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Conspiracy ‘Realities’ OKC FBI to 911 Nukes, Avian Pandemics New World DisOrder. Dr Bill Deagle MD May 2007 SanDiego & L.A. 911 Truth Conferences. P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Acts ‘Of Abuse. Providing Advanced Technologies to Receive and Intercept Operational Terrorism
Conspiracy ‘Realities’OKC FBI to 911 Nukes, Avian PandemicsNew World DisOrder Dr Bill Deagle MD May 2007 SanDiego & L.A. 911 Truth Conferences
P.A.T.R.I.O.T. Acts ‘Of Abuse • Providing Advanced Technologies to Receive and Intercept Operational Terrorism • 1999 – Special Ops / Delta – Norfork, VA – 2 years before 911 received huge section of near complete PATRIOT Antiterror Act • March 1st 2001 – Adams Mark Hotel – Denver – Lunch Dr Reddington VA Infectious Disease Director U of CO and US BioTerror FBI and CDC Directors FBI “There will be a ‘Pearl Harbour Event” ..in a large NE US city that will bring the United States under Martial Law..with a 95% probability within 24 months…” • Delta Agent – “The PATRIOT Act was written ten years before 911 and the whole operation..”
Conspiracy Realities! • 1988 – Tom-Scott Gordon – Photographer of WTC Complex for Port Authority of NY in preparation for demoliton of the WTC Complex • Ruby Ridge – Randy Weaver’s Family Attacked and Wife and Child Killed by ATF Agents • Waco, TX – Attack and Incineration of US Citizens – Branch Dividians • WTC 1993 – FBI Hired Egyptian Munitions Expert Failed Demolition – 6 US Citizens die • OKC 1995 – 168 US Citizens Die including Nursery • 911 WTC & Pentagon – Over 3000 citizens die immediately and many times this are dying from environmental pollution of lower Manhattan
OKC 1995 • OKC 1995 – Murrah – Special Ops Removed 2 Unexplosed Micronukes Fourth Gen US Army Corp Engineers 1/10th Kiloton and C4 Pineapple with RDX and High Explosive Cord, 3 Radiation Detectors positive with Tritium Elevation at Scene [CCOM Exit Dr. Bill Deage MD] • Wakenhut security armed guarded 24/7 debris burried and concreted capped – Carlyle Owned Security Company
911 WTC & Pentagon 2001 • 911- Dr Ward MD THE ONLY Explanation of Nanoparticularied WTC 1 and 2 with, FLIR Satellite images weeks later, Massive Craters, Footprint of Fallen WTC Complex AND fall speeded by vacuum collapse by microNukes & • Ted Tweitmeyer DOD Engineer EMP hundreds of thousands of Tesla of 3/1000th second paramagnetic effects on engine blocks and aluminized mirrors
Paramagnetic InducedEngine Block Fires – Ignore NYPD on Vehicle
Micronuclear Materials Analysis: • Beryllium-9 • Polonium-210 with 138 day t1/2 half life – Neutron Trigger MicroNukes • Yttrium – Used in Neutron Reflector • Lithium Deuteride – “Red Mercury”? • Plutonium, Strontium 90, Iridium ++
Micronuclear Materials Analysis: • Plutonium-239 • Uranium-237 and 235 • Tritiium – Heavy Water Isotope – 55 times background after 120 millions liters of fire suppression from water hoses at WTC • IRON in Girders: Fe 57, Fe 58 and Radioactive Fe 59
Dr Ed Ward Tritium Calculations: • TOTAL WATER DECONTAMINATION & DILUTION: • @ 120 million liters of water - 30 mil gallons - 4 million gallons is from rain and fire hoses, • AND 26 million gallons of leakage of the bathtub • Unknown how much got to WTC 6 of that 26 million gallons but that dilution level was used for the sewerage water calculations • About 7 Billion Tritium units possible for the sewerage water. • Calculated estimated 1 million liters of water was calculated as the approximate amount of water that would have been in WTC 6 - that dilution amount would have been OVER 1 Billion total Tritium units possible at the quoted levels of the USGS report for JUST WTC 6.
