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English Learner Instructional Training and Technical Assistance in County Court and Division of Juvenile Justice Schools. Kathryn Catania, Ed. D. Administrator Fresno County Office of Education Paul A. Garcia, Ed. D. Coordinator Fresno County Office of Education Sam Nofziger, M. A.
English Learner Instructional Training and Technical Assistance in County Court and Division of Juvenile Justice Schools Kathryn Catania, Ed. D. Administrator Fresno County Office of Education Paul A. Garcia, Ed. D. Coordinator Fresno County Office of Education Sam Nofziger, M. A. Coordinator Fresno County Office of Education Day 5
Day 5 Agenda • Review Parking Lot Items • Review previous day activities • Formative Assessments • Best Practices Presentations • Professional Learning Communities • Team Collaboration Time and Implementation Plan Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 2 2
Training Reflections Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 3
Team Word Web Place the Team Word Web in the center of the table with four participants sitting around it With a “slice” of the web in front of you, write your understanding of (1) what it is, and (2) what purpose it has At the signal from the instructor, shift the paper to the right, so the subsequent topic is facing you Repeat process until all four participants have responded to each of the four topics Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 4
Team Word Web Chapter Tests, End of Unit Tests, Classroom Assessments Formative Assessments CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, STS, NAEP Summative Assessments Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 5
Formative Assessments Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 6 6 6
Debrief Team Word Web • Could you use the Team Word Web in your instructional setting? • How would you adapt it for your classroom setting?
Formative Assessments • The following quotes are 40 years apart. • What do the quotes have in common? Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 8 8
Quite in contrast is the use of “formative evaluation” to provide feedback and correctives at each stage in the teaching-learning process. By formative evaluation we mean evaluation by brief tests used by teachers and students as aids in the learning process. (Bloom, 1969, p. 48) Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 9 9
The effect is not merely from testing…, it is from learning from testing. Gocmen (2003)…found an effect size of d=0.41 from frequent testing, but this was higher when the testing was accompanied by feedback (d=0.62)… (Hattie, 2009, p.179) Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 10 10
Review the following assessments and, with a partner, determine which are formative or summative assessments: Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 11 11
Clickers Turn on your clickers Enter in the code to connect with the system Be ready to cast your vote Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 12
AssessmentsFormative Assessment press 1 Summative Assessment press 2 • CAHSEE F S • Classroom quiz F S • Chapter test F S • SAT 9 F S • Interim Assessments F S • CAT 6 F S • Measure of Academic Progress (MAP) F S • Standards Based Tests in Spanish (STS) F S • Exit Slip F S • Short essay F S • CELDT F S • CST F S • Check for understanding F S • NAEP F S • Performance assessments F S Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 13 13
Assessment for learning is any assessment for which the first priority in its design and practice is to serve the purpose of promoting pupils’ learning. (Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall, and Wiliam, 2003) Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 14 14
Purposes of Formative Assessments • Inform instruction • Monitor student performance • Determine effective instructional strategies • Make curricular decisions Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 15 15
Revisit Assessment Categories Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 16 16
Venn Diagram Formative Chapter tests Interim assessments Exit Slip Measure of Academic Progress Classroom quiz Summative CAHSEE CST NAEP CAT 6 STS CELDT Both Fresno County Office of Education
Standards Based Instruction Concept Map Fresno County Office of Education 18
Response Analysis Example This section will provide the opportunity to examine and discuss results from an existing assessment. • Response analysis is an examination of how students answered test questions Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 19 19
Discussion Question • Why should I look at response analysis? • To understand student thinking so we can fill in learning gaps • To identify missing prerequisite skills • To determine whether the learning gap is a language issue or a content issue What can I do to overcome any of the above?
Word Analysis, Fluency, and Systematic Vocabulary Development Grade 10 ELA Standard 1.2 Vocabulary and Concept Development Distinguish between the denotative and connotative meanings of words and interpret the connotative power of words.
