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Chapter 3. Two inscriptions Genitive case Dative case Taking stock: your nouns so far Taking stock: your verbs so far More inscriptions. 1. Two inscriptions By Roman Hands 1. S enatus populusque Rōmānus. Rōmulum Remumque iuvat lupa !. 1. Two inscriptions The Arch of Titus (BRH 16).
Chapter 3 Two inscriptions Genitive case Dative case Taking stock: your nouns so far Taking stock: your verbs so far More inscriptions
1. Two inscriptionsBy Roman Hands 1 SenatuspopulusqueRōmānus RōmulumRemumqueiuvatlupa!
1. Two inscriptionsThe Arch of Titus (BRH 16) “builds this arch” SenatuspopulusqueRōmānus (arcumaedificat) dīvōTītōdīvīVespasiānīfīliōVespasiānōAugustō GENITIVE DATIVE “to the divine Titus Vespasianus Augustus, son … of the divine Vespasian”
1. Two inscriptionsFinding your way through the Roman forum Arch of Titus Curia (senate-house) Rostra (speaker’s podium fringed by “beaks” from ships’ prows) Temple of Saturn
2. Genitive case Note the typical word order: genitive precedes the governing noun. When a noun is in the genitive, it is typically “governed” by another noun.
2. Dative case When a noun is in the dative, it is typically involved as a third party in the eventdescribed by the sentence .
6. More inscriptions BRH 11. Vergil, Adapted 13. The Good Life 17. Dedicatory Altar 20. Heartthrob 25. A good citizen 34. Temple of Saturn 2. Labyrinth 3. Waiting 4. Love is (Almost) Everywhere 5. Deceiver 6. Magic Square 7. Proof of Divinity?
6. More inscriptionsBRH 11. Vergil, adapted (BRH 11) — υυ | — υυ | — armavirumquecanō ... — — | — υυ | — υυ | — — | — υυ | — X fullōnēsululamquecanō, nōnarmavirumque
6. More inscriptionsBRH 34. Temple of Saturn (a preview of ablative) “by fire”, telling you what the templum was consumptum “by” SenatuspopulusqueRōmānus incendiō consumptum (templum) restituit