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 1 ] Super heated steel beams creating steel vapor comet trails while falling • 2] Sub-100 micron pulverization of 99% of concrete in floors • 3] 330 ton sections of outer wall steel columns ripped off • 4] Ponds of molten metal in basements of WTC 1, 2 and 7
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 5] 100 days required to cool down the debris piles • 6] Pyroclastic flow of debris with tall chimney rising upward • 7] People, computers & furniture vanished but paper remained • 8] 20 % of WTC dust is made of metals in atomic sizes
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 9] WTC1 transmission tower falls first indicating central support was removed • 10] Tritiium levels elevated in area weeks after 9/11 • 11] Witnesses say cars exploded and burned our wrecks that had not been hit by debris surrounded the area • 12] Wide power outage that cut off all communications in a very large area
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 13] Winter Garden hit by 22 ton steel ejected 600 ft. from WTC1 • 14] Sharp spikes in seismograph at nearby Lamont-Doherty earthquake lab • 15] Brown shades of color in the air due to nuclear radiation forming sulfuric acid • 16] Huge expanding dust clouds taking five times the volume of the tower
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 17] Rubble height only 10% of original instead of 33% for normal demolition • 18] No survivors found except for one isolated stairway without overhead debris • 19] Decontamination procedure seen at WTC with hi-pressure water spraying • 20] Rooftop 200,000 gallon water tanks for sprinkler system but no water in ruins
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 21] Forensic Toxicology of Trace Minerals and Isotopes Found at Scene of Nuclear Detonations – Beryllium, Tritium, etc. • 22] Cancers of Rare Types Secondary to Radiation and Nanoparticulate Heavy Metals and Radioisotopes – e.g. Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma • 23] Fibrotic Lung Conditions Secondary to Heavy Metals and Radioisotopic Nanoparticles
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 24] Bone dust cloud around the WTC. This was found not until spring 2006 from the Deutsche Bank building • 25] Brown shades of color in the air due nuclear radiation forming NO2, NO3 and nitric acid. • 26] Massive Craters WTC 1, 2 and 6 from massive blasts at the base of each building
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 27] Radiation At Great Kills, Staten Island – Shut Down of Access to Site of Debris • 28] Infrared Satellite Based Photos WTC 1 and 2 – Molten Steel and Building Magma – 1 acre hot for five months WTC 1 and six weeks WTC 2
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 29] 14 rescue dogs and some rescue workers died far too soon afterward to be attributed to asbestos or dust toxins (respiratory problems due to alpha and tritium particles created by fusion are far more toxic)
WMD micro-Nukes in 911 WTC • 30] One alleged radiation hot spot on Manhattan's east side has the potential for becoming a political hot spot: A strong radiation spike from the area of the Israeli Embassy. • Officials would not comment on why they thought that particular area allegedly showed such a stunning peak in radiation.
