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Highlighting ATIS' efforts in M2M activities, focusing on common functions, oneM2M partnership, outreach to verticals, and challenges faced with terminology and engagement.
Stephen Hayes Director of North American Standards Ericsson ATIS’ Machine-to-Machine (M2M) Activity
Highlight of Current Activities • ATIS’ M2M Focus Group (FG) identified services, characteristics, and functions that are common across multiple industry segments (e.g., billing, quality of service, authentication, etc.). • The M2M FG transitioned work to ATIS’ M2M Committee (M2MC), which is: • Fostering relationships with and engaging M2M industry segments to better understand their use cases and requirements, as well as explaining the business rationale for their participation. • Identifying common functional elements and the technologies that support them.
Highlight of Current Activities • ATIS is a founding Partner of oneM2M – the global initiative established to develop a global M2M service layer specification based on a common service layer architecture – which launched in July 2012. • Currently, 32 ATIS members participate in oneM2M via ATIS. • ATIS and its members are active in the oneM2M Technical Plenary (TP), Steering Committee (SC), and SC subcommittees • ATIS staff also provide additional oneM2M Secretariat support, including serving as a Working Group (WG) support officer. • The ATIS-developed use cases and requirements were contributed to the December 2012 and February 2013 oneM2M Technical Plenary (TP) meetings. • ATIS will host the August 2013 TP meetings.
Highlight of Current Activities 4 • A current focus of ATIS’ M2MC is outreach towards verticals while oneM2M stabilizes and matures. • Promote the work of oneM2M to North American vertical organizations while providing an alternative route for those not able to participate on the global scale. • Provide a forum for gathering requirements for vertical organizations that do not wish to participate internationally. • Once oneM2M has stabilized: • ATIS M2MC will help establish North American consensus. • ATIS M2MC will ensure that North American regulatory requirements are addressed.
Challenges The terminology used by the verticals and telecom industry is not the same, which delays the ability to communicate and understand one another effectively. Convincing verticals to engage and contribute use cases and requirements requires continued outreach and diligence. The need to take a step back so that the purpose is clear - explaining “what is the service layer” in laymen’s terms and why it is important to the verticals is not a simple task. Many verticals have well-developed M2M standards and models that predate the service layer concept.
Next Steps/Actions • Continue to coordinate and align M2M activities with oneM2M, as well as other SDOs and organizations. • Continued outreach to and interaction with the verticals to understand their needs and to help explain to them the needs of the telecom industry. • ATIS M2MC working to establish relationships and messaging toward verticals to “sell” the service layer concept. • Use Case assessment to identify service layer commonalities and elements across the various vertical markets.
Proposed Resolution • ATIS proposes revisions to the existing M2M Resolution contained in: • GSC-16/30: Machine to Machine • Add Considering g: that oneM2M has been established as a global organization for standardizing the service layer • Add new Resolves 4: to encourage participation by GSC members in oneM2M.