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TOEIC ERROR RECOGNITION EXERCISE 30. 1. Plants absorb water and nutrients and anchoring themselves in the soil with their roots . A. absorb water B. anchoring themselves C. the soil D. their roots
1. Plants absorb waterand nutrients andanchoring themselvesin the soil withtheir roots. A. absorb water B. anchoring themselves C. the soil D. their roots 2.Certainpollens are morelikely to causean allergicreaction than another. A. Certain B. likely C. an allergic D. another
1. Plants absorb waterand nutrients andanchoring themselvesin the soil withtheir roots. A. absorb water B. anchoring themselves C. the soil D. their roots 2.Certainpollens are morelikely to causean allergicreaction than another. A. Certain B. likely C. an allergic D. another
3. Anuncultivatedtea plantmight growabout30 feetheight. A. uncultivated B. tea plant C. about D. height 4. Manyof the problems associated with agingsuch asdisorientation and irritabilitymay resultfrom to eatan unbalanced diet. A. Many B. such as C. may result D. from to eat
3. Anuncultivatedtea plantmight growabout30 feetheight. A. uncultivated B. tea plant C. about D. height 4. Manyof the problems associated with agingsuch asdisorientation and irritabilitymay resultfrom to eatan unbalanced diet. A. Many B. such as C. may result D. from to eat
5. Evenon the most carefulprepared trip, problemswill sometimesdevelop. A. Even B. careful C. trip D. will sometimes 6. Listening to musicon tapeorevenon disk is not nearly as good asto goto aliveconcert. A. on tape B. even C. to go D. live
5. Evenon the most carefulprepared trip, problemswill sometimesdevelop. A. Even B. careful C. trip D. will sometimes 6. Listening to musicon tapeorevenon disk is not nearly as good asto goto aliveconcert. A. on tape B. even C. to go D. live
7. The first postage stamp, issuedon May 6th 1860, in Englandit was thePenny Black, which featured a profile of Queen Victoria. A. issued B. it was C. the D. featured 8. The bridge atNiagara Fallsspansthe longerunguarded border in the history of the world, symbolizing the peace and goodwill that exists betweenCanada and the United States. A. Niagara Falls B. the longer C. exists D. between
7. The first postage stamp, issuedon May 6th 1860, in Englandit was thePenny Black, which featured a profile of Queen Victoria. A. issued B. it was C. the D. featured 8. The bridge atNiagara Fallsspansthe longerunguarded border in the history of the world, symbolizing the peace and goodwill that exists betweenCanada and the United States. A. Niagara Falls B. the longer C. exists D. between
9. Today weknowthatthe Earth is one of nine planetswhoorbitthe sun. A. we B. that C. who D. orbit 10. She islookingforwardto goEurope after shefinishesher studiesat theuniversity. A. looking B. to go C. finishes D. at the
9. Today weknowthatthe Earth is one of nine planetswhoorbitthe sun. A. we B. that C. who D. orbit 10. She islookingforwardto goEurope after shefinishesher studiesat theuniversity. A. looking B. to go C. finishes D. at the
11. If you don'tregister beforethe last dayof regular registration, you payinga late fee. A. register B. the last day C. paying D. a late fee 12. Theactorfailedtoshow atthe rehearsalbecausehis migraine. A. The B. failed C. show at D. because
11. If you don'tregister beforethe last dayof regular registration, you payinga late fee. A. register B. the last day C. paying D. a late fee 12. Theactorfailedtoshow atthe rehearsalbecausehis migraine. A. The B. failed C. show at D. because
13. An unexpected raisein the cost of livingas well asa decline in employment opportunities hasresulted intherapidcreation by Congress of new government programs for the unemployed. A. raise B. as well as C. resulted in D. rapid 14. Traditionally, the flag is risenin the morningandtakendownat night. A. risen B. in the morning C. taken D. at night
13. An unexpected raisein the cost of livingas well asa decline in employment opportunities hasresulted intherapidcreation by Congress of new government programs for the unemployed. A. raise B. as well as C. resulted in D. rapid 14. Traditionally, the flag is risenin the morningandtakendownat night. A. risen B. in the morning C. taken D. at night
15. Acute pharyngitis pain ismost oftencaused bya viral infection, for whoantibioticsare ineffective. A. is B. caused by C. who D. are ineffective 16. Neither of the two candidates whohad appliedfor admissiontothe Industrial Engineering Department were eligible for admission. A. who B. had applied C. to D. were
15. Acute pharyngitis pain ismost oftencaused bya viral infection, for whoantibioticsare ineffective. A. is B. caused by C. who D. are ineffective 16. Neither of the two candidates whohad appliedfor admissiontothe Industrial Engineering Department were eligible for admission. A. who B. had applied C. to D. were
