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BYOT in Kindergarten. Presented by: Emily Dunlap, Instructional Technology Specialist edunlap@forsyth.k12.ga.us Ashley Loftus, Kindergarten Teacher aloftus@forsyth.k12.ga.us Johns Creek Elementary Forsyth County, Georgia. Padlet. http://padlet.com/wall/BYOTinK. BYOT Form.
BYOT in Kindergarten Presented by: Emily Dunlap, Instructional Technology Specialist edunlap@forsyth.k12.ga.us Ashley Loftus, Kindergarten Teacher aloftus@forsyth.k12.ga.us Johns Creek Elementary Forsyth County, Georgia
Padlet • http://padlet.com/wall/BYOTinK
BYOT Form • The student must agree to the following conditions: • The student takes full responsibility for his or her technology device. The school is not responsible for the security of student-owned technology. • The technology must be in silent mode while on school campuses and while riding school buses. • The technology may not be used to cheat on assignments or tests, or for non-instructional purposes. • The student accesses only files on the device or internet sites which are relevant to the classroom curriculum. • The student complies with teachers' request to shut down the device or close the screen. • The student acknowledges that the school's network filters will be applied to one's connection to the internet and will not attempt to bypass them. • The student understands that bringing on premises or infecting the network with a Virus, Trojan, or program designed to damage, alter, destroy, or provide access to unauthorized data or information is in violation of the RUP policy and will result in disciplinary actions. • The student realizes that processing or accessing information on school property related to “hacking”, altering, or bypassing network security policies is in violation of the RUP policy and will result in disciplinary actions. • The school district has the right to collect and examine any device that is suspected of causing problems or was the source of an attack or virus infection. • The student realizes that printing from personal technology devices will not be possible at school. • The parent must agree to the following condition: • The parent will monitor content being downloaded on their child’s device to ensure that it is school appropriate. • The teacher must agree to the following condition: • The teacher will monitor the use of devices used in his/her classroom to do their best to ensure that students are using them in the manner in which they are intended.
Parent Buy In Parents I am very excited about our upcoming BYOT lesson!! It is vital that our children understand that our devices can be used as a classroom tool and not simply gaming purposes. It is my hope that by allowing our children to use their devices as tools we are opening new avenues for our children. When we offer the children the opportunity to use their devices it is instant differentiation. The device allows our children to explore, create, and collaborate. You will be amazed how creative Kindergarteners, five and six year olds, can be when given a new tool, freedom and choice. If your child does not have a device to bring for BYOT, please do not worry. One of the many things that we encourage during BYOT is collaboration and sharing. We also have student laptops and desktops available to those students who do not bring a device.
BYOT Expectations The night before: Make sure your device is charged. Put your device in a Ziploc bag labeled with your name. What to do with your device upon arrival: Students are instructed to bring their device to me immediately upon arrival so I can then put it in my filing cabinet until BYOT time. After I have all devices I lock them in my filing cabinet until BYOT time. I always let the students know I am locking up their devices and let them see me do it. I want them to know that it is important to keep our devices safe and take care of them. When it is time to use our devices I call each student up to my table to get their device. How to travel with our devices: Students are instructed to hold all devices close to their chest and hug their devices tight when traveling with their device. Other expectations: Devices should never be left unattended. Devices should never be on the ground, unless the teacher asks a group to sit and work on the rug. Devices should not be near the edge of the table.
Pre-Lesson Instructions • Pre-Lesson instruction is based on the type of BYOT objective/lesson, EXCEPT for the one warning I always give my students..."If you are caught using your device for any other purpose other than our lesson you will lose your device for the remainder of BYOT and I will ask you to complete the assignment with other types of tools, paper, pencil, manipulatives." The students know that I am very serious about this and they love to tell on each other, lots of patrols in my classroom. • If we are using QR codes, I will model how to scan the QR codes and let the students practice scanning codes on the whiteboard with their device before giving them the QR activity. • If it is “show what you know” I do not give pre lesson instructions, simply find the best way to show me... . • If we are doing a specific Language Arts or Math activity odds are we have already completed the same activities with different tools, same learning target but a different way to show an answer.
Not 1:1 • Several learning objectives/activities are completed in small group and the children must decide which device to use to complete the task. Each device has different apps and features, so the children must chose which device better fits the purpose.
Suggested Apps Don’t really suggest specific apps Suggest they have an app the does the following: • Video – built in device • Picture – camera built in device • Picture editing - Skitch • Voice Recording – Voice Memo • Drawing – Doodle Buddy • Typing text – Notes, Educreations
Use What you Have to Show What you Know • Where are you from? • Use what you have on your device to answer. • Share with your neighbor • How old are you? • Use a different app to answer • Share with your neighbor
Pick two cards and find the sum. Explain how you got the answer.
Successful Lessons • Tic-Tac-Toe • VoiceThread • Story Elements • QR codes for self check/read directions • Beginning, Middle, End
Padlet Q&A • http://padlet.com/wall/BYOTinK
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