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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Fundamentals and Foundations for Court Leaders

Information Technology. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Fundamentals and Foundations for Court Leaders. Date(s) Educational Program or Sponsor Faculty 1.5 Hour Toolbox. Information Technology. Agenda. Purposes and Context Governance: Leadership and Vision

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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Fundamentals and Foundations for Court Leaders

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  1. Information Technology INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Fundamentals and Foundations for Court Leaders Date(s) Educational Program or Sponsor Faculty 1.5 Hour Toolbox

  2. Information Technology Agenda • Purposes and Context • Governance: Leadership and Vision • 3. Infrastructure: Court Services and Applications 4. Projects

  3. IT Purposes and Context 1 Information Technology Fundamentals PURPOSES AND CONTEXT

  4. IT Purposes and Context 1 Information technology is a tool, not an end unto itself. Information Technology Curriculum Guidelines National Association for Court Management

  5. IT Purposes and Context 1 Information technology must honor due process and equal protection, independence and impartiality, and the roles that courts and other organizations in the justice system properly play. Information Technology Curriculum Guidelines National Association for Court Management

  6. IT Purposes and Context 1 Purposes of Courts • Produce individual justice in individual cases; • Give the appearance of individual justice in individual cases; • Provide a forum for the resolution of legal disputes; • Protect individuals from the arbitrary use of government power; • Create a formal record of legal status; • Deter criminal behavior; • Rehabilitate persons convicted of crime; and • Separate some convicted people from society. Ernie Friesen

  7. IT Purposes and Context 1 IT and Purposes

  8. IT Purposes and Context 1 Information Technology Outcome Measures • Improved processes and productivity; • Improved knowledge of the organization • Increased communication; • Timeliness; • Integrity and accuracy; and • Dynamic and personal access.

  9. IT Purposes and Context 1 Matching Court Purposes and Technology • Improved processes and productivity; • Increased communication; • Timeliness; • Integrity and accuracy; and • Dynamic and personal access. Produce individual justice

  10. IT Purposes and Context 1 Information Technology Data Measures • Integrity and accuracy; • Security; • Privacy; • Ubiquity and access a. Speed b. Scaleability c. Standardization

  11. IT Purposes and Context 1 Technology Acceleration 1623 First Mechanical Calculator 1823 First Programmable Mechanical Calculator Babbage’s Difference Engine 1853 First Mechanical Computer Scheutz Difference Engine 1890 US Census Bureau Hollerith Punch Card Computer 1911 IBM Founded Hollerith merges with competitor 1937 First Electronic Calculator Mechanical Era 1600 1800 1900 1930 1940 Est. 50,000 5 mill. 76 mill. 123 mill. 132 mill.

  12. IT Purposes and Context 1 Technology Acceleration 1991 World-Wide Web E-Filing 1984 EDI 1992 E-Commerce CD/Subscription: Legal Resources 1992 Public Internet Video Conferencing 1950’s Digital Imaging (documents) 1971 Email 1992 Public Email Thin Client Web based 1984: Distributed Computing Client Server Applications 1943: Legacy Systems (mainframe computers) 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 151 mill. 203 mill. 227 mill. 249 mill. 281 mill. 284 mill.

  13. IT Purposes and Context 1 Exercise 1 Matching the Purposes of Courts with information technology outcome and data measures • Use handout • Take about 5 minutes • Group discussion

  14. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Information Technology Fundamentals GOVERNANCE: LEADERSHIP, VISION and STRATEGIC PLANNING

  15. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Information Technology Foundation Services & Applications Data, Business Infrastructure Hardware, Systems, Software IT Governance Policy, Standards, Funding, Architecture, Organization Adapted by Permission of Gartner, Inc.

