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Dive into the evidence surrounding 9/11 with a study of eyewitness accounts and peculiar phenomena like steel turning to dust. Explore the mysteries and inconsistencies of that tragic day.
Please check information on www.drjudywood.com Picture references at: www.drjudywood.com/wtc Also see www.checktheevidence.com www.nomoregames.net
How can aluminium & light materials crash through solid steel girders? If it’s so hot there after the fire, how is the woman holding on? Plane Crashes Through Many Steel Girders??
I completed a study of over 500 accounts in October 2007 I managed to establish that at least 96 witnesses were near the WTC (with ½ a mile) at the time of 2nd impact and a further 21 witnesses were inside one of the WTC buildings at the time of the 2nd impact. This gave a total of 117 witnesses who were near or the Inside WTC buildings at the time of 2nd impact. Only 19 of the witnesses near the WTC reported actually seeing plane 2 before impact therefore 20% of Witnesses saw the 2nd plane. Only 20 of the witnesses near the WTC reported actually hearing plane 2 before impact therefore 21% of Witnesses heard the 2nd plane. Only 8 of the witnesses near the WTC reported actually seeing and hearing plane 2 before impact therefore 8.3% of Witnesses saw and heard the 2nd plane. NYC 1st Responder Witness Study - 1
Steel columns disintegrate into steel dust with WTC7 and water tower in the foreground
NO FUMES LOTS OF FUMES! Immediately after WTC2 was destroyed, WTC1 was “lathered up”. Massive clouds of fumes come from Right Hand Side in this picture
WHERE DID THE BUILDINGS GO?We know this photo was take before noon on 9/11/01. WTC7 can be seen in the distance. The Verizon Building is at a distance on the left.
WHERE DID THE BUILDINGS GO?This is a view from West Street, looking east across the remains of WTC1. FEMA entered this photo on 9/13/01, which is the earliest date for any posts for the 9/11 event.
HOLES - Some debris has been cleared, but the pulverized dust is still emerging. If most of the steel from the upper floors of WTC1 and WTC2 was pulverized, then how much steel was really shipped as scrap to China? Does anyone have these figures or the receipts?
Notice how straight the vertical holes were that cut down through WTC6.While there is abundance of aluminum cladding on the roofs of buildings 5 and 6, there is little or none in the holes.
View over dome of WFC2 shows the damage to WTC6 (center of the photo) Remains of WTC7 on left. To right is remaining north wall of WTC1 which leans toward WTC6
LITTLE DEBRIS IN BASEMENTS - workers descend into subbasements below WTC2. Extensive damage, but little building debris bottom hole. No sign of molten metal. Worker in distance walks along column.
HOLE The previous photo was taken in “HOLE”, above. Overhanging debris was removed before ladder was lowered into the hole.
Woodward's Department Store – Prior to Demolition – 8 Stories High
Cleaning streets begin on the afternoon of 9/11/01? This photo looks like it was taken early morning of 9/12/01. Why was street cleaning more important than survivor rescuing?
High Heat?? Low Heat Peculiar wilting of car doors and deformed window surrounds on FDR Drive. Evidence of (apparent) high heat and low heat within inches.
Extensive damage to front of car, including no door handle on driver's door. Unusual, unburned circular area on rear door. Note open trunk
Burned out cars & bus along West Broadway. They seem to have missing door handles. Gas tanks don't appear to explode.
The windows have round holes in them. They are double-paned windows, but the two windows do not show the same damage
Damaged during the destruction of the WTC. You might think the steel section hanging down had been blasted across and caused all the damage, yet why isn’t it damaged much itself? Bankers Trust / Deutsche Bank Building
Bankers Trust / Deutsche Bank - Why is this Beam Shrivelled?
Banker’s Trust/Deutsche Bank – “Holey Windows” and wilted metal
Soon after 9/11/01 28 July 06 Bankers Trust / Deutsche Bank Building Why repair a building then dismantle it?
It looks like potting soil. What possible explanations you can think of? Landscaping? They appear to have dumped fresh dirt on top of the fuming dust in the "front yard" of WFC2. (A week later, they appear to scoop it up and haul it back out, as shown below for WFC1.)
September 2007. Why are they taking dirt out? Where did the dirt come from?
Instant rusting into the air? Does fire cause instant rust? I don't think so!
Why is this firefighter choosing to walk though the fire instead of around it? Isn't he concerned with catching his pants on fire? Why isn't the paper on fire?
The paper under the car does not appear to be burning, yet the "dust" between the mail truck and the car does appear to be burning.
If this were steam, these workers would have been cooked. If this were as hot as a grill, these people would become something that looked more like a grilled-cheese sandwich. The hoses to their torches would melt and ignite the fuel.
Is this photo really what it seems? Note the exposed hydraulics.