Examine how students performed on ELA Standard 1.2--- Word Analysis • Why do you think 29% of students incorrectly answered question 2? Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 24 24
Appointment Clock Find your 12:00 appointment partner from Day 4 Share your answer with your partner Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 25 25
Discussion Question • Why should I look at response analysis? • To understand student thinking so we can fill in learning gaps • To identify missing prerequisite skills • To determine whether the learning gap is a language issue or a content issue What can I do to overcome any of the above?
Writing Strategies Grade 10 ELA Standard 1.2 Organization and Focus Use precise language, action verbs, sensory details, appropriate modifiers, and active rather than the passive voice.
Think Aloud • Look at the question on the previous slide • One partner will explain HOW they made the choice for the correct answer • How can you demonstrate that kind of thinking in your classroom? • How can you get your Court School students to practice that kind of thinking?
Examine how students performed on ELA Standard 1.2---Writing Strategies • Why do you think 35% of students incorrectly answered the question? Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 31 31
Appointment Clock Find your 3:00 appointment partner from Day 4 Share your answer with your partner Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 32 32
Discussion Question • Why should I look at response analysis? • To understand student thinking so we can fill in learning gaps • To identify missing prerequisite skills • To determine whether the learning gap is a language issue or a content issue What can I do to overcome any of the above?
Standards Based Instruction Concept Map Fresno County Office of Education 34
Writing Strategies 1.2 • Based on how students performed on Standard 1.2, what instructional strategies might be used to reinforce the skills? • How would teachers know if the strategies were effective? Fresno County Office of Education
Writing Strategiesrevisited Grade 10 ELA Standard 1.2 Organization and Focus Use precise language, action verbs, sensory details, appropriate modifiers, and active rather than the passive voice.
Discussion From the menu of strategies (on the wall), discuss which one(s) would be most effective to teach that standard. Identify one or two strategies Be prepared to discuss (1) why you chose the strategy, and (2) how you would use it Discuss the use of your curriculum materials, and where in the instructional material that standard is addressed
Standards Based Instruction Concept Map Fresno County Office of Education 38
Debrief Formative Assessments • With your team, discuss some essential elements of a formative assessment for your instructional setting Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 39 39
Planning and Collaboration Time • If you are currently implementing formative assessments (ELD), how could the previous discussion refine your understanding of your students’ acquisition of English? • If you currently do not utilize formative assessments (ELD), how could the previous discussion benefit your understanding of student’s acquisition of English? Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 40 40
For EL Students, Formative Assessments Are Important to: • Monitor academic progress • Monitor English language proficiency • Provide an on-going process to determine the effectiveness of instructional strategies
VII-EL 21. Academic instruction for ELs is designed and implemented to ensure that English learners meet the district’s content and performance standards for their respective grade levels in a reasonable amount of time. • 21.1 The LEA has implemented a plan to assist all English learners to achieve at high levels in the core academic subjects so that those children can meet the same challenging state academic content and achievement standards all children are expected to meet. • 21.2 The LEAhas developed and is implementing a plan for monitoring and overcoming any academic deficits English learners incur while acquiring English. Actions to overcome academic deficits are taken before the deficits become irreparable.
Team Word Web Regroup into the four participants for the Team Word Web. Add/Delete/Modify the information written in each “slice” of the web. Discuss with your fellow participants WHY you made the changes in each “slice” of the web Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 44
Team Word Web Chapter Tests, End of Unit Tests, Classroom Assessments Formative Assessments CAHSEE, CST, CELDT, STS, NAEP Summative Assessments Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 45
Standards Based Instruction Concept Map Fresno County Office of Education 46
Training Reflections Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 47
Break Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 48 48 48
Best Practices Section • County Offices of Education will share best practices Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 49 49
Orange County Office of Education SAVI (Systematic Academic Vocabulary Instruction) Academic word list Steps in vocabulary development http://www.ocde.us/ACCESS/CurriculumInstruction/Pages/EL.aspx Contact: Sally Polk-Garcia Fresno County Office of Education Fresno County Office of Education 50