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This document provides information on the ESEA flexibility waiver application, proposed accountability measures, and AMOs for elementary/middle and high school students. It also includes examples of proficiency AMOs and intervention categories. The document invites written comments and provides contact information for further inquiries.
ESEA Flexibility/ Waiver Request State Board of Education Public Hearing January 25, 2012
ESEA FLEXIBILITY PRINCIPLES Full application (draft): http://www.osse.dc.gov/page/esea-flexibility-waiver-application To provide written comments by 2/14: https://www.research.net/s/ESEAcomments
PROPOSED ACCOUNTABILITY Accountability in D.C. will be based on two major pieces: • Reports on school performance • AMOs measuring progress on statewide assessments and indicators
PROPOSED ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE AMOs SY11-12 Student Proficiency Are students meeting or exceeding expectations in Reading, Math, (Composition, and Science starting in SY12-13)? Evaluated by school. Each school will have individually set targets to reduce the percentage of students not meeting expectations by half over 6 years. Targets will be based on 2010-2011 performance for all students. Academic Growth Are students learning over time? Attendance Are students attending school?
PROPOSED HIGH SCHOOL AMOs SY11-12 Student Proficiency Are students meeting or exceeding expectations in Reading, Math, (Composition, and Science starting in SY12-13)? Evaluated by school. Each school will have individually set targets to reduce the percentage of students not meeting expectations by half over 6 years. Targets will be based on 2010-2011 performance for all students. Academic Growth Are students learning over time? Graduation Are students graduating within 4 years of entering high school?
Communications Update • 40 focus group/stakeholder/community meetings • 4 presentations to date at community meetings in 3 wards with number of attendees • Ward 3 – Ward 3 Democratic Committee Meeting – 50 • Ward 6 -Miner Elementary School – 50 • Ward 6 – Capitol Hill Public Schools Parent Organization – 25 • Ward 5 – Ward 5 Council on Education – 25 • Community Meetings scheduled for January and February – 11
Next Steps • For more information, contact OSSE.Comments@dc.gov or 202-741-0258 • OSSE is accepting comments on its draft application until 2/14 • Application: http://www.osse.dc.gov/page/esea-flexibility-waiver-application • Comment form: https://www.research.net/s/ESEAcomments • OSSE will submit the final application on 2/21