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Precision Agriculture In Viticulture By Pam Turner

Precision Agriculture In Viticulture By Pam Turner. Vineyard Information. Area Dedicated to Wine Spain 11,750 km² France 8,640 km² Italy 8,270 km² Turkey 8,120 km² United States 4,150 km² Iran 2,860 km² Romania 2,480 km² Portugal 2,160 km² Argentina 2,080 km²

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Precision Agriculture In Viticulture By Pam Turner

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  1. Precision Agriculture In Viticulture By Pam Turner

  2. Vineyard Information Area Dedicated to Wine Spain 11,750 km² France 8,640 km² Italy 8,270 km² Turkey 8,120 km² United States 4,150 km² Iran 2,860 km² Romania 2,480 km² Portugal 2,160 km² Argentina 2,080 km² Australia 1,642 km² • Production • 71% wine • 27% fresh fruit • 2% dried fruit • Vineyards • 2% Yearly increase

  3. Oklahoma’s Vineyards

  4. Precision Viticulture • Branch of Precision Agriculture that was proposed in the early 1990’s • Must maximize yield and quality

  5. Vine Vigor • GPS and NDVI • Determines • Harvesting time • Quality

  6. Management Zones

  7. Irrigation • Use of infrared readings of leaf temperature. • Has an effect on time of onset and degree of weight loss.

  8. Vine row interaction • NDVI vineyard • Extracted Rows (yellow) Background (blue) • Must delete non-representative plants and vegetation • Ensures health and vigor of vines • Aids pruning process

  9. Gap Identification • Give total area of missing vines • Potential for re-planting

  10. Herbicide Application • Identifies and selects weed material at a resolution of < 1 cm2 • Permitted a reduction in herbicide application by 85%

  11. Selective Harvesting • Select high-vigor from low vigor areas • Increases wine quality • Increases retail value

  12. Yield Monitors • “On the Go” georeferenced records of yield • Most popular method: Conveyor belt

  13. Where is Precision Viticulture going? • Improve mechanical pruning methods • Detect sugar content of the entire field

  14. “Great wine is grown, not made”

  15. References • http://www.catenawines.com/eng/vineyards/precision-viticulture.html • http://www.regional.org.au/au/gia/ • http://www.geovine.com/pdf/PVProfitabiltyPaper.pdf • http://ppvco.com/develop.php • http://www.usyd.edu.au/su/agric/acpa/people/james/Thesis/Chapter%203_Taylor2004.pdf • http://www.nzwine.com/index.html • http://wineserver.ucdavis.edu/ • http://www.lincoln.ac.nz/section671.html • http://cati.csufresno.edu/verc/ • http://www.catenawines.com/eng/vineyards/precision-viticulture.html • http://www.crcv.com.au/resources/Precision%20Viticulture/ • http://www.csiro.au/science/ps1xy.html • http://www.provisor.com.au/apps/uploadedFiles/news/80/Precision_Viticulture.pdf • http://precisionaginc.com/viticulture.shtml • http://www.csu.edu.au/nwgic/pages/research/sustainable_viticulture.htm • http://www.scipub.net/agriculture/precision-agriculture.html • http://www.uark.edu/depts/ifse/grapeprog/vinemech.htm • http://www.mikebobbitt.com/NDVI_Vineyard_format.htm

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