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DATA REQUIREMENTS ACCORDING TO THE SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL GUIDELINES OF THE CLCS. Harald Brekke. Types of data required. Bathymetric (water-depth) data to delineate the foot of the continental slope and the 2500 meters isobath
Types of data required • Bathymetric (water-depth) data to delineate the foot of the continental slope and the 2500 meters isobath • Seismic reflection and refraction data to determine the thickness of sedimentary rocks • Magnetic and gravity field data when needed to support other data
Information requested in all cases • Maps showing the overview and details of the limit of the continental shelf for the coastal State, and the criteria by which it is determined • Map showing the location of the foot of the continental slope (FOS), and the locations of the seismic and bathymetric profiles used to determine the FOS • Bathymetric contour maps where used to identify FOS and the 2500 metre isobath
Information requested in all cases (continued) • Maps showing the baselines, the 200 nautical miles limit, and the 350 nautical miles possible maximum limit • Map showing the 2500 meters isobath and the 100 nautical miles extension line defining possible maximum limit
Information requested in all cases (continued) • All bathymetric profiles (sections) referred to, annotated with locations of foot of the continental slope (FOS) • Tables of the relevant bathymetric and seismic survey parameters for all surveys referred to
Information requested on applying sediment thickness formula • All seismic profiles (two-way time sections) used to determine sediment thickness (interpreted and original versions) • All depth-converted profiles used to determine the sediment thickness distribution on the basis of which the fixed limit line points are established
Information requested on applying sediment thickness formula (continued) • Table of details of all velocity data used for converting two-way travel time to depth • Map of location and type of all velocity data used for the depth conversion • Full description of method(s) applied for the depth conversion
Format of submission • Executive summary • Main body • Annex containing all supporting scientific and technical data
Executive summary • Maps in appropriate scale and coordinates showing the outer limit of the continental shelf, and the baselines when relevant • Which provisions of article 76 are invoked • Names of any CLCS member who may have given advice in the preparation of the submission • Any disputes as referred to in rule 44 of the Rules of Procedure of CLCS
Main body • Detailed description of all data sets, maps, technical procedures and scientific methodologies applied in the implementation of article 76 • References to the basic data be made for documentation at each relevant step
Annex • A copy of all data referred to in the main body, and in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 9 of the Scientific and Technical Guidelines (CLCS/11) • May be arranged as a set of several annexes • All data submitted in support of a submission will be considered by the CLCS