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Creating a Relationship Based Culture for Student Success. Ogden High School. 1250 Students Title 1 School 60% Free and Reduced Lunch Very wide socioeconomic gaps IB, AP, CE, CTE, programs, we have a population of very high achieving students
Creating a Relationship Based Culture for Student Success Ogden High School
1250 Students Title 1 School • 60% Free and Reduced Lunch • Very wide socioeconomic gaps • IB, AP, CE, CTE, programs, we have a population of very high achieving students • We also have a large portion of struggling students • Newcomer and ELL • Generational Poverty • Many programs to address the needs of these students Ogden High Demographics
Success • Over the last 3 Years graduation rate has increased from 76% to over 90% • Increased enrollment in CTE programs 10% • Increased enrollment in the Tech College by 200% • Increased CE Enrollment and Offerings • Increased the amount AP tests given by over 220 tests and increased the pass rate by 16% our pass rate is 7% higher than the national average • Maintained solid enrollment in our IB program • Increased Seniors Enrolling in College to near the State Average, 2018 Ogden High Students were 17% more successful a C in college math an 3% more successful in College English than the state average. • Increase in 2018 ACT Math and Reading Scores • Students feel safe at Ogden High School
Targeted Focus on Relationships We Believe Positive School Culture and Positive Relationships Positively Affect Student Achievement “Positive school climate predicts individual student achievement better then ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and other demographic variables” (Sprick, Wise, Marcum, Haykin, Mclaughlin, Hays, 2016) “Culture Trumps Strategy!” -Bill Daggett
Relationship Based Culture at OHS is a Team Effort • We have hired intentionally based on the capacity of the employee to connect with students and build relationship • Teachers, Coaches, and Advisors have significantly increased the number of students who participate in afterschool programs • If you want to create a positive school culture you have to have the right people in the building, and sometimes you have to move the wrong people out • Easier said than done but worth the effort • 90-10 • What you focus on grows
Building Relationships Intentionally • We believe that “Great people greet the kids like they love them everyday” • -Todd Whitaker • Door Greeting Competitions • Post-Cards Home • Advisory reach out and ownership of individual students • Have staff right down 2-3 students they can make a positive connection and difference for in the school on a card in the first faculty meeting • Intentionally model and give staff strategies for building relationships with students • As leaders we are modeling this behavior everyday in every interaction we have with people in our school
PBIS • We have a strong PBIS system: • 3 OT Posted in Every Classroom along with school goals all over the school • Slushy Cards and connections at games due to list for points • Tiger 200 Data • Makes U’s Relevant • Videos of Expectations • Talk about it constantly with students
Removed 625 U’s • Paid for 24 Recovery Packets • 51 Lanyards • 130 Gift Cards • 13 Dance Tickets • 3 Yearbooks • 6 Shirts • 376 Candy Bars • 116 Slushies • 2 Blankets 3 OT Tiger Point Data
Panorama and Hot List Data and How We Use It • Panorama is a database we use to track student: • Behavior • Attendance • Academics • Social Emotional Learning: • We track groups of students strategically: • We use the data to place students into programs and interventions
ON Track Form Example Link to Form
Programs we use Data to Identify Students For • Achievement Club • School of Life • Social Skills Class • Sophomore Transition • Credit Recovery • Lab Classes/Study Halls • Check in Check Out/ 2x10’s/ 3P’s other individual interventions • Healthy Lifestyles
Celebrate Success • Tiger Points, Tiger Award Cards • Student of the month, both department and schoolwide • Attendance Competitions • Golden Tiger • Writing Thank You Cards • Celebrate victories with your faculty when you achieve goals, show them that what you are doing is working
Some Reflection/Think Time Building Relationships and School Culture have an impact on student achievement: Take 5 minutes • What are you doing already and what are some ideas you may implement next year? (Write them down). • Share with 3 or 4 people next to you. • Group share out.
Streamlined Goals: Keeping it Focused District Goals School Goals Teacher Goals Literacy Graduation
Literacy School Goal- 100% of teachers will implement weekly student reading tasks in their content with a specific research-based ELL strategy that supports students' ability to understand and integrate the knowledge from the chosen text. Teacher Personal Growth Plan (PGP) Goal-Tied to professional growth in content literacy Social Studies: “I will engage in professional development related to routinely using purposeful reading and incorporating literacy strategies with my content and I will implement these strategies in an effective manner in my classroom (SIOP). Students will have passed/retained 80% or higher on their CFA and CIA each quarter and semester. Math: “I will engage in professional development in helping students to analyze and organize the information given in a story problem by utilizing graphic organizers and marking the text strategies. 80% of students will be able to break down and identify key tasks embedded in story problems.”