  16. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Leadership is the energy behind every court system and court accomplishment. Leadership Curriculum Guidelines National Association for Court Management

  17. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Leaders think about, create, and inspire others to act upon dreams, missions, strategic intent, and purpose. Leadership Curriculum Guidelines National Association for Court Management

  18. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 IT Leadership Principles • The Court’s mission and service must drive technology decisions and priorities; • Technology is not self-justifying; • Organizational change is the key to advancing technology; • Court leaders must understand technology and what it can do for them; • Technologists must understand court processes; • The end users must be involved in planning and development.

  19. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 What I Know That Ain’t So

  20. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 What is Process Reengineering? A discipline that assumes courts must: • Change processes to leverage the potential of technology; • Use technology to drive changes in processes; and • Develop measurements and controls for feedback and continuous improvement. • Process Improvement is reengineering “lite,” or incremental change, usually defined by simplification and streamlining of court work processes. It is easier to promote in conservative and horizontal organizations.

  21. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Process Reengineering Principles • Change will not happen without leadership and champions; • Change for the sake of change is pointless and dispiriting. • Don’t oversell the benefits; • Power users are your best advocates. They know the processes, applications, and pitfalls. They will not get on your side unless they believe in the change; and • Pilot projects always help promote change and discover what we do not know. See IT Projects, Section 5, for a step by step approach to process reengineering and improvement.

  22. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 IT Governance • Policies • Organization • Standards • Funding • Architecture • Systems Someone, somewhere is making decisions about these issues for your court or court organization.

  23. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 IT Trial Court Meta Governance Models • State Centralized • State/Local Distributed • Local Centralized • Local Distributed

  24. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Local Distributed • State Capitol (AOC) • Enterprise Integration • Judicial Support Systems • Small-Medium County USA County Government • Enterprise Integration • Infrastructure and Networks • Hardware and Software • Office Automation • Audio and Video • Email Trial Court • Case Management System • Judicial Support Systems • Public Access Technologies TX, GA, OH

  25. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Idealized IT Leadership Structure Stakeholders: Policy and Standards Co-Chairs: IT and Court Leader Funding Authority Budget Committee Stakeholders, Inter-Agency Architecture Committee Stakeholders and IT Representatives Communities of Interest Core Mission Case Management Management Information E-Filing Document Mgmt. Enterprise Criminal Justice Finance Human Resources Shared Services Operating Systems Library Tools Email Wireless Public Access Web E-Records E-Commerce IVR

  26. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 IT Strategic Planning Services & Applications Data, Business Implementation Planning Infrastructure Hardware, Systems, Software IT Governance Policy, Standards, Funding, Architecture, Organization Adapted by Permission of Gartner, Inc.

  27. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 IT Long Range Planning:Waterfall Development (older approach) Establish Infrastructure/ Software Platform & Development Approach Identify, Match and Prioritize Court Services to Needed Automation Build and Test

  28. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Identify, Match and Prioritize Court Services to Needed Automation Establish Infrastructure/ Software Platform & Development Approach Evaluate, Identify Gaps, Re-Focus on Next Phases Build and Test IT Long Range Planning:Spiral Development (newer approach)

  29. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Life Cycle ManagementFeasible lifespan of systems and infrastructure • NEW: Provision of connectivity, peripherals and support systems; ideally state of the art. • USED or DATED: Maintenance, updates, revisions and needed changes. Includes software licensing, new security features, increased connectivity and data exchange, software revisions and patches • OBSOLETE: Cyclical replacement of old hardware and infrastructure, strategic replacement of systems and applications

  30. IT Governance: Leadership, Vision and Strategic Planning 2 Disaster Recovery, Redundancy and Contingency Planning As dependency on technology grows, user tolerance for failure decreases. • Weigh Risk and Cost Be careful of what you ask for, you may pay for it. • Do it Early Disaster and recovery plans may influence your strategic, infrastructure and systems choices. • Think in terms of Manageable Pieces How much failure can the organization tolerate. One size may not fit all

  31. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Information Technology Fundamentals INFRASTRUCTURE, COURT SERVICES AND APPLICATIONS

  32. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Services & Applications Data, Business Drivers Infrastructure Hardware, Systems, Software Backbone IT Governance Policy, Standards, Funding, Architecture, Organization Adapted by Permission of Gartner, Inc.

