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Optical Research Networks. WGISS 18: Beijing China September 2004 David Hartzell NASA Ames / CSC dhartzell@arc.nasa.gov. Agenda. Background Motivation Applications. Background. In the continental U.S., there is a surplus of optical fiber deployed in the ground.
Optical Research Networks WGISS 18: Beijing China September 2004 David Hartzell NASA Ames / CSC dhartzell@arc.nasa.gov
Agenda • Background • Motivation • Applications
Background • In the continental U.S., there is a surplus of optical fiber deployed in the ground. • New optical and electronics technology even further extends this “glut” of fiber to amazing bandwidths.
Fiber • In the late ‘90s there was a rush to deploy as much fiber as possible, due to increasing bandwidth demands. • After the dot-com crash, many companies went bankrupt, and fiber was available for pennies on the dollar.
WDM • Also, there were significant advances in Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM). fiber Before WDM
With WDM • Now, many wavelengths (or colors or Lambdas) can be easily ‘mixed’ down one fiber, increasing capacity. fiber
Dense WDM (DWDM) • With DWDM, we now have up to 40 wavelengths per fiber. • Our routing and switching technology current maxes out at 40 gigabits/s (160 lambdas per fiber on the way). 40 gig/s x 40 colors = 1600 gigabit/s/fiber!!
Motivation • With all the cheap fiber in the ground, it seemed like a good idea to buy some (while it is still cheap) and light it up on your own. • But, even though the fiber is cheap (relatively speaking) it is still expensive.
The NLR • Enter, the National Lambda Rail (NLR). • NLR is a U.S. consortium of education institutions and research entities that partnered to build a nation-wide fiber network for research activities. • NLR offers wavelengths to members and/or Ethernet transport services. • NLR is buying a 20-year right-to-use.
NLR Progress • NLR currently has the $80- to $100-million investment to build the entire network. • Using latest optical technologies from Cisco. • Northern tier of network is complete, southern by summer ‘05.
NLR – Optical Infrastructure - Phase 1 Seattle Portland Boise Chicago Clev Pitts Denver KC Ogden/Salt Lake Wash DC Raleigh LA San Diego Atlanta NLR Route Jacksonville NLR Layer 1
Seattle NLR Phase 1 - Installation Schedule Will Complete Aug 2004 Chicago Boise Complete August Portland Ogden Cleveland Complete Complete Denver StarLight Kansas Pitts Complete Sunnyvale Wash DC 15808 Terminal 15808 Regen (or Terminal) In Place Raleigh Los Angeles 15808 OADM Complete 15454 Terminal 15808 LH System Atlanta San Diego 15808 ELH System 15454 Metro System July CENIC 15808 LH System Jacksonville
Current NLR Members • CENIC • Pacific Northwest GigaPOP • Pittsburgh Supercomp. Center • Duke (coalition of NC universities) • Mid-Atlantic Terascale Partnership • Cisco Systems • Internet2 • Florida LambdaRail • Georgia Institute of Technology • Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) • Texas / LEARN • Cornell • Louisiana Board of Regents • University of New Mexico • Oklahoma State Regents • UCAR/FRGP Plus Agreements with: • SURA (AT&T fiber donation) • Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL)
Applications • Pure optical wavelength research • Transport of Research and Education Traffic (like Internet2/Abilene today) • Private Transport of member traffic • Experience working operating and managing an optical network • Development of new technologies (GMPLS) to integrate optical networks into existing legacy networks
The Future • Concepts like the NLR provide wavelengths for members, and wavelengths for pure research. • It is probable that the next-generation Internet2 will ride on the NLR. • NLR provides an AUP-free transport for members.
NASA’s Columbia System • NASA Ames has embarked on a $130-million Linux Super Computer. • Twenty 512 processor IA-64 SGI Altix nodes • NREN-NG: an Optical support WAN • NLR will be the optical transport for this network, delivering high-bandwidth to other NASA centers.
Approach Implementation Plan NREN-NG Target GRC StarLight NLR Cleveland NLR Chicago ARC/NGIX-West NGIX-East NLR Sunnyvale GSFC MATP LRC MSFC JPL NLR MSFC NLR Los Angeles JSC NREN Sites Peering Points 10 GigE NLR Houston
Thanks. David Hartzell dhartzell@arc.nasa.gov