One Friday a Month Literacy PD Options- two required (ELL Supports and Critical Reading strategies), two choices (digital literacy, vocabulary, differentiation, collaborative study groups etc) School wide PD for identifying ELL and WIDA levels and monitoring their progress Common collaboration time weekly Observation feedback cycle “Data Dives” to track, measure and plan interventions-targeting ELL growth and strategy implementation Personal Growth Plan Supports Literacy
School Wide Culture Support 5x5 Schedule Double blocking ELA and Math Support classes More advanced course options Supported by teachers Academic Coaches Co-teaching in ELA and Math Parent Community Information Nights College going culture and celebrations College and career center Supports in applying for colleges and scholarships Tracking data on what our kids achieve and where they go for celebrations College entrance support and follow through Literacy
Know your kids, Support your kids Examples: “100% of my Advisory graduates or is on track to graduate.” “100% of my students will know what they need to accomplish for graduation (attendance and credits) and to improve school culture through our advisory program and within my regular classes.” School goal- Increase Graduation to 90% Graduation Teacher Student Learning Outcome (SLO) Goal Tied to advisory: Attendance Supports Student Success Adult Relationships On Track Supports
Teacher Student Learning Outcome Supports Graduation • Training for building relationships and student advocacy • Student goal setting for growth mindset • PLC time to plan interventions for attendance and grades • parent / student reachout • Documenting progress/needs • Targeting students that need more support Attendance Supports Student Success Adult Relationships On Track Supports
Student Self Monitoring and Goal Setting in Advisory Graduation
Grade Level Teams PLC Graduation • BEFORE meeting, advisor identifies which advisory students need phone calls home. • After meeting, advisors will have a hour to make phone calls home. • Documentation on Google Doc • BEFORE meeting, advisor identifies 2 TNT (Tigers Needing Time) as targeted students for one month. • After meeting, advisors will have a month to do targeted interventions with the 2 TNT students. Targeted interventions can be goals, teacher/student discussions, rewards=Tiger Points, Key Cards, parent meetings, check-ins, support throughout the month. • Advisors will refer those students who do not respond to consistent interventions to attendance secretary. (Elsie) • GLT will discuss support with interventions and phone calls • GLT will monitor progress of students who received interventions and phone calls
GLT-Tigers Needing Time Graduation
School Wide Initiatives Supporting Graduation Graduation • Reducing the amount of F’s and content recovery classes • Focus on 50% or higher F’s last two weeks of term • Grade tracking in the advisory process • Focus on PD for supporting kids where they are at: ELL and AVID strategies for scaffolding • 5x5 schedule • Double Blocking Math and ELA • More Academic Support/Skills classes Attendance Supports Student Success Adult Relationships On Track Supports
Attendance - Success is Showing Up Graduation “Although it isn’t the only factor in improving student learning, 30 years of research has consistently linked family involvement to higher student achievement, better attitudes toward school, lower dropout rates and increased attendance” (Henderson & Mapp, 2002). • Prevention • Parent/Community Nights • Parent Teacher Conferences • PBIS - Reward System (Tiger Points) • Teacher Trainings (welcoming students/teacher language) • Greeting students at the door • Administrator/Counselor/Secretary/ Custodial Hall Sweeps during transition Attendance Supports Student Success Adult Relationships On Track Supports
Child Assistance/Attendance Team or Ch.A.T. Graduation • Ch.A.T. consists of an Administrator, Secretary, PBIS Facilitator, Counselors, Behavior Interventionist, Special Education Teacher & Instructional Coach • Referrals for behavior (Educators Handbook) • Referrals to Elsie for attendance (Advisory Teachers) • TNT/Phone Call Guide • Panorama Data • Attendance Hot List
2x10 Attendance Tracker 3P Goal-Setting Observations - Instructional Coach or Behavior Interventionist Parent/Student/Administrator/Counselor Meeting Home Visits BCI (Brief Community Intervention) School of Life Interventions Assigned by Ch.A.T. Graduation
Wrap up and Next steps 2 min. -Individually • What is your school growth focus for 2020? • What is in place already to support that goal? 3 min.-With a partner/Triad • What’s missing? Brainstorm with a partner. • Share any takeaways from the session.