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Which Is The Best Issue Tracking System? http://www.vanilladesk.com
Here is a five-step method to help you find the best issue tracking system for your business needs. You need not spend hundreds of dollars buying a system with capabilities that would not be utilized by your team. Extra spending does not translate into greater efficiency always. http://www.vanilladesk.com
Step 1: List your requirement. Prepare a summary of the general requirement of your business from a issue tracking system. You could start by summarizing how many issue tracking calls you receive every day, How big is your help desk team, and does your help desk function round the clock? http://www.vanilladesk.com
You have to clearly define why you are looking for a issue tracking system, and what work you need to handle with it. • This summary would help you shortlist useful solutions available in the market. • What you need is a general outline of the tasks you need to handle with an issue tracking system. http://www.vanilladesk.com
Step 2: List particular needs. • You might need to discuss this with your help desk team. Every single requirement from the issue tracking system needs to be defined. • This would include how the help desk would log issue tracking tickets, how responses would be given to clients, how issues would be escalated, and how issues would be reported to the management. http://www.vanilladesk.com
You should also list issues with your existing ticket tracking system or process. Prepare some sort of a checklist and the importance of each feature when selecting a help desk system. http://www.vanilladesk.com
Step 3: What is your budget and deadline? • A budget analysis to see how much you could afford to spend on a new issue tracking system is very important. • The best part is that some full-capability and excellent help desk systems are available for free. • A great issue tracking system does not have to expire after the trial period is over. However, either way, you need to be sure if you could afford to spend a little on a new issue tracking system or not. http://www.vanilladesk.com
Deadline is also important. Interestingly, some excellent issue tracking systems are browser-based and do not require any extra purchase of hardware or installation. These systems are up and running within a few minutes. http://www.vanilladesk.com
Step 4: Find some recommendations. Search on the Internet, or ask colleagues before you make a shortlist of the best or most popular issue tracking systems available in the market. An Internet survey is an excellent way to figure out which is the best issue tracking system for you. http://www.vanilladesk.com
Features would be listed on websites, and excellent help desk systems come with hassle-free demo versions. You could evaluate the complete system without downloading anything. http://www.vanilladesk.com
Step 5: Here are some additional features to remember about short listing some issue tracking systems. • Try a monthly-payment model so that you would not have to pay every time your clients increase. • Choose an SaaS system that does not require you to invest in hardware infrastructure. • Ensure that strict protocols are in place for the security of data and reliability of data transfer for any issue tracking system you purchase. http://www.vanilladesk.com
Need a service desk tool that is feature packed, but simple, intuitive and ready for use right out of the box? Get your free service desk in a few minutes here http://www.vanilladesk.com/