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NOYCE SUMMER INTERNSHIP (2010-2011). Noyce Summer Internship: A Safe Pathway toward STEM Teaching by Kim S. Nguyen, Ed.D. and Dwight Schuster, Ph.D. at IUPUI Lisa Montplaisir, Ph.D. and Erika Offerdahl, Ph.D. at NDSU July 8, 2011.
NOYCE SUMMER INTERNSHIP (2010-2011) Noyce Summer Internship: A Safe Pathway toward STEM Teaching by Kim S. Nguyen, Ed.D. and Dwight Schuster, Ph.D. at IUPUI Lisa Montplaisir, Ph.D. and Erika Offerdahl, Ph.D. at NDSU July 8, 2011
Supplemental Award - Advance Urban Learning: Teach Science - DUE 0733788 Noyce Summer Internship Program awarded in 2009 to Address IUPUI Recruitment Challenges: • Insufficient number of STEM undergraduate majors entering teacher education program and apply for Teach Science Noyce Scholarships • Low number of minority students inquiring about Math and Science Education Scholarship opportunities – An institutional program that encourages STEM majors to consider STEM teaching in K-12.
INSTITUTIONAL SETTING:URBAN IUPUI - An Urban Research & Academic Health Science Campus of Indiana University. Created in 1969 as a partnership between Indiana and Purdue Universities, with IU as the managing partner. IUPUI is the second-largest campus in the IU state wide system, awarded both Indiana University and Purdue University degrees. Noyce Teacher Scholarship programs reside in the Urban Center for the Advancement of STEM Education (UCASE) is a joint effort of the Science, Education, and Engineering &Technology Schools. UCASE offers an environment in which university and K-12 educators collaborate to expand knowledge of teaching & learning, and to prepare the next generation of science and mathematics teachers. UCASE aims to advance STEM education by promoting excellence in teaching, learning, research and scholarship, and to enhance support services of students to increase their persistence and achievement.
INTERNSHIP IMPLEMENTATION • Establish partnership with employers • Implement the program: design internship application, help employers write job descriptions, announce the program via websites, posters and other media means • Match eligible applicants with available positions and make refers for job interviews and internship placements • Internship orientation with employers and interns • Set agenda for three meetings within the 8-week internship • Collect data for program assessment • Frequent communication with interns and employers • Disburse Noyce internship awards and evaluate personal reflection essays.
INTERNSHIP HIGHLIGHTS • Informal Math and Science Learning: the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis, Diabetes Youth Foundation Science Camp, STEM Club Math tutoring in K-12 summer school, Junior Rocket Design Agency, Minority Engineering Advancement Institute. • Mentoring college students in summer course in Biology and Chemistry: Bepko Learning Center and Peer Lead Team Learning (PLTL) Program. • Eight weeks of full-time job placement, from May through August. Each intern received $3,600 stipend on June 1. • 8 interns selected each summer, 50%-62% are URM students. • Two of 2010 Interns accepted into teacher education program immediately after the internship. Three are planning to enter teaching after degree completion, three stay with their majors.
Project Award – ND Noyce Scholars: Science and Math Teacher Program - DUE 0833268 Noyce Summer Internship Program awarded as part of overall project: • To stimulate expanded teaching experiences in informal science research settings. • Not enough students exploring the idea of teaching early in their degree programs.
INSTITUTIONAL SETTING:RURAL • NDSU - AN URBAN RESEARCH CAMPUS IN A RURAL STATE. 14,500 students, 87% white, 49% from ND, 700 International students from 89 countries (the largest “minority” demographic at 5% of the population). • NOYCE TEACHER SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMSreside in the Center for Science and Mathematics Education in a joint effort of faculty from Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, and the School of Education.
