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A detailed comparison of primary schools - academic performance trends, pupil demographics, attendance rates, and key improvement areas.
School: Boundary Primary Headteacher: Dayle Harrison 2009 Target for English and Maths combined =65% School School National Average 2007 2008 2008 Number of pupils on roll 410 433 237 % FSM 60.6% 64.1% 16.6% (Well above national average) Pupil mobility 36.4% 33.9% 16.7% (Well above national average) English L4+ 86% 76% 81% Maths L4+ 84% 74% 78% English and Maths 63% CVA 104.1 101.2 100 (Significantly above national average) Attendance 92.5% 92.3% 94.7% Link Adviser Comments - School has maintained high contextual value added by providing a highly personalised curriculum matched to the needs of the children. A strong emphasis on personal development and wellbeing of pupils underpins all the work of the school Link Adviser highlights and developments – Current areas of focus are provision for more able children, developing the whole school extended community and continuing to improve facilities to maximise opportunities for small group work focussed skills based learning.
Claremont Community Primary School Headteacher:Miss Eileen Brierley 2009 Target for English and Maths combined = 65 School School National Average 2007 2008 2008 Number of pupils on roll 564 534 237 % FSM 45.3 50.8 16.6 Pupil mobility 40.7 41.3 16.7 English L4+ 48 46 81 Maths L4+ 49 56 78 English and Maths 32 38 72 CVA 99.3 99.5 100 Attendance 91.9 91.5 94.7 Link Adviser Comments - this is a school causing concern, under scrutiny from the National Strategies and DCSF because of the low standards of attainment at the end of KS2. On a positive note the school is predicting a significant rise in standards in 2009 which could take the school above floor targets for the first time in 6 years. School is slowly downsizing to a two form entry. Link Adviser highlights and developments – HT only in second year of appointment and has created a standards oriented approach to school improvement. School ethos and morale are both good given the very challenging circumstances in which it works, e.g. school has over 30 children looked after by the LA more than any other school (including secondary). Very supportive senior leadership determined to support HT in raising standards. Excellent Music provision.
School: Holy Family Catholic Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Helen Moreton 2009 Target for English and Maths combined =78 School School National Average 2007 2008 2008 Number of pupils on roll 202 204 237 % FSM 18.8 15.2 16.6 Deprivation above national level Pupil mobility 14.5 14.9 16.7 English L4+ 86.2 80.6 81.0 Maths L4+ 86.2 80.6 78.0 English and Maths 86.2 68.8 72.0 sharp fall. CVA 98.2 98.4 100.0 Sig-.Declining but school is addressing the issues Attendance 94.1 94.7 94.7 Link Adviser Comments - School has had pattern of decline which is being arrested with changes in staffing and intensive support from LA. School received judgement of satisfactory with good elements from Ofsted in January 2009. Link Adviser highlights and developments – School has ISP status and is making good progress in addressing Ofsted issues, having identified these prior to inspection. Developments in ICT have been made and school is trail blazing aspects of ICT within the borough.
2009 Target for English and Maths combined = 78% School School National Average 2007 2008 2008 Number of pupils on roll 133 143 237 % FSM 50.0 46.3 16.6 Pupil mobility 27.1 27.4 16.7 English L4+ 77.8 88.9 81 Maths L4+ 94.4 94.4 78 English and Maths 78.0 88.9 72 CVA 101.1 101.7 100 Attendance 94.0 94.0 94.7 Link Adviser Comments - The school has made good progress over the last four years. The CVA is now consistently above 100 and therefore shows how the school takes in pupils at a very low level and adds considerable value by the time they leave. Top 4th percent for CVA - KS1 - KS2 Top 25% literacy, Top 3% maths, top 2% science Top 10% last three years Link Adviser highlights and developments – The school is being extended to take a full one form entry intake this summer with this feeding through in number terms over the next five years. School: Kincraig Primary School Headteacher: J Clucas
School: Layton Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Lynne Harrowell 2009 Target for English and Maths combined = 72 School School National Average 2007 2008 2008 Number of pupils on roll 631 621 237 % FSM 20.6 24.0 16.6 Pupil mobility 13.5 11.7 16.7 English L4+ 91.0 84.0 81.0 Maths L4+ 86.2 80.6 78.0 English and Maths 86.5 78.7 72.0 CVA 100.3 100.3 100.0 Attendance 94.9 95.0 94.7 Link Adviser Comments - Results fell on very high attainment in 2007 but remain above national averages. Deprivation increasing. Link Adviser highlights and developments: School has become cheque book school and is working with providers external to Blackpool for some key services including HR and ICT. School is second on list for building work from Primary Capital Project and require substantial improvement to Foundation Stage classrooms.
Moor Park Primary SchoolHeadteacher: Mrs Barbara Ivell 2009 Target for English and Maths combined =85% School School National Average 2007 2008 2008 Number of pupils on roll 495 458 237 % FSM 25.1 25.1 16.6 Pupil mobility 7.3 12.5 16.7 English L4+ 71 78 81 Maths L4+ 71 84 78 English and Maths 65 73 72 CVA 98.9 99.2 100 Attendance 94.6 93.7 94.7 Link Adviser Comments - an improving school which has refocused on the standards agenda following a period of decline caused by the amalgamation. Link Adviser highlights and developments – excellent nursery provision and very good Foundation Stage and KS1 provision. Newly created middle leadership team developing well.