete all learning activities (such as lectures, seminars, projects, practical work, independent study and examinations) required to achieve the expected learning outcomes.
Credits: allocated to entire study programmes as well as to their educational components (such as modules, course units, dissertation work, work placements); the number of credits ascribed to each component is based on its weight in terms of the workload students need in order to achieve the learning outcomes in a formal context. ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009
Credits: awarded to individual students after completion of the learning activities and the succesful assessment of the achieved learning outcomes; may be accumulated by students with a view to obtaining qualifications, as decided by the degree awarding institutions. ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Credits may be transferred into another programme, offered by the same or another institution. This transfer can only take place if the degree awarding institution recognises the credits and the associated learning outcomes. Partner institution should agree in advance on the recognition of periods of study abroad.
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Credits transfer and accumulation are facilitated by the use of the ECTS key documents: • Course catalogue; • Students application form; • Learning Agreement and Recognition Sheet; • Transcript of Records as well as the Diploma Supplement
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Course catalogue • is the regular guide for all students attending the institution; • the format is to be decided by the institution; • it should be published sufficiently well in advance for students to make their choices. Amongst other, it should include information on: credit allocation, qualifications awarded, learning outcomes, description of individual course units, …
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Student application form The ECTS Student Application Form has been developed for mobile students who will spend a limited study period in another institution. The ECTS Student Application Form contains all the essential information about a mobile student that a prospective host institution needs.
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Learning Agreement • was developed for mobile students in order to provide a binding agreement before the mobility experience; • it contain the list of course units or modules or other educational components the student is planning to take at the other institution, together with the code numbers and the ECTS credits allocated to the components; • it is drawn up for a semester or a year of study and must be signed by the home institution, the host institution and the student.
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Learning Agreement (cont.): • host institution, the commitment is to register the incoming student in the planned course units/modules and to provide the required learning activities; • home institution, has to grant recognition of the credits gained at the other institution; • It is designed, together with the Transcript of Records, to guarantee full recognition of the programme of study undertaken in the host institution. A student should not be asked to negotiate academic recognition with individual academic staff members.
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Transcript of Records and Recognition Sheet They are important formal document, providing evidence of progress and recognition. They ensure that students have an accurate and up-to-date record of their progress, the educational components they have taken, the number of ECTS credits they have achieved and the grades they have been awarded. The ECTS Transcript of Records is such a certification, in an agreed format.
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Recognition of credits is the process thorugh which an institution certifies that certain learning outcomes achieved and assessed in another institution satisfy certain requirements of the programme they offer.
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Decisions on credit recognition and transfer are taken by the qualification - awarding institution on the basis of reliable information on the learning outcomes achieved, as well as on the means of assessment and their validation. Institution should make their recognition policies know and easily accessible.
ECTS KEY FEATURES - 2009 Given the diversity of programmes and higher education institutions, it is unlikely that the credits and learning outcomes of a single educational component in different programmes will be identical. Therefore, a flexible approach to recognition of credits obtained in another context is recommended. “Fair recognition” rather than perfect equivalence is to be sought.
ECTS User’s guide 2009 Suggestions for institutions on recognition of periods of study abroad in the framework of bilateral agreements
Partner institutions Agreements should not only be made with institutions offering similar programmes, but also with those providing programmes complementary to yours, thus making available further opportunities to your students. ECTS USERS’ GUIDE 2009
ECTS USERS’ GUIDE 2009 Integration of mobility into programmes In order to structure mobility into your curricula: • Identify the semester or year when a period of study abroad would best fit into the programme (mobility window); • Schedule in that semester/year the educational components the learning outcomes of which can be more easiliy achieved abroad; • Identify, within the partner institutions, departments or curricula, where suitable learning outcomes could be achieved.
ECTS USERS’ GUIDE 2009 • Allocation of academic responsability • Appoint a faculty member in each department or subject area who has the authority to: • Approve students’ programmes of studyabroad (sign the Learning Agreement); • Guarantee full recognition of such programme on behalf of the responsible academic body (sign the Recognition Sheet).
ECTS USERS’ GUIDE 2009 Before the departure of the student the responsible faculty member will: • Discusswith the student and approve a Learning Agreement containing a programme of study abroad for a semester or for a year (30 or 60 ECTS credits): this programme will have similar, complementary or coherent learning outcomes in relation to the programme at the home institution, but it will not necessary have the same content; • Guarantee that all credits gained abroad in the approved programme of study will be fully recognised andtransferred into the home programme and used to satisfy the qualification requirements (Recognition Sheet).
After the return of the student the responsible faculty member/ administrator will: Transfer all credits gained abroad in the approved programme of study into the student’s official learning programme at home, indicating the learning activities they refer to with their original titles; Use the credits gained abroad for accumulation purposes to satisfy specific curriculum requirements, as previously agreed; recognising credits gained abroad as additional credits would not fulfil the commitment to full academic recognition, and should only be done if the student brings back more than 30/60 credits. ECTS USERS’ GUIDE 2009
ECTS USERS’ GUIDE 2009 EGIT - European Grading Interpretation Scheme The EGIT allows universities to ensure fair transfer and recognition of grades of mobile students. It requires universities to keep track of their grading practice and culture, which is good practice in many institutions across Europe.
EGIT – old version • The statistical distribution curve for each reference group is split into five segments: • top 10% → A; • next 25% → B; • next 30% → C; • next 25% → D; • lowest 10% → E; • which could become a device for the direct translation of grades from a degree programme in a given country/institution into a similar one in another country/institution.
EGIT – new version The statistical distribution curve is calculated separately by the two institutions involved and then compared.
Conclusions Correct procedures for the devopment of study abroad programmes and for academic recognition are basic requirements for quality and students mobility.