INTERNSHIP IMPLEMENTATION • Contact potential research mentors and applicants • Course announcement slide emailed to faculty. • Dean makes announcement at semester college meeting. • Leadership group provides flyers to faculty during advising week. • Links on School of Education and content departments websites. • Intern placement • Faculty volunteer to be host site. • Faculty encourage selected students to apply. • Students contact desired lab placement. • Leadership team finds matches. • Upfront meeting with Interns • Collect personal reflection essays
INTERNSHIP HIGHLIGHTS Work in extensive research groups (HS students, undergrads, grads, post-docs/technicians, teachers). Focus is on scope of applications of research across learning progression. Informal mentoring of and by Interns in research group. Eight weeks of full-time job placement, timing varies throughout summer; paid in 2 week increments. 8 Interns in 2009 and 2010, 4 in 2011. Four Interns accepted into teacher education program, one into PhD program, nearly all continue to work in research experiences.
INTERNSHIP EVALUATION-IUPUI • Internship participants (50%-62.5%) are URM STEM majors • Frances Lawrenz & Noyce evaluation team: Choosing teaching as a career influenced by personal traits, content preparation, educational role model • D.A. Schuster and his surveys at IUPUI: 3 times Pre, Post and 2 months after • Findings: positive experiences - learn about teaching, learn about themselves. Position placement is an important factor. • Open-ended responses from surveys closely match interns’ personal reflection essays: Noyce Internships offer positive predictors for effort to increase STEM majors in the Noyce Teacher Scholarship program, especially among URM.
NOYCE INTERNSHIP EXPERIENCE-A CAREER APTITUDE INVENTORY • Bio-Medical engineering student’s reflection: “I know now that I want teaching to be a part of my career”, Abigail Soltis. • As a peer mentor of the summer course in Biology, Bryan Ramirez wrote,” This program helped me make my decision to becoming a biology teacher.” • A science camp intern, Jeremiah Saylae wrote, “The Noyce Internship builds my academic integrity and allows me to be intellectually balance. I may change my plan to become a college professor and teach biology.” • An engineering student, Dorian Spence concluded that while the internship showed him that teaching is not for him, the Internship experience taught him the art of instructing and the learners’ psychology that applies in any work environment.
NOYCE INTERN REFLECTIONS “This experience could have made me feel scared and unsure, but it actually has made me excited. I have the confidence and capability to be a successful graduate student. This experience gave me a boost in confidence to continue to do well in school, to be open to new opportunities, and take risks that will open doors.” Alisa, chemistry “The experience that I have gained in the six weeks with the NOYCE Intern has helped to support my academic career goals toward becoming a Math Educator. Towards the end of this internship I found that I would like to graduate with a master’s in Math Education.” Kelsey, Engineering “Working with a high school student in the lab has taught me many different things. I learned what methods were efficient to explain ideas to Suzanne and which did not. I felt she would learn more when I would ask her questions instead of waiting for her to ask me. It was also beneficial to let Suzanne work on problems by herself for awhile, instead of jumping in to explain right away. Through this experience I have begun to learn the ideas behind presenting information to students.” Bridgit, chemistry
“I believe that being involved in research has helped me decide to pursue a degree in education. Research is intriguing and I do enjoy doing it, however, I know that it is not what I would like to do as a career. I feel that I would make a greater difference spreading knowledge to high school students. I want to create more opportunities for them to become involved in science and its huge array of applications. Research has definitely taught me more about science and applying basic principles to the design of new experiments rather than those that have been already written out, as in a classroom lab. I believe that my experience in research will help me create a better learning atmosphere and conduct better labs for the students to perform when I become a high school teacher someday.” Bridgit, chem, follow-up
NOYCE INTERNS’ SUGGESTIONS Provide more “diverse” options …. Working in more than 1 lab. Provide more time to go more in-depth Expand to school year Group Interns instead of single placements Have a culmination seminar for the Interns
OUR POTENTIAL CHANGES Implement classroom Internship during academic year (with permission). Recruit science/math education majors into Internship to then pursue dual major in discipline. Seek partnership with area Universities and their summer “College for Kids” workshops.