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Inquiry 1 proposals are due in lab Th 9/9 or M 9/13 Homework #1 coming soon

Inquiry 1 proposals are due in lab Th 9/9 or M 9/13 Homework #1 coming soon Today: Analyzing Data and Statistics. xkcd.com. “Austin's top lottery outlets are surrounded by low-income housing.”. statesman.com 9/5/10.

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Inquiry 1 proposals are due in lab Th 9/9 or M 9/13 Homework #1 coming soon

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  1. Inquiry 1 proposals are due in lab Th 9/9or M 9/13 Homework #1 coming soon Today: Analyzing Data and Statistics xkcd.com

  2. “Austin's top lottery outlets are surrounded by low-income housing.” statesman.com 9/5/10

  3. “the best-selling lottery outlet is the Zip-N, on Shoal Creek Boulevard at Anderson Lane, an area with a mix of upscale homes, older subdivisions and apartment complexes.” statesman.com 9/5/10

  4. 2007 crime clock statistics: From FBI.gov

  5. from fbi.gov

  6. from fbi.gov

  7. http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=78705http://www.wunderground.com/cgi-bin/findweather/getForecast?query=78705

  8. Average height in FRI Mon. lab vs. Thur. lab

  9. Average height of Mon. lab vs. Thur. lab … OR... Average height of male vs femaleFRI students

  10. Enhancement of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services by Ecological Restoration: A Meta-Analysis J M Rey Benayas, A C Newton, A Diaz, J M BullockScience 28 August 2009: Vol. 325. no. 5944, pp. 1121 – 1124 Looked at the results of 89 different ecological restorations.

  11. P < 0.001 P < 0.05 P < 0.001 P > 0.05 (nutrients and primary production) (goods) (climate, water, etc) Fig 1: Enhancement of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services by Ecological Restoration: A Meta-Analysis J M Rey Benayas, A C Newton, A Diaz, J M BullockScience 28 August 2009: Vol. 325. no. 5944, pp. 1121 - 1124

  12. The P value tells us the probability that the differences or predictions in our data are from random chance.

  13. The P value tells us the probability that the differences or predictions in our data are from random chance. P< 0.05 (less than 5% chance of randomness) Is usually the acceptable cut-off. P=0.05 is a 95% confidence level.

  14. P < 0.001 P < 0.05 P < 0.001 P > 0.05 (nutrients and primary production) (goods) (climate, water, etc) Fig 1: Enhancement of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services by Ecological Restoration: A Meta-Analysis J M Rey Benayas, A C Newton, A Diaz, J M BullockScience 28 August 2009: Vol. 325. no. 5944, pp. 1121 - 1124

  15. We can have uncertainty about past events...or future events World Population, human

  16. 36.4 9 2.3 UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Population Division (2004)

  17. Annual % increase in global population Fig 53.23 Predictions are based on current conditions and trends

  18. http://www.esr.org/outreach/climate_change/basics/basics.htmlhttp://www.esr.org/outreach/climate_change/basics/basics.html

  19. UN-IPCC report

  20. Most statistical work can be done, and more easily done, by computer using programs such as: MS Excel Open Office SPSS SAS

  21. Most statistical work can be done, and more easily done, by computer using programs such as: MS Excel is the most common. Available from UT for cheap, ~$30. If you have not used it, start practicing now.

  22. Most statistical work can be done, and more easily done, by computer using programs such as: Open Office is a free alternative. If you have not used it, start practicing now.

  23. Next The Basics: Mean, median, and mode

  24. Inquiry 1 proposals are due in lab Th 9/9or M 9/13 Homework #1 coming soon Next Mean, Median, Mode, and T-test xkcd.com

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