  33. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Network Questions • Can’t I just trust my IT professionals? • The State handles everything, why do I need to know this? • The County IT department seems to make all network decisions, they fund IT anyway. Why do I need to know this? • Do I care if we seem to be all Microsoft, all the time?

  34. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Information Technology Architectures No architecture is mutually exclusive, many overlap. • Legacy (mainframe) • Stand Alone • Client Server (2 and 3-tiers) • Data Warehouse Systems • Mediated Systems • Internet/Intranet Architectures • Web Services • Service Oriented Architecture (n-tier)

  35. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Service Oriented Architecture • Cultural Shift to thinking about technologies as tools to provide services to users and the public; • Introduction of the term “channel,” ways that users access information; • Enterprise response to users and the public drove a rethinking about horizontal vs. vertical (silos) information, distributed computing, shared services, and integrated systems; • Synthesis of many architectures.

  36. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Channels Conceptual Court Service Architecture

  37. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Court Services and Applications

  38. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Core Mission Critical to the Court’s primary function – to process cases from filing through to disposition and enforcement of orders. • Case management • Jury management • E-Filing • Electronic document management (EDM)

  39. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Case Management, Mission Critical MODEL TRAFFIC FLOW CHART Washington County, MD

  40. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Case Management Systems Any system that records and tracks court cases electronically. Generally, they are subdivided by casetypes: • Casetypes Appellate, criminal, civil, domestic relations, juvenile, traffic, probate and specialized courts (drug, community); • Architectures Include legacy, stand alone, client server, Internet/intranet, and service oriented architectures; • Enterprise Links Many systems have been linked with enterprise architectures, such as criminal justice information systems, that include data warehouses and mediated systems.

  41. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Public Access Technologies • Website portals • Electronic access to court records (Internet and public access workstations) • E-commerce • Interactive voice response (IVR) and database applications

  42. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Transformation Channel Exploitation Transaction Channel Development Interaction Channel Exploration Presence Cyberspace Placeholder 2005 Popular E-Government Model A channel is an electronic mechanism to access government or conduct government business. Are channels key to the court’s mission? Gartner, Inc.

  43. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Website Portal Example 1 Click to Search Cases Site Index 1 Click to Pay Fines Large Menu 3 Clicks Max. News and Community http://www.judiciary.state.nj.us/

  44. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Enterprise Applications Cross-jurisdictional, linked applications that build on Shared Services. Enterprise systems are architectures that link previously separate systems, allowing data exchange. • Criminal justice information systems (CJIS) • Problem solving court systems • Child support systems • Finance and accounting • Procurement and inventory • Human resources

  45. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 CJIS and Problem Solving Systems Mediated Approach Prosecutor Sheriff Police Booking XML Middleware Treatment Providers Federal and State Criminal History Probation and Pretrial Court Case Management System

  46. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Shared Services Services that are provided to more than one department through a single service provider (internal or external) • Departments can work together in Communities of Interest to identify needs and requirements, and determine technological solutions • Common data and tool sets • Help desk operations • Improved quality and control • Better management of public and staff data and data exchange/retrieval

  47. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Shared Services • Identities • Operating systems • Office automation systems • Email • Judicial support and bench book applications • Geographic information systems (GIS) • Customer service – customer resource management (CRM) • Application Security

  48. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 On-Line Self Help Center Legal Help Family Small Claims PFA Traffic Seniors Languages http://www.courtinfo.ca.gov/selfhelp/

  49. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Audio and Video Primarily technologies used in the courtroom, although increasingly in basic office tasks • Video conferencing • Audio and video recording • Evidence presentation • Assistive listening technologies

  50. IT Infrastructure, Court Services and Applications 3 Judge Clerk Attorneys Basic Courtroom Audio Video Setup Screen Monitors Jury Evidence Cameras

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