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Words of the Day: Earthquakes

Words of the Day: Earthquakes. Words of the Day- Monday. Stress Earthquake Fault. WOD: Definitions. Fault - fracture in Earth’s lithosphere along which blocks of rock move past each other. Stress - force applied by an object pressing on, pulling on, or pushing against another object.

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Words of the Day: Earthquakes

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  1. Words of the Day: Earthquakes

  2. Words of the Day-Monday • Stress • Earthquake • Fault

  3. WOD: Definitions • Fault- fracture in Earth’s lithosphere along which blocks of rock move past each other. • Stress- force applied by an object pressing on, pulling on, or pushing against another object. • Earthquake- shaking of the ground caused by sudden movement of large blocks of rocks along faults.

  4. Words of the Day- Tuesday • Seismic Waves • Focus • Epicenter

  5. WOD: Definitions • Seismic Wave- vibrations caused by EQ. • Focus- point underground where an EQ begins. Directly below the epicenter. • Epicenter- point on Earth’s surface directly above the focus of an EQ.

  6. Words of the Day • Aftershock • Liquefaction • Tsunami

  7. WOD: Definitions • Aftershock- a smaller EQ that follows a more powerful EQ in the same area. • Liquefaction- process in which shaking of the ground causes loose, wet soil to act like a liquid. • Tsunami- large water wave caused by an EQ, volcanic eruption, or landslide.

  8. Word of the Day- Thursday • Moment Magnitude

  9. WOD: Definition • Moment Magnitude- the total energy put out by an EQ.

  10. Words of the Day • Shadow Zone • Lag-time • Seismogram • Seismograph

  11. WOD: Definitions • Shadow zone- the areas where P-waves & S-waves do not arrive. • Lag-time- period between the arrival of P-waves and S-waves. • Seismogram- the recording made by a seismograph as it records seismic waves. • Seismograph- instrument that constantly records ground movement. (Its recording looks like wiggles in a line)

  12. WOD: Definitions • _____________- vibrations caused by EQ. • Focus- point ____________ where an EQ ___________. Directly below the ___________. • Epicenter- point on Earth’s surface directly ________the focus of an EQ.

  13. WOD: Definitions • Aftershock- a ________ EQ that follows a more powerful EQ in the ___________________. • _______________- process in which shaking of the ground causes loose, wet soil to act like a liquid. • Tsunami- large _________________caused by an EQ, volcanic eruption, or _____________.

  14. WOD: Definition • __________ Magnitude- the total _________ put out by an EQ.

  15. WOD: Definitions • Shadow zone- the areas where P-waves & S-waves ___________________arrive. • ______________- period between the arrival of P-waves and S-waves. • Seismogram- the ____________made by a seismograph as it records ___________ waves. • Seismograph- ___________ that constantly records ________________ movement. (Its recording looks like _______________ in a line)

  16. WOD: Definitions • Fault- ____________in Earth’s ______________ along which blocks of ___________ move past each other. • Stress- force applied by an object _________ on, ___________ on, or ____________ against another object. • Earthquake- ___________ of the ground caused by _____________ movement of large blocks of rocks along _______________.

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