ThermateNanoparticlized Aluminum Cutting Charges: • 911- Dr Steven Jones – Thermate High Explosives to cut the building into sections for collapse • Sulfurized amplification of high temperature cutting charges • No distant heating and vaporization properties of giant iron girders – postulated Super Thermate DOES NOT EXPLAIN THIS ANOMALY @ WTC
Avian Flu Global Pandemic • The ‘Brainiac’ Virus • Same Lethal Gene SNP Polymorphisms as 1918 Human WSN33 – Iowa Pig Hybrid Flu with ‘New’ NS1 four amino acid deletion – Bypass of IL4 Immune Alarm • Polybasic 6 Amino Acids – Nuclease Allows Invasion of All Tissues in All Mammals Dr Niman Ph.D. Interviews
Avian Flu Global Pandemic • Only 2 more H gene single amino acids H226 and H228 or other combinations • 12 substrains – 6 genetic distinct ‘LETHAL’ Pre-pandemic Strains Globally • The ‘Killer Bees’ of all Viruses • “Brainiac” Human H5N1 “The Zychronian 12 Plaque”
Phase 5 Now of Human H5N1 Pandemic • Interpandemic period • Phase 1: No new influenza virus subtypes found in humans • Phase 2: Circulating animal influenza virus subtype poses a substantial risk of human disease • Pandemic alert period • Phase 3: Human infection(s) with a influenza virus new subtype, but no human-to-human spread, or at most rare instances of spread to close contacts
Phase 5 Now of Human H5N1 Pandemic • Phase 4: Small cluster(s) of cases with limited human-to-human transmission but spread highly localized (i.e. virus not well adapted to humans) • Phase 5: Larger cluster(s) of cases but human-to-human spread still localized (i.e. virus becoming increasingly better adapted to humans) • Pandemic period • Phase 6: Influenza pandemic: increased and sustained transmission of novel human influenza virus in the general population
RFID NATIONAL Drivers I.D. • N.A.I.S. – Active Live Chip trackable from ‘space’ to 1 cu meter on all in “US Herd” • Jan 1st 2008 to May 11th 2008 full implementation National RFID Biometric Driver’s ID in All US States • Jan 17th to 23rd 2007 No Canadians will enter the US without a passport (already a passive RFID) and US Citizens into Canada reciprocate with US Passports or RFID Driver’s ID Substitute for phase-in
Phases I, II and III of the Global M.A.R.K. National ID Passports Implantable ID Brain Interface Chip
Key Globalist Dialectics to Crush the People • National Debt and Real Estate ‘Bubble’ 2007 • Avian Flu Pandemic Window Winter 2007 to 2008 • Regional Nuclear Conflict with Iran + Russian and Chinese Proxy War • ‘Real’ Hyperinflation AND Devaluation of Currency Disappearance of Penny, Nickle, Dime and Quarter and Two and Five Dollar Coins
National Health Care in 2008 • National Health Plus Database with UNIVERSAL HEALHCARE and Reduced Medical Errors and Standardized Medical Electronic Record and Betty Crocker Medicine for ALL • Data Mining tied to Military, Purchase, Fines and Taxes • RFID ID – NAID – North American ID • Trackable Biometric Regional Panopticon • “A days wages… for a days food”
TRACK ALL TRANSACTIONS by May 11th 2008 National ID • ALL Silver and Gold Coin or Barter and All Non-traceable transactions violate the P.A.T.R.I.O.T. I & II ++ • RFID Chips in all goods, so profile can compose an identity match to every citizen for tracking and control – Sensors in Doorways, Elevators, Roadways, Cell Towers, etc.
Minority Report Amerika • Hate Crimes Bill – April 2007 Democrats – Rev Ted Pike Shows – Antidefamation League ADL Feelings Result in Prosecutions Not Evidence • Congressional and Senate Bills Repeatedly Tabled • First Amendment Rights attack against speaking truth against any ‘protected group’ under the legislation
VIRTUAL WORLD PROJECTQuantum Computing Array • Virtual Model of Every Building, Roadway, Harbour, Railway on EARTH • Model Icons of Every Person to be entered when RFID Regional IDs added to system • RFID Tags on all products on Earth • BBPL – Broadband Over Powerlines Converts Home/ Workplace/ Office in Virtural World Cybernetic Hyperspace
VIRTUAL WORLD PROJECTQuantum Computing Array • Denver, CO – Based Co. GPS Military Grade Cybernetic Surveying EARTH with Satellite Photos 3D Analysis with Programmed Cybernetic Modelling • Planet Model Completed 2004 Approx • Citizen Model ICONS RFID Regional IDs – Start 2008 • RFID Consumer Tags in All Products – 2010 Approx
NotSo DU Depleted Uranium Global Spread Cancers, Birth Defectswith Diabetes Plagues Worldwide • Nanoparticles are like having a chest xray every four minutes for high exposure vets of Gulf 1 or 2 • Uranium Ion DNA damage damages cell healing, promotes cancer and causes birth defects • Half life 4.5 Billion Years to reduce to ½ concentration in air, soil and water globally