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4 minutes ago - COPY LINK TO DOWNLOAD : https://koencoeng-ygtersakity.blogspot.mx/?lophe=1644560704 | PDF/READ Read This Before Medical School: How to Study Smarter and Live Better While Excelling in Class and on your USMLE or COMLEX Board Exams | MOST RECENT UPDATE: August 2020"This book is a toolbox of useful techniques that will help students and teachers alike! A must-read for those who want to learn more efficiently!" Yifan Xiao, MD, Senior Manager at Osmosis 8220I can only wish this was available when I was beginning medical school! From advice on creating study plans, to memory techniques, to the always important thoughts on work/life balance, there isn8217t a page in this book that isn8217t high yield for a new medical student.8221 Dr. Charles Cochran MD, Founder of LifeofaMedStudent.comWill medical school make or break you? Whether you8217ve just gotten your acceptance or are already in the cadaver lab, you can get through (relatively) unscathed by learning from those who8217ve already survived and thrived. Herein, we provide you with the hard-won tips, tools, and insights that helped us to excel during those four grueling years. Beyond providing study tips, we draw on inspiration from fields like psychology, neuroscience, education, business, and even self-help to assemble a complete guide to accelerate your development as a medical student and future physician. You8217ll even get our personal recommendations for outside resources, such as specific websites and apps, that gave us a leg-up during medical school. NO OTHER book offers this much information, assembled together in one place, and without the fluff. Below are some of the key topics we chose to cover:- Study tips to help you sail through classes - Test-taking strategies to help you ace the USMLE and/or COMLEX board exams- Accelerated learning techniques like speed reading, memory palaces, and mind mapping- Time-management and productivity hacks- Tools for self-assessment to track your development- Advice on wellness, work-life balance, and burnout prevention Still not convinced? No Problem! You can download our Free "Essentials of Read This Before Medical School" for a short summary of useful study tips and tools covered in the book http://freemeded.org/medstudent/Also, here is our 4-part podcast mini-series covering each section of the book in more detail so that you know before you buy! https://freemeded.org/rtbms/<br>
LINK IN LAST PAGE Detail Read This Before Medical School: How to Study Smarter and Live Better While Excelling in Class and on your USMLE or COMLEX Board Exams
Read This Before Medical School: How to Study Smarter and Live Better While Excelling in Class and on your USMLE or COMLEX Board Exams LINK IN LAST PAGE
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