17. Asthe Asian economic miraclespreadsthroughout the Pacific, wage increases everywhere is affecting millions of consumers. A. As B. spreads C. is D. millions 18. Manyarchitects prefer that a domeis usedto roof buildings that needto conservefloor space. A. Many B. is used C. to conserve D. floor space
17. Asthe Asian economic miraclespreadsthroughout the Pacific, wage increases everywhere is affecting millions of consumers. A. As B. spreads C. is D. millions 18. Manyarchitects prefer that a domeis usedto roof buildings that needto conservefloor space. A. Many B. is used C. to conserve D. floor space
19. Increasing involvement in agriculture by large corporationshas resulted inwhat isknown asagribusiness, that is, agriculture with business techniques, including heavy capitalization, specialization of production, andto controlall stages of the operation. A. by large corporations B. has resulted in C. known as D. to control 20. Studyingthescience oflogic is one way tocultivate one's reason skills. A. Studying B. science of C. way to D. reason
19. Increasing involvement in agriculture by large corporationshas resulted inwhat isknown asagribusiness, that is, agriculture with business techniques, including heavy capitalization, specialization of production, andto controlall stages of the operation. A. by large corporations B. has resulted in C. known as D. to control 20. Studyingthescience oflogic is one way tocultivate one's reason skills. A. Studying B. science of C. way to D. reason
21. Duringvisiting the new footwear plant, the members of the group were introducedtoallthe latest styles insportsshoes. A. During B. were introduced C. all D. sports 22. Angie's bilingual ability and previous experience werethe qualities that whichhelped herget the job over all the othercandidates. A. were B. that which C. helped her D. the other
21. Duringvisiting the new footwear plant, the members of the group were introducedtoallthe latest styles insportsshoes. A. During B. were introduced C. all D. sports 22. Angie's bilingual ability and previous experience werethe qualities that whichhelped herget the job over all the othercandidates. A. were B. that which C. helped her D. the other
23. Globes and maps have been importantthroughout history, but never many so than today. A. have been important B. but C. many D. than 24. Thenew librarian was hiredbecause of her past experience has been foundto be not only inefficient but alsolazy. A. The B. was hired C. been found D. but also
23. Globes and maps have been importantthroughout history, but never many so than today. A. have been important B. but C. many D. than 24. Thenew librarian was hiredbecause of her past experience has been foundto be not only inefficient but alsolazy. A. The B. was hired C. been found D. but also
25. Globes and maps have been importantthroughout history, butnevermanysothantoday. A. have been important B. but C. many D. than 26. Thenew librarianwas hiredbecause of her past experience has been foundto be not only inefficient but alsolazy. A. The B. was hired C. been found D. but also
25. Globes and maps have been importantthroughout history, butnevermanysothantoday. A. have been important B. but C. many D. than 26. Thenew librarianwas hiredbecause of her past experience has been foundto be not only inefficient but alsolazy. A. The B. was hired C. been found D. but also
27.Water, ice, and snow playa rolein affectingan earth'srotation. A. Water B. a role C. an earth's D. rotation 28. Though Pablo Picasso wasprimarilyapainting, he also became afinesculptor, engraver, and ceramist. A. Though B. primarily C. painting D. fine
27.Water, ice, and snow playa rolein affectingan earth'srotation. A. Water B. a role C. an earth's D. rotation 28. Though Pablo Picasso wasprimarilyapainting, he also became afinesculptor, engraver, and ceramist. A. Though B. primarily C. painting D. fine
29. These televisions are quitepopularin Europe, butthose onesare not. A. quite B. in C. those ones D. are 30. Although the "Lake Poets" Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey were friends, theydid not really form a group since Southey's style differedwidefromthat of the other two. A. they B. wide C. from D. the other two
29. These televisions are quitepopularin Europe, butthose onesare not. A. quite B. in C. those ones D. are 30. Although the "Lake Poets" Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Southey were friends, theydid not really form a group since Southey's style differedwidefromthat of the other two. A. they B. wide C. from D. the other two