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Oil Field Drill Rig Safety. Excerpt from Bill Luther’s, APS-FSR Slideshow www.txoga.org/attachments/OilFieldSafetyNEO1.ppt. Unsafe Act or Unsafe Condition.
Oil Field Drill Rig Safety Excerpt from Bill Luther’s, APS-FSRSlideshow www.txoga.org/attachments/OilFieldSafetyNEO1.ppt
Unsafe Act or Unsafe Condition
REMEMBER………………………..No job is so important and No service is so urgent – that we cannot take time to perform our work safely.
This orientation is to help acquaint those personnel with oilfield safety rules, regulations and/or procedures. This orientation is NOT certification.
More than 90 % of all accidents are avoidable, being caused by human error rather than by mechanical failure. It is extremely important that every person on a drilling rig develop a sense of safety in drilling operations. That person must use this sense in combination with the kind of good judgment it takes to drive a car safely, or to do anything else in a safe manner.
Vocabulary Listing of select vocabulary words • ANSI – American National Standards Institute. • Approved – Sanctioned, endorsed, accredited, certified, or accepted by a duly constituted and recognized authority or agency. • Authorized Person – A person approved or assigned by the employer to perform a specific type of duty or duties or to be at a specific location or locations at the job site.
Vocabulary – cont’d • Competent Person – One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surround or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employers and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them, or who can recommend directly to persons in authority that such corrective measures be taken.
Vocabulary – cont’d • Guarded – Covered, shielded, fenced, enclosed, or otherwise protected by means of suitable covers, or casings, barrier rails, safety bars, or screens to eliminate the possibility of accidental contact with, or dangerous approach by persons or objects. • Hazard – Any occupational condition or circumstance which is likely to cause death, injury or illness.
Vocabulary – cont’d • Hazardous Substance – one by reason of being explosive, flammable, poisonous, corrosive, oxidizing, irritating, or otherwise harmful, is likely to cause occupational death, injury or illness. • Qualified–one who by possession of a recognize degree certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience has successfully demonstrated ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.
Vocabulary – cont’d • Should – means recommended. • Suitable – that which fits, and has the qualities or qualifications to meet a given purpose, occasion, condition, function or circumstance. • Supervisor – person who has been given control, direction and/or supervision of work provided by one or more employees.
Vocabulary – cont’d • Variance – an exception to a promulgated standard, rule or regulation granted by the Department of Labor, or appropriate agency. • Well Servicing – any action or work other than the original drilling of the well, related, but not limited to the completion, re-completion, down hold maintenance, or termination of the well.
Oil Company/Operator – Has control of the casing and the mud program being followed drilling the well. Drilling Contractor – Head of drilling operation. Determines the overall safety practices/policies and the manner in which a safety program is carried out by the various supervisors. Drilling Superintendent – Represents top management of the drilling contractor. Supervises the operations of several rigs in the area. Tool pusher – Directly responsible to the drilling superintendent for carrying out work assigned to the rig. Supervise all personnel, ensures machinery is in a safe operating condition. Investigates each accident or injury to determine its cause.
Driller – Works directly under the tool pusher. Responsible for work of the crew and operation of the rig. The driller sets the pump speed and pressure, operates the draw works and rotary and manipulates the controls to operate the rotary and drill stem to make hole. Crew Members – Must work for safety as a team! Must know his/her job and stay constantly alert to what is going on. Use PPE. Use proper tools. Learn to foresee and prevent accidents. Use stairs and ladders as intended.
A Sampling of OSHA Violations & Standards Cited • Employee riding the traveling blocks – 5(a)(1) 2. No geronimo line from monkey board – 5 (a)(1) 3. Floor holes in rig floor/crown walk around-1910.23(a) 4. Safety goggles not clean and in good repair-1910.133 5. Break Out Tongs – wire clips had U-bolt on live end of line. 5(a)(1) 6. Kelly hose not secured with chains 5(a)(1) 7. V-Door opening not guarded-1910.23
UNIQUE HAZARDS TO THE OIL AND GAS INDUSTRY Poor Machine Guarding Catheads Rotary Tables Falls Gases Tripping Slipping High Pressure Hoses
New Mexico based land drilling rig. If you are the derrick man and weather like this is approaching, what do you do?
TONGS – SPINNING CHAIN Cut off fingers, thumbs Smashed fingers, hands etc TEAM WORK !! Be a Team, Work Together Watch out for each other
Can you find the hazard(s)? 4 2 3 1
IT’S THE LAW ! In the State of Texas, all persons working in the oil field where H2S concentrations are known MUST complete a H2S certification course annually. The objective is to educate employees about the physical & chemical properties, toxicity, concentration levels, personal protective equipment use, detection measures, rescue and first aid. The best way way to reduce the chance of employee exposure to H2S is to provided the best possible training, provide appropriate personal protective equipment, and ensure employs follow the correct work procedures, rules and requirements.
COMMON SOURCES OF H2S Naturally in nature Oil Fields – Mines – Volcanoes –Geothermal Exploration Through decay of organic matter Fishing industry – Tanneries - Manure Processing Municipal sewers - Brewery Industry – Landfills Chemical Processes By Product – Catalyst – Felt Making – Asphalt Roofing
H2S or Toxic Gas Exposure Hydrogen Sulfide – characterized by an odor of rotten eggs. A very small concentration can be fatal. When encountered, employees must wear approved type masks when their work requires them to be exposed to the gas,in any way.
H2S or Toxic Gas Exposure Hydrogen Sulfide is highly toxic, colorless, and heavier than air. It has the odor of rotten eggs, initially. Most frequently encountered in the production and refining of high sulfur petroleum and in natural gas. It burns with a blue flame and produces Sulfur Dioxide. It forms an explosive mixture with air. The LFL is 4.3% and the UFL is 45.5%.
H2S or Toxic Gas Exposure Its odor is NOT a reliable warning signal because higher concentrations of the gas temporarily destroys the sense of smell. This is the primary reason for employees not detecting the presence of H2S and consequently inhaling a lethal amount. The only positive means is by testing with an approved H2S detector. DO NOT RELY SOLELY ON THE SENSE OF SMELL!
What is he standing on? Why? Is he tied off? What do you think would happen if he falls??
Ready to set the slips. Note: 3-people/3-handles Always set and remove with three (3) people to avoid back strain.
Stabbing a joint, prior to make-up. Note spinning chain, position of arm and hand ??
Summary • Oilfield Safety is no different than Safety anywhere else. Different tools, different equipment, but the same COMMOM SENSE principles. • Look for Hazards, protect you and your co-worker. Remember, Identify the Hazard, Develop a plan to fix it and then Fix it! Fix Your Hazards = No Accidents • Get everyone interested. Its for you good and theirs.