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London Chinatown. Oral History Project. Spring Festival. Education Pack. Legend story of nian 年. What do you think the Nian Monster would look like?. VIDEO. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhfHcJSNhYU&feature=related. Celebration in London Chinatown. Lion Dance 舞狮.
London Chinatown Oral History Project Spring Festival Education Pack
What do you think the Nian Monster would look like? VIDEO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhfHcJSNhYU&feature=related
Lion Dance 舞狮 ➹ Have you watched the lion dance performance? ➹ Where and when? ➹ What do you think of it? ➹ How much do you know about it? Tell your classmates about your experience . Click to watch a video
The Lion Dance performance is closely related to the introduction of Buddhism. Lion Dance is a combination of martial art and dance. There are different styles: northern, southern and Taiwanese. The Chinese southern dance is more symbolic.It is usually performed as a ceremony to scare away evil spirits and to summon luck and fortune. Click to watch a video
Xīn nián kuài lè 新年快乐 Gōng xĭ fā cái 恭喜发财
Let’s sing a song Xīn nián hăo 新年好 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcyMzIyMjM2.html
Chàng gē 唱歌 (singing) Tiào wǔ 跳舞 (dancing)
kŏu 口 (Mouth) zú 足 (Foot) RADICALS 跳 唱
Chūn jié 春节 (Spring Festival)
Chú xī yè 除夕夜(New Year’s Eve) Nián yè fàn 年夜饭 (New Year’s Eve Feast)
Xiě chūn lián 写春联 (Write the spring couplets)
Tiē fú zì 贴福字 (Paste the ‘Fu’ character)
Fàng biān pào / Fàng bào zhú 放鞭炮 / 放爆竹 (Set off firecrackers) Hóng bāo 红包(Red packet)
Do you know the names of these foods? What are the connotations behind the names?
Tāng yuán/ yuán xiāo 汤圆 / 元宵
Jiǎo zi 饺子 (Dumpling)
Jīn jú 金橘(Kumquat)
Nián gāo 年糕 (Rice cake)
Jī 鸡(Chicken) Yú 鱼(Fish)
29th/30th Lunar December • The Family Reunion dinner CUSTOMS
* How to write the character ‘Fu’
London Chinatown Oral History Project Acknowledgement: Produced as part of the London China Town Oral History Project with materials from CMHA and Ming-Ai (London) Institute. Lesson plan designed by Ming-Ai (London) Institute.
London Chinatown Oral History Project Picture references: http://oimg.17xing.com/O/2011/0203/13/O20110203131846012rks584037.jpg http://pic2.nipic.com/20090424/716796_124333091_2.jpg http://www.cloudol.net/data/files/store_5/goods_17/201007270830178969.jpg http://www.chinacity.net/manage/file/ef/2007/11/23/20071123140308_6537_1.jpg http://www.en8848.com.cn/d/file/201112/1f40d7f0fe65d614020e4ee56292ee14.jpg http://techan.dqccc.com/UploadImage/2010/1/1/2010010112045846789652.jpg http://subject.syd.com.cn/contentimg/attachement/jpg/site2/20110119/b8ac6f27294b0ea0d0d15b.jpg http://img1.soufun.com/bbs/2007_02/19/1171853779044.jpe http://www.kungfupages.com/resources/liondance3.jpg http://www.mandarinstrokes.com/ http://www.ming-ai.org.uk