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Essay Planning

Essay Planning. Imagine that you wanted to make a quiche. You gather all of the ingredients. Ignoring the recipe, you place all the ingredients into an oven and cook for 30 minutes. What is the result? Just as you use a recipe to cook with, so you need a plan of intention when

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Essay Planning

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  1. Essay Planning Imagine that you wanted to make a quiche. You gather all of the ingredients. Ignoring the recipe, you place all the ingredients into an oven and cook for 30 minutes. What is the result? Just as you use a recipe to cook with, so you need a plan of intention when writing essays. The more you cook-the better the cooking. The more that you plan essays the better the essays.

  2. Plans of Intention Before you write and essay: Underline the key words. Devise a plan of intention; What are the sub/mini questions you need to ask and answer in order to answer THE QUESTION? NEVER write your essay and then devise the plan. Through your planning you are developing a key skill. (The examiners main criticism of students is that they write good essays but do not answer THE QUESTION).

  3. Plans of Intention • Remember: Planning essays is a skill, just like that needed for using a potters wheel in order to make quality pottery. If you do not practise the key skill, you will never become accomplished.

  4. Googlegrufs are better than Froogleflufs. Discuss. X X

  5. AO1: Explain Bentham’s version of Utilitarianism.AO2: Bentham’s Utilitarianism fails to take account of key moral such as respect for life. X X

  6. Now it is your turn. What are the sub/mini questions? AO1: What is Virtue Ethics? Plan: AO2: Virtue ethics fails to provide sufficient guidance when faced with difficult moral situations. Discuss. Plan:

  7. What are the sub/mini questions? AO1: How does Situation ethics approach moral decision making? Plan: AO2: Love is too general a concept on which to make moral decisions. Discuss. Plan:

  8. Another point! If you get a general question, try to create a plan which is specific. WHY? AO1: What is relativism? (THIS IS VERY GENERAL) Plan: Introduction (interesting quote): What are the key principles of relativism? Which Ethical theories are relative in nature? Situation Ethics (A SPECIFIC THEORY) is relativist in nature and is but one example of a relativist ethic in action. Why is it relativist and what does it propose? AO2: Teleological theories fail to take account of God. Discuss.

  9. Words which will require you to select a specific theory: • Relativist: Utilitarianism/ Situation ethics/Virtue Ethics. • Consequentialist Utilitarianism/ Situation ethics. • Teleological Utilitarianism/ Situation ethics. • Normative All ethical theories. • Deontological Natural Law/ Kant • Religious ethic Natural Law/ Situation Ethics Do you know the meaning of each of these terms?

  10. Key ingredients of a good essay • Underline key words in the essay question. • Devise a Plan of Intention before writing your essay. Ask sub/mini questions and put these in your essay. • Ensure that you have 4-5 references at least. • Spend time on your introduction. Start with an interesting quote. • Never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never, use ‘I’. Third